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 Jul 2020 Andrea
All good words and pretty poems will fade eventually.
Like a mountain laughing at the river below.
Like a beautiful face you see for a second on the sidewalk.
Like a blue star glimmering in the sky, that's probably already gone.
All good words and pretty poems will fade eventually.
Like true love.
Like a good song to keep us going through the day.
Like our personal heroes to make us feel like were perfectly fine.
Like a letter in a drawer you were to bring to a secret naked lover.
All goods and words and pretty poems will fade eventually.
Like a great big whale dancing across the sea.
Like an endless forest full of life and chaos.
Like an aspiring poet writing this poem.
All good words and pretty poems will fade eventually.
A life without death or change isn't much of a life at all.
Don’t let there be gloom, it is so easy for it to grow when watered
it will cover even the most beautiful of flowers,
you’ve always been gifted with a green thumb, and a large heart
you deserve to harvest
lovely things are coming
water those blossoms because they do give fruit
 Jul 2020 Andrea
I never really got to thank you enough
For this, for caring, for being such an amazing friend, I never got to say thank you enough.

I remember losing myself in the ocean,
In the flower fields,
In the mountain range,
And in the universes that reside in your eyes.
I remember my heart fluttering at the sound of your chuckles,
I remember your voice that used to sooth my bleeding heart.

I loved you... and sometimes you loved me too.
I still have a little light left in this sepulchre of a heart,
I still see you there at times...
"Love is so short, forgetting is so long..."
 Jul 2020 Andrea
Own it
 Jul 2020 Andrea
If this is a mistake
I'm not afraid of making it

— The End —