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I don't know how to feed
any kind of starving need
unless it makes me bleed
and plants unrest's seed
in full moon frozen glow
with nothing left to show
and nowhere left to go
near death's dark shadow.
Fall in love a million times
with everyone you meet and
go there with them and never
regret what you screamed for.
I walked the earth
looking for our love
hiding in some nook
or cranny a false alarm
broke heart and charm
you bring me to my knees
I pray and pleasure
what it takes to please.
She said she was pregnant.
I proposed with a ring she
said I'll think about it.
She strung me out then
she was in horrible pain
I carried her into Emergency
and saved her life ectopic
fetus dying in tubes.
They always say
you're not supposed to fight
in front of your kids.
Everybody fights
in front of their kids.
That's family.
Hookers and runaways
god we love strangers
brothers and sisters
embracing our dangers.

We sell ourselves out
**** and fancy dinner.
I buy lottery tickets.
I am never the winner.

Bring home leftovers
for the howling pack
a fight for my bones
for a midnight snack.
I meet strangers I've known for years.
  Awkward catching ups, names forgotten.
  So many kids. Who the hell is whose?
  Old and fat and sagging jowls everywhere.
  We were the youth who knew it all then.
  Who planned this? Don't ever do it again!
We're all seeds scattered to the wind.
Years have hardened our thoughts,
Now we meet as strangers with a
small piece that seems familiar.
Awkward. Let's talk about the past
we've all tried so hard to forget.
Remember when?
I'd rather we were dead.
We're all seeds scattered to the wind.
Years have hardened our thoughts,
Now we meet as strangers with a
small piece that seems familiar.
Awkward. Let's talk about the past
we've all tried so hard to forget.
Do you know these people
  dirt poor with joyful eyes?
  No tears or pity asked they
  work hell's cloudless skies
  every meal fatback and beans  
  sharecropper hands of stone
  Sunday overalls starched go
  to Church praise Jesus, atone.
For Brenda O.
Keep laughing
you never cried
at my dancing
all I did was died.
My soul is prancing
pearly gates pride.
Raise your beers to us common men.
We wear denim and carry lunches to
rough jobs with rough hands packed
by rough wives in rough drafty homes.
We raise kids with rough love who can
endure in rough times and love men
with rough ways. We are common folk.
We're no different than the rest of you.
Raise your beers to us common men.
We wear denim and carry lunches to
rough jobs with rough hands packed
by rough wives in rough drafty homes.
We raise kids with rough love who can
endure in rough times and love men
with rough ways. We are common folk.
We're no better than the rest of you.
I barely beat the dawn home.
It was a long night more alive
than ever. I'll die later on.
****. Coke. Jack. Lust. Love.
My humors keep me balanced.
All is right with the world.
Lust is never too old or too drunk.
I'll crawl into the city again
and find the fast lane and jump
the tracks into the stratosphere.
I burn brightest for an instant
and die inside you satisfied at last.
I could've been at his deathbed. Maybe offered
      some solace and comfort and sent him off
      with a proper "God's speed"!
      I Declined an Invitation to My Father's Death.
      I might've played right into his hands and now
      guilt plagues me as I listen to sad songs and
      write sad poetry and hope I remember to call my son
      tomorrow so that maybe he'll be at my death bed.
I could've been at his deathbed. Maybe offered
      some solace and comfort and sent him off
      with a proper "God's speed"!
      I Declined an Invitation to My Father's Death.
      I might've played right into his hands and now
      guilt plagues me as I listen to sad songs and
      write sad poetry and hope I remember to call my son
      tomorrow so that maybe he'll be at my death bed.
Blood is thicker than water
   come hell or angry daughter
   she hides me in her heart
   until my troubles depart
   holds me like a child tonight
   with fists ready for a fight.
My roommate was one of a kind.
  "******' A, Chump", belonged to him.
  He gulped life like a drowning man.
  He wasn't handsome but he had charisma.

  I worked in Waltham, Mass. We were all
  misfits but smart as whips! We kept the
  DECSystem 10 computers serving brainiacs.
  We worked and partied hard. The olden days...
They trust our blind allegiance
    to their lies in their arrogance
    acquiesce for money or *** again.
    Blackmail us always with our sin.
    Billions of humankind rising tide
    against your sterile smug genocide.
A butterfly floats on summer breezes.
  Love weighs a god zillion pounds and
  has a billion moving parts and can't.
  I love you in panic and breakdowns.
  Hold me aloft and teach me to fly
  so I can love before I finally die.
We tease one another with love
  then we ****** our valentines out
  of reach and wait by the windows.
  I always give cards wet in blood.
  I die alone waiting by the phone.
  My heart's delivered in a casket.
Touch my feelings
wet fingers with tears
weep as I weep old
near death's fears

I was a boy then
life was forever
before I found sin
my ****** lover

we rejected Eden
for Satan's fruit
out girl and boy
die in a black suit
We're made of tiny forests
upon life's beautiful tyranny
demanding its fair duty or its
virus claims its pound of flesh
I ate the Covid
good Lord calling
like flies we die
belief is falling.
Death made in
US funded labs
fortunes mandated
vaccine poison jab.
We've been beat near to death
  Irish mules to pull English
  plows through rocks and clay.
  Steal our country at your peril.
  We keep our dignity and fight.
  Our pubs crawl with hatred.
We've been beat near to death.
  Irish mules pull English plows
  rocks and clay our last breath.
  You steal our milk, eat our cows.

