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As we talk to each other,
We are not sweet.
But as we hold, hug, and kiss
There's something telling its actions.
The way she looks, the way she smiles
The way she cares, there's something she wanted to tell.
She's sweet, I honestly don't know which is which. What are we? What am I? Who am I? What am I doing?

Her hug tells me I'm safe. Her gestures, She says she wanted me to stay. Watching movies, stolen stares. Fried eggs, eggplants, rice. Midnights snacks. Washing dishes, ****** washes, brushing teeth. Stolen glances, holding hands, nibble bites, asking questions, deeper thoughts.

Small voices, sweet voices, morning smiles, grumpy looks, lip bites and crazy looks.
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As I see her, I was stargazing. It was beautiful, perfectly made by God. As I deepen my look in her eyes I fell, in her eyes is a pit.

I am doomed, trapped in a black hole. I do not know when or when it was, the ๐—ถ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ of her caring for me.

As Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune had rings. I put my mine in hers. The next thing happened is the feeling of her lips. As red as mars.

I made a bow to never leave her through sickness and health. The next morning I woke up in front of her.

I gave her a forehead kiss and a nibble in her lips. As I open my eyes it was daydreaming, trully reality hurts.

In my dreams she was mine, she was my universe but as I see her in another dimension. I wished I was him.

In my daydreaming it cost me heart[a] [c] [h] [e].
#daydream #ache #universe #constellation #love #figurative
Rain is pouring
Crows are cawing
Rain is pouring
Corpse are missing

Helpless shouts
The thieves laughs
Baby cries out of hunger
But no one pampers

You are alone
Everyone for themselves
Someone's talking
To someone cannot be seen

The rain stops
But hunger does not
Corpse are found
But no single clue of Life
Love is War

I will love you like a war. I will fight for you just to win your heart.

I will never die in vain but die with glory and live with an honor.

Love will be the trench of our battleground. Hand with soil, love with soul.

I could die just to win the war. And if I lose, I would pray for another life just to win you again.

โ€” The End โ€”