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eyndinmncnll Sep 2023
In shadows cast, a deceitful dance,
Cheating's allure, a fleeting chance.
A web of lies, a tangled scheme,
A broken trust, a shattered dream.

The cheater's path, a treacherous road,
Where promises fade and hearts erode.
In pursuit of gain, they lose their way,
Leaving pain and sorrow in their wake.

But remember well, the cost it bears,
For cheating's flame burns, but never repairs.
Honesty's light, the better way to go,
In love and life, let integrity glow.

Let's strive for truth, in every endeavor,
For cheating's grip, we must endeavor.
In loyalty and faith, let hearts find rest,
For honesty's path is always the best.
eyndinmncnll Sep 2023
In whispers shared, secrets unfold,
A chismosa's tale, in stories untold.
From neighbor's news to rumors wide,
In hushed tones, we let curiosity guide.

Gossip's allure, a tempting delight,
Spreading tales from morning to night.
Behind closed doors and over the fence,
A chismosa's world, in suspense.

But let us remember, as we pry,
To be kind and gentle, not quick to belie.
For words have the power to mend or break,
In the chismosa's journey, let empathy wake.

So gather 'round, oh chismosa's kin,
Let's share our stories with care within.
In our little circle of whispers and grace,
May understanding and compassion find their place.
eyndinmncnll Sep 2023
In the glittering world of lustre and gleam,
There's a tale of desire, a not-so-distant dream.
A figure in the shadows, a heart led astray,
The pursuit of fortune, in a most cunning way.

They seek not love or connection's sweet song,
But fortunes and riches, to which they belong.
A gold digger's heart, shallow and cold,
Chasing the treasures, forsaking the soul.

Yet, let us remember, with empathy's grace,
That often, beneath, there's a hidden, sad face.
A yearning for something, perhaps not well-known,
A loneliness or longing, in their heart's silent zone.

For greed can be blinding, ambition can bind,
Leaving empty those hearts, in the pursuit left behind.
In the end, it's the richness of love that prevails,
For true wealth is measured in heartfelt details.

So, let's not be quick to judge, but seek to understand,
The complexities that lie beneath, in the shifting sand.
A gold digger's path may be paved with deceit,
But in love and compassion, hearts truly meet.
eyndinmncnll Sep 2023
In a world of vibrant colors, where love knows no confines,
We celebrate diversity, where every heart unwinds.
For in the tapestry of life, a rainbow brightly gleams,
Embracing awareness of LGBTQ, we honor diverse dreams.

In every shade and orientation, identities that bloom,
We find the strength to stand as one, dispelling fear and gloom.
Love transcends the boundaries, it knows no black or white,
In the realm of acceptance, we all find our inner light.

With pride we raise our voices, in unity we sing,
A chorus of acceptance, to the world, we bring.
For LGBTQ, with open hearts, we listen, learn, and grow,
In embracing understanding, love's boundless rivers flow.

No matter who you love or who you choose to be,
We stand beside you, hand in hand, in solidarity.
Embracing awareness of LGBTQ, we celebrate the truth,
That love is love, and in its name, we'll forever find our youth.

In this world of acceptance, where diversity's embraced,
We find a stronger, kinder place, where all are free to chase,
Their dreams, their love, their lives, in the sun's warm, gentle rays,
Embracing awareness of LGBTQ, we'll walk in brighter days.
eyndinmncnll Sep 2023
In a world that often judges by appearance and by size,
Body shaming and discrimination cast their hurtful lies.
But let us rise above these words, these judgments, and these stares,
For every human being, a unique story shares.

Our bodies are our vessels, they carry us through life,
Each shape and size is beautiful, in this diverse world so rife.
To judge based on externals is to miss the heart within,
For true beauty lies in kindness, in the love that's found therein.

Discrimination's harsh, dividing lines, we must erase,
Replace them with acceptance, in every time and place.
Let's celebrate our differences, the colors of our skin,
For in diversity, we find strength, a world where we all win.

No one should feel the sting of words, the pain of cruel disdain,
We must stand against discrimination, break that hurtful chain.
In unity and empathy, we'll build a world anew,
Where love and understanding thrive, in everything we do.

So, let us be the change we seek, in actions and in voice,
Rejecting body shaming and discrimination as our choice.
For in a world that's free from judgment, where love and kindness reign,
We'll find a brighter future, where all can thrive, free from pain.
eyndinmncnll Sep 2023
In the realm of schoolyard echoes, where children laugh and play,
Lies a haunting shadow, where innocence fades away.
It's the torment of the powerless, a wound that often stings,
The heart-wrenching story of those who endure bullying's painful wings.

But let us rise and face this plight, for change begins with grace,
To end the hurtful cycle, we must stand up and embrace.
With empathy and kindness, like a shield of strength and might,
Together we can make a stand, against the endless fight.

Bullying thrives in silence, in the shadows it does thrive,
But when we choose to intervene, we keep the hope alive.
For every voice that's raised, for every hand that's lent,
We can transform a world of pain into one of love, intent.

Let us teach the younger ones, the power to be kind,
To understand the hurt they cause, and leave no soul behind.
In unity, we'll break the chains, and let compassion reign,
For in a world without bullying, we'll heal each other's pain.

For every victim who has suffered, for every tear they've cried,
We'll stand as one against the storm, with love and strength beside.
Bullying's grip may weaken, as our voices rise above,
In the symphony of unity, we'll replace it with a loving, lasting love.
eyndinmncnll Sep 2023
In the depths of my past, where shadows used to dwell,
I carried scars and burdens that I could not dispel.
A traumatic tapestry, woven in shades of pain,
But in facing those demons, I'd rise above the strain.

The memories were haunting, a relentless, haunting tide,
But in the echoes of the past, I learned not to hide.
For in the darkest corners, where nightmares did reside,
I found the strength to heal, to cast the pain aside.

With time and tender care, I mended broken strands,
Stitching up the wounds, with gentle, loving hands.
Though the past may linger, like a ghost that won't let go,
I've emerged from the shadows, with a stronger inner glow.

No longer defined by trauma, I've reclaimed my destiny,
In the chapters yet unwritten, I've found my legacy.
Through the storms of yesterday, I've learned to find my way,
In the light of a hopeful future, where I choose to stay.

For the past, though painful, has shaped who I've become,
A survivor, a warrior, under a brighter sun.
In the tapestry of my life, scars blend with threads of gold,
A testament to resilience, a story to be told.

So, let this poem be a reminder, for those who've walked that path,
That healing is possible, and you can find your strength.
In the echoes of a traumatic past, your spirit can be free,
To embrace a brighter future, where love and hope decree.
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