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K R Surendran Feb 2021
In the sunrise of his life
cool, breezy sun enveloped his body
planted kisses on him,
fondled him, elated him.

In the noon of his life,
when the sun was at his peak
a fresh life rushed down his veins
like a stream
made him vibrant, energetic and dynamic
dreamt and wished an everlasting
noon throughout.

Time doesn’t have a stop
dragged him to
the precipice of sunset in his life
and like the sun loses his steam
towards  the end of the day
slowly, slowly
moved down in the western horizon,
he too lost his verve, vigour and virility
and was pushed into
a corner of his existence
with no sign of turning back……
K R Surendran Feb 2021
Winds of change have begun
blowing across the nation
Winds of change have
started uprooting the
venomous trees of dictatorship.
Centuries and decades of
one-upmanship, slavery and
corruption have started
facing threats of extinction.
Dreams of bright morrow have started
brightening the eyes of
whose eyes were gradually
losing glimmer of hopes
and confidence.
Rivers of
blood might be flowing
in the not too distant future
lo and behold, all for
a better world, thus
we need to believe.
Listen to birth pangs of a new
era, a new beginning.
For all gains, some losses
ought to be expected.
K R Surendran Jan 2021
Look, the child is sunk
in the sea of deep slumber
face down on the sea-shore.
Clad in his glittering,
exquisite red shirt
and tight blue jeans
and black shoes
he might have reached the sea-shore
without informing his elders.
See, he is always fond of
the vast expanse of the blue sea
which must have prompted
him to run away to the sea shore from home.
No one knows when he
reached the sea-shore.
One thing is certain
it was hours ago.
Wandering down the sea-shore
for a long time
under the blazing sun
he might have got tired and exhausted.
That might have led
him to fall asleep on the sea-shore
face down on the sand.
‘Aylaan, Aylaan, Aylaan’ -
somebody, perhaps his father or
some other elders from home
was heard calling him in a frightened voice
which was approaching nearer and nearer
from a long distance.
Naughty Aylaan might have
played prank on his elders.
In the meanwhile
a glum-faced, shocked  
soldier came near him
and saw his  lifeless body.
No gentleman, he hasn’t bid farewell to the world.
He’s sunk in deep, deep, deep sea of slumber.
Sure,  after sleep he will
wake up with a smile in his lips
‘See, I was playing
pranks on all’ – would be his response to all.
K R Surendran Jan 2021
Down the flotsam and jetsam of the city
on a fiery sunny day
wandering along the
streets of the cosmopolitan city  
I was praying earnestly
for a secluded, serene, calm and tranquil corner
of the city which is ‘far from the madding crowd’
where silence, peace, coolness reigned supreme
in order to release the red hot lava
flowing down the volcano of my fretting and fuming mind
since more than an hour.
To my surprise and embarrassment
some unseen force led me to this Hall of Silence
to the music of silence.
In the pin drop silence
where almost hundred
people had assembled and meditated
I too joined them and took my seat in one
of the concrete chairs and started meditating.
How long I sat there, no idea
But I experienced the comfort of peace,
tranquility and serenity.
From that day onwards
I ensured that I should be there
whenever I get an
opportunity to be there seeking an outlet
from the rough and tumble of the city………
K R Surendran Jan 2021
In the sunrise of his life
cool, breezy sun enveloped his body
planted kisses on him,
fondled him, elated him.

In the noon of his life,
when the sun was at his peak
a fresh life rushed down his veins
like a stream
made him vibrant, energetic and dynamic
dreamt and wished an everlasting
noon throughout.

Time doesn’t have a stop
dragged him to
the precipice of sunset in his life
and like the sun loses his steam
towards  the end of the day
slowly, slowly
moved down in the western horizon,
he too lost his verve, vigour and virility
and was pushed into
a corner of his existence
with no sign of turning back……
K R Surendran Jan 2021
A dove with olive-branches
between its beaks
was flying from afar.
A hawk perching on
the branch of a tree
was watching the dove stealthily.
It was an accidental coincidence that
the dove espied the hawk
while flying nearer and nearer.
He with olive branches
between his beaks
was calm, quiet and fearless
flew closer and closer to the hawk
and perched beside him.
He looked askance at the hawk
meaning ‘why are you
sitting here’?
‘That is none of your
business’ was the angry
and curt response of the hawk.
The dove returned him a beaming smile.
The hawk was wondering
how come the dove
dares to sit near him
and look askance at him.
He forcefully snatched
an olive branch from the dove
and took it between his beaks.
Within a split-second
the hawk, like in a magic
metamorphosed into a dove
turned  peaceful, calm and quiet.
Both of them became friends
and both ‘messengers of peace’ flew away
to spread the message of
peace and harmony…across the world…..  
This is my wishful thinking
K R Surendran Jan 2021
Bereft of ideas
he wandered around
sometimes hitting his head
sometimes hitting the wind
or gritting teeth.
Despite all his attempts
thinking even from different angles
though aware of the subject
ideas blessed him not.
Someone in him whispered in his ears,
thus he felt
to pen a beautiful poem.
First came to his mind
a sprawling beautiful garden
full of a variety of pretty flowers
and their fragrance
spreading all around in the cool breeze
of the morning with dew drops
dripping from the petals of flowers
and the beetles kissing
and ******* the honey from their lips.
The next moment
someone in him reminded
of several poems he had penned
touching the garden,
beautiful flowers,
and fragrance.
He dropped the thought
of garden,
flowers and the fragrance
blowing all around in the cool breeze
of the misty morning.
Then his imagination took wings
and the picture of two
lovers came to his mind,
their exchange of glances,
smiles, each of them planting kisses
with their passions rising high
and the first love-making
which lifted them to heaven.
But the next moment
someone in him reminded
‘you have already
penned the stories of
lovers and love-birds’.
Pondering over a new theme
he roamed around
and the picture of a vast desert
under fire-spitting sun entered his mind
with only  one person
walking aimlessly
and with thirst, tired and
exhausted he was
for want of a water-spring.
With no one around
to plead for at least
mouthful of water
to wet his dry lips and dry mouth
and empty stomach to regain
the vigour and strength.
No god blessed him
and he fell unconscious
in the  searing heat.
On thinking of the new theme
he said to himself :
‘in these times
mankind’s life on
the earth as a whole
is somewhat like
living in a desert
with love, peace, harmony
and all virtues
disappearing somewhere.’  
The someone in him
went silent………
A sign of approval…?
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