  Steal our island as you might.
  Ireland is Our emerald sacred
  We keep our dignity and fight.
  Pubs crawl with pure hatred.
In a fancy restaurant a tank
  of lobsters on death row
  waiters penguin like hover
  with rice ready to throw
  at a newly wedded couple
  with their baggage in tow
  no pedigree but filthy rich
  going south to escape the snow.
Life isn't precious. It's comical.
It's a wonder the human race is
still here. We're addicted to any
thing that makes us high enough
to escape the dreary life we live.
We **** everything. We put ****
in our veins for a minute of peace.
We die to escape loneliness finally.
Life isn't precious. It's comical.
It's a wonder the human race is
still here. We're addicted to any
thing that makes us high enough
to escape the dreary life we live.
We **** everything. We put ****
in our veins for a minute of peace.
We die to escape loneliness finally.
We grow old in love
fall apart with age
I'm a broken dove
turn the final page.
Like a dying man's last words
I leave this final poem.
I've never treated anyone
like hired help. Everybody
matters in this brilliant mess.
Lose your mind a time or 2
in the life we're gifted so you
know how happy feels.
The clock wound down. Time stood still.
    That is how this world came to its end.
    I led the families to their graves.
    I hope you'll forgive me my job.
    The Deity demanded it. I'm the Devil
    and play my role in this final scene.
I gave my final wave
lowered into my grave
forget me now please
I rest under Fall leaves
Live among the dead
**** death's dread
she'll still find us all
live until her final call
I spent my father's cruelty upon that poor dog.
   Every night of my life I feared what I did.
   I spared my children for awhile but abandoned
   them in the end as I was swept up in madness
   and delivered to Boston. The land of Oz. It had
   computer wizards and shrinks with ******.
   I kept my mind intact with drugs, *****, ***
   and guardian angels with curly hair and
   warm places within their hearts and souls.
   They helped me find my way back home again.
Put your heart in the auction.
Bids for her pounds of meat,
one holds back, his royal caution
until he counts your heartbeat,
feels your honest ****** heat.
Swears to his god to never cheat.
You found true love now complete.
In fields of high grass we ****** like
  lovers in the springtime of our lives.
  We're gray and wrinkled and shy with
  our ******, not like we used to be.
  We were beauties to be drawn naked.
  Sketches mock us. We eat cake in bed
  without shame and laugh at body noise.
  We snore and try again in morning.
I'll give you food
I'll give you water
I'll share my bed
you steal covers
I shiver at night
you snore and
gift silent farts
walk you drunk
pick up your ****
married my dog.
Huge golden retriever runt of litter
chasing ***** just not his thing.
He chases squirrels they disappear
in terror of the conquering king.
I'm a clown burned in fires
most days I don't know me
scarred in midnight desires
I stare in a mirror to see
who I was before the liars
bent my image what to be.
I love Love's Flame. I don't understand
where the fierce heat of her beginning
goes over time. I do my best to love
in Love's ashes. I dig for our lust.
I find spent love and empty hearts
yearning for another forest fire.
The warrior stood tall
against a pock marked wall
rifles **** fuse on a clock
no more tick or tock
blindfold and cigarette
entry to death's regret.
Bless me, Father
for I have sinned.
I had *** with a nun
tasted priests' ***
took god's name
in some kind of vain.
Lied to mom and dad
was just kinda  bad.
Say 3 Our Father's and 3 Hail Mary's.
Waltham, Massachusetts.
First Data was my miracle.
My second coming.
A chance to get it right.
Don't nail me to a cross.
I always rise from the dead.
I brought a book
and flowers for you
and a fragile heart
hoped that I would do.

57 years we are still
climbing our journey
up what's left hill
I always hope to be.
I'll bring my wounded heart.
I know you'll bring yours.
We're both old soldiers
been through many tours.
We danced awkward
edge of youth's desire
two tiered nature bird
stole first kiss in the fire.
I've been young among the tall summer grass
and swimming in ponds with best friends and
learning swear words and feeling something
while near girls that caught my attention.
Susan Tucker was the first confusing kiss.
I felt like I never felt before. Kiss me again
and again until I say stop. Then I'm ready
for new lips and a lifetime of lust's sin.