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K R Surendran Jan 2021
Looking from here
in this misty evening
the faraway hill and
its lush greenery enveloped by
the smoke screen of haze
like my  perplexed cloudy mind,
which hides my
crystal-clear, transparent mind.
How long should I wait
for the rise of a
new Sun, a new dawn
which wipes  away the
haze of the faraway hill
unveiling the thick greenery
and the sky-touching hill.
How long should I wait
for the smoke screen of perplexity
covering my mind fades away.
K R Surendran Jan 2021
Dreams, fascinating
ambitions, sky-high
thoughts, innovative
nerves, steely
resolve, firm.
'Iron in the soul',
fearless to the core,
loving, caring mind,
his/her precious assets.
Been through
good and bad times
been through hunger and hardships
poised, serene, tranquil
none was there to guide
philosopher, friend and guide
The blessings in life
husband, wife, children
fame and defamation
as also personal animosities
all visited later,
but no not to be cowed down
under pressure or blackmailing
all, the boon of Goddess of
the boon of sculpting of words
Words ever powerful and mighty
he/she knows for certain
the only companions
throughout, till
the moment of breathing last
will be words, words and words.
K R Surendran Dec 2020
Hoping against hopes,
she lied down, her ear glued to
the pillow
for the music of crickets
from afar,
needles of loud roars
greeted her piercing her tympanum
she lied down convulsing
in excruciating pain.
She lied down on her back,
keeping eyes wide open,
hoping against hopes
for a beautiful verdant
thick green forests,
vast paddy fields
quietly, shyly flowing stream
each side lined-up with pandanus,
like a silver line,
dividing the sprawling fields.
she saw,
sky-rocketing concrete forests
all around,
a hazy metropolis,
smoke billowing out
into the atmosphere.
Aloud she cried,
aloud she burst out laughing
to reach her loved ones afar.
Her cries,
all returned, ‘undelivered’.
Woke up from the bed
took two ****** tablets,
gulped them down,
and slumped in the cot.
Seconds ticked past
drowned in the ocean of slumper
she lay
followed by a chain of dreams
the cherished dreams of
crickets chirping
beautiful verdant landscape,
thick green forests,
quietly, shyly flowing,
sparkling stream,
resembling a village lass,
like a silver line,
dividing vast paddy fields,
children in ‘birthday suits’
diving into it
swimming along
disturbing the tranquility of the stream.
Everything she enjoyed
her heart full to the brim with joy and delight.
Life though not worth living
life certainly worth dreaming.
K R Surendran Dec 2020

Like a sugar-cane vendor
crushing a bunch of sugar-cane
in his machine,
They squeezed us,
juice extracted,
handed over it on a platter
to the tourists.
"Nice, sweet, very sweet"-
Praised they in chorus
"It's our blood and sweat sirs",
We lamented in exhaustion.
Our cries,
Cries in the wilderness.


The roar of the beast
terrifies us,
All voices get drowned in its roar,
The shape of the beast,
set off ripples down our spines,
Gigantic, with a wide,
sharp tongue,
Horrifies us.
The sight of the beast,
running towards us
in thirst and hunger,
baring its tongue,
disarms us, forces us
to surrender meekly,
without even a whimper,
followed by a line
of little beasts.
With its sharp, wide, tongue,
lifts our tents
within seconds,
and fill the belly of little beasts.
Our helpless cries, always cries in the wilderness.


They turn benign once in a while,
little students in uniforms,
followed by their masters,
with sympathies abound,
visit us.
They serve us sumptuous feasts,
pat on our backs,
our children watch them
with blank eyes, emaciated
they are, skinny they are,
Eat everything greedily
sumptuous feasts,
sweets following,
greedily, yes greedily.
Dreams they must have had
wings of ambitions they must had,
"Wings of fire" they must have had,
No let-up, though.
Their cries, like cries in the wilderness.


