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Sheila Haskins Nov 2020
Write me a song, make me sweet music
Wrapped round my heart so I never lose it
May the words resonate like old friends of mine
The music remind me of sweet summer wine
The song celebrate all the things that we do
Re-create loving memories of you
Will the chords harmonise, strike the right note
Will I want to sing, will it burst from my throat
Like a waterfall tumbling over the ground
Lilting and splashing the music around
A song you gave me when we were together
And when it is written, will you and me be
Singing our love song forever and ever
Sheila Haskins Dec 2020
You are here in the morning light
You are here in the darkening night
Eternal, ancient, unceasingly new
You are known to many, lost to a few
In the wonder of breathing you lie
In the wonder of being, all seeing eye
In mountains in valleys, seascape and sky
You speak to the world, never saying a word
Your voice  a sweet cry, from the throat of a bird
No matter if we know or believe
You are here to give, we to receive
Our laughter and tears tossed in the sea
As the waves rise and fall, old history
You are what you are, you are glory
Enriching our lives, never ending your story


You are here
Sheila Haskins Nov 2020
It’s a song that bursts through the walls
Of discontent, a song that enthrals
A song to move mountains of years
A song that is sweet in your ears
Never underestimate, never decry
The power of your song as time passes by
Over the years the melody lingers
Let the music run through your fingers
Kings have been moved by its power
Your song she is growing hour by hour
It’s a personal treasure, special to you
There in your heart whatever you do
Never underestimate, never decry
The power of your song, don’t let it die

— The End —