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Cloud tendrils May 2021
Vacuum within *****,
Beats in mind tick tock,
Reality chimes incoherence,
But you feel all.

Bubbles of talk,
You try to catch.
Hearing and smiles,
Reflect later.

You ignore before,
The things that sap.
Because you want
The past you love.

What should tired be,
Look within.
Mental muscles
Flex ‘em always.

Compare and dare,
Each day awake.
Your mind is yours,
Never let ‘em take.
Cloud tendrils Mar 2021
Energy born and exploding,
Finding your place.
Takes time for sure
But you don’t grasp time.

Some are born with time
Or are given during upbringing.
Others hit their head
Against it until it hurts.

Time comes to us all,
Experience is it’s name.
The test is not to dwell
On what it did not bring.

We are all a wave yet to break.
Peace should be found,
When you chose to ride it
And not try to stop.

Regrets poke like a pain
But they matter.
Like yesterday’s time
They will pass.
Cloud tendrils Jan 2021
Selfish said all,
Consumption is all they are.
Focussed on money,
Growth will conquer all.

Challenge their being,
And all will fall apart.
Fight amongst themselves,
Whilst devouring the weakest.

Well 2020 came,
As a wind through us.
Taking no prisoners,
Except the loved ones left behind.

The history is still fluid,
But we should already marvel.
A collective effort on par,
With a moonshot or armistice.

Remember that health worker,
Scientist with delivery driver.
And those who supported
Came together.

Science flexed it’s muscles
And shrugged off the naysayers.
Society held closer
Those it already did.

Smile and look upon,
The society we are within.
That came together today,
To deliver a hopeful tomorrow.
Trying to feel positive and pouring out words helps me.
Cloud tendrils Jan 2021
Explosion that hits
As you walk out the door
Cacophony of sound
Why leave my cave

Like a foreign country
They smile at you
Trying to make you comfortable
But you sit encased

As natural as the sun rises
You feel you should be chattering
They feel you should be chattering
But you just smile or frown

Company is your company
At least you realise lonely
Some people follow the sun
Just because it shines
Cloud tendrils Dec 2020
Why is the stare of youth so penetrating,
Because it knows you will wilt,
You can try to look away
But you know what they want.

Their faces glow as yours once did,
Impermeable to the winds of time.
You can growl and pinch at them.
But you know they need your support.

Plant the seeds for trees you will never see,
Clear the nettles and brambles,
But not all of them as each has its place,
Let each ***** themselves but grow.

All trajectories eventually land,
Yours before theirs and maybe softer.
Laugh they will at your assumed wisdom
But when they ground they will know.
Cloud tendrils Oct 2020
Hair has grown long
Who could care less.
I do when wind blows
More nature close to my head

Hair soon to be sheared
Lockdown cave to be left
Bright light of others
Lonely reflections no more

Hair to be seen again
Much like my smile
Duty hangs in the air
Heavier always amongst storms

Hair always grows
Along with a beating heart
Winds will always blow
Whatever length my hair feels
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