One day we saw a young woman,
In her torn salwar and kameez,
in dishevelled hair.
Her face bruised and lips bleeding
Entering a police-station.
Crying she was.
Half an hour gone.
We saw her returning to the crowded city street,
Her expression stony,
Like a mid-air explosion
a sudden impulse,
in a fit of rage and frustration,
She stripped herself off-
her salwar, kameez and shawl
In her bra and *******
talking loudly to herself,
gesturing wildly
frightening sight it was
her entire body too bleeding,
Down the roads she walked
swiftly to nowhere,
a visual feast to the passers by,
and commuters,
All in good humour.
Media men with their cameras followed her,
In a hurry to capture the sight,
without even leaving the minutest details,
the channels flashed the entire sight repeatedly,
The plight of an Indian woman,
the sight an eloquent one
Her cries like cries in the wilderness.


One day,
In the broad-daylight,
While city was reeling under
sweltering heat,
A few khaki-wallahs,
Reached our colony,
In a jeep.
Went on a hunt,
to each tent,
fished out a youth,
Bholaram, his name,
the red eyed demons,
Beat him, kicked him around,
punched him,
Rained thundering blows on him,
And reducing him to pulp,
Threw him into the vehicle,
And drove him away.
His parents, wife,
children screamed helplessly
beating their chests
Nothing heard of him
since then.
Their cries like cries in the wilderness.
K R Surendran Dec 2020
Gritting his teeth
fretting and fuming
his eyes burning like
glowing embers
****** muscles tensed-up often
emotions-pain, anger,
shock, all flashed in his eyes.
Body language revealed his varying emotions
"If I were that hapless girl
(With fists ****** into the space as if to hit anyone)
"I would have bloodied,
his nose and reduced him into pulp"
"A poor girl squeezed like
a bunch of cane-sticks and thrown
down the drains"
"*******" - he fumed.
News caster bewildered, aghast and
The burning glowing
embers in his eyes
made all stunned
his voice like the
roar of a lion
"paedophiles , rapists
goons , looters
underworld , terrorists
roaming bloodhounds
flesh-traders - all on prowl
searching victims.
"Picture these ." he thundered.
Alloted time lapsed
A big 'Thank you ' by
The newscaster
He breathed easy
Cooling down
The Thespian cast a smile,
a beaming smile
perhaps at me, perhaps
who knows?
K R Surendran Dec 2020

A beautifully woven fabric
shining since decades
is being gradually torn asunder.
Brave and independent
voices being stifled and silenced.
Fear psychosis across the nation
like an epidemic is being affecting
countless of citizens
irrespective of writers,
artists, intellectuals
and common citizens.
Tolerance, patience
unity and serenity are being
driven to the brink of the abyss.
Elimination of poverty
of millions being spoken aloud in words
but not in deeds both here and abroad.
And the world is watching
and is gradually coming to grip with
story of the river of freedom
being  getting dried…..
K R Surendran Dec 2020
Pleasurably, conveniently
seated in
the ring-side seats
we went on watching
the circus awashed with
neon lights.
Sometimes holding
breath, feeling our heartbeats
getting louder and louder
on watching the artists
performing adventures,
sometimes watching
the antics of the clowns,
dressed-up for such roles
we sat pretty
laughing aloud
which reverberated
Hours lapsed
without we getting
aware of
immersed in the
surreal world of
adventures and pranks
we got up, started
leaving one by one.
The faces and
features of the artists
adventures as well as
etched on the walls
of my mind.
On the way home
recalled me a
film on circus artists
risking lives
full of tension, laughs
and tears.
Behind the scenes,
after the day’s performance
was over
visualised I
circumstances that
drove them to a circus tent
their humble backgrounds
days of hunger
with fire in their bellies
blood, sweat and tears
and the never to be
attained dreams
each one shared
visited once again
the inner recesses of
my heart.
On second thoughts
like great
film directors holding
to the society around
creating celluloid poems
I too held a mirror
to my surroundings
picturising in my mind
a circus tent
of which I am a part
better a particle
and felt like,
our society as a whole
inhabited by circus
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