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Hakikur Rahman Jan 2022
is a funny word,
you know.

Though it's comprised of
only four alphabets,
but, to most of the living things,
it has no boundary,
it has no end.

Realizing the inherent fact
that, most of the hopes
just evaporate,
or, may remain at the cocoon,
or, may never see the face of light.

All hopes, however, remain
for days-months-years,
throughout their lives
in dispire!

Not realizing the other fact
that, hope belongs to the eternity.
Dispire meaning- To make someone less interested in pursuing a desired goal.
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
People, usually talk about
all kinds of things-
but, do not say about
the things, they really think.

Even, sometimes they may
say, what they want-
though not much
but, they cannot
though they pretend.

It's a
life long story!
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
One day
I'll not be writing anything,
perhaps not due to any reason,
or, perhaps a reason beyond imagination
and, would not be posting...

One day
I'll not be writing any verse,
perhaps not being well enough,
or, perhaps due to an unknown reason
and, would not able to post...

One day
I'll not be posting any poem,
perhaps due to my prolonged absence,
or, perhaps my days were ended there
and, no one would know.
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
Smile, a little
or bray, cachinnate,
cackle, chortle, chuckle, or giggle.

You can have a reward smile
or, perhaps an affiliative smile
could be a dominance smile
even the lying smile
Could be the wistful smile
Conceivably the polite smile
Possibly the flirtatious smile
or, perchance the embarrassed smile.

Does not matter!

As long as you smile with your untainted heart,
that's matters the most.

Therefore, smile
By reflecting your unsullied heart.
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
The sadness of the ax reveals, without its handle,
At the very near, finding a Ficus religiosa tree,
Said, O my savior.

Said in a gurgling voice-
Will you provide me a dried bough,
Only then can I be effective,
I'll get back my working rhythm.

With a huge heart of the tree,
Said, my dear, obtain it,
I’m donating it for your action.

Suddenly the completed ax-
Began to slash the trunk of the tree,
To acknowledge the benefits of the benefactor
Does anyone cares a little!
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
The world is built around
an invisible, but
rigid wall.

It separates, one kind
from the other, and
as such, the division continues.

Does not matter, if someone
resides in one side,
or the other side-
the destiny would be the same.
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
(Continued from 8/9)

The wicked witch feel hard,
her body become emotionless
by falling from the very high of
the lighthouse-
Gary observed
silently from the abyss.

Thus Gary remembered
all those fables from his
as the stories of his
entire life
passes by his eyes.

When he realized that
the wicked witch is no more,
he slowly climb down
the stairs,
and thanked
the old lighthouse-
that saved him too
along with many many
other souls
throughout the century.

To Gary,
the old lighthouse
remains as the symbol of
courage, strength and
as he became old,
he used to tell these stories
to his grandchildren, and
his grandchildren would tell them to
their grandchildren,
while the old lighthouse
remains as the lone witness.

(End- shortened.)
Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
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