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K R Surendran Dec 2020
Road to freedom is

narrow, crater-filled,

broken and shattered.

Road to freedom is

a long-winding path

and each one should have

to march ahead bare-footed.

Road to freedom, like life

has its ups and downs

and the long march makes

all tired, exhausted and

bruised with blood oozing out.

Road to freedom always

demands will, determination and courage

to face all odds including

seemingly insurmountable obstructions.

Obstructions are the rival soldiers

out to force the freedom fighters

put a halt to their onward march.


the ultimate victory is

that of freedom fighters

since they are determined to enter

Road to Freedom...
K R Surendran Dec 2020
Like a man caught
in the labyrinth of life
like a butterfly
caught in a spider-web
like an insect
caught by lizard,
like a hen faints
at the very sight of a fox
and falls into his mouth
like a fish
caught in the net of a fisherman
like a mouse caught,
trapped in the mouth of a cat
like a girl trapped
in treacherous love,
and gang-*****
and ends in a brothel
for life
like an innocent being
caught, charged with ******
and sent to the gallows
Mother Earth, day by day
minute by minute, second by second
gets choked and drained-off its
essence and being made
K R Surendran Dec 2020
While the world is asleep,
in the starry, moonlit nights,
after tense and tiresome evenings
caught in ocassional sleep
ocassional celestial dreams,
pay visits to me.
In my imaginary wings
fly me to the
shore of River Ganges,
enjoy me the beauty of
the Ganges and the landscape around
the great blue Himalayan mountains
the celestial ambience
showers boundless blessings
upon me
to my supreme ecstasy.
Upon noticing vast expanse
of starry, moonlit azure skies
mirroring deep down,
in crystal-clear water,
Bending down,
take me in my cupped-palms
the golden moon, stars
upon bringing cupped-palms
close to my eyes
sense me the
loving touch and kisses
of the stars and moon
in abundance.
The smooth flowing
sparkling Ganges
sends me to
the level of supreme salvation
albeit for a few seconds.
Look me heaven-wards
in my imaginary wings
fly back
get drowned in deep sleep
a cheerful, contended,
serene, sound sleep.
Ocassional blessings
K R Surendran Dec 2020
One day we saw a young woman,
in her torn salwar and kameez,
in dishevelled hair,
her face bruised and lips bleeding
entering a police station
crying she was.
Half an hour gone.
We saw her returning to the crowded city street,
her expression stony,
Like a mid-air explosion
a sudden impulse,
in a fit of rage and frustration,
she stripped herself off-
her salwar, kameez and shawl
in her bra and *******
talking loudly to herself,
gesturing wildly
frightening sight it was
her entire body too bleeding,
down the roads she walked
swiftly to nowhere,
a visual feast to the passers by,
and commuters,
all in good humour.
Media men with their cameras followed her-
in a hurry to capture the sight,
without even leaving the minutest details,
the channels flashed the entire sight repeatedly,
the plight of an Indian woman,
the sight an eloquent one
her cries like cries in the wilderness.

— The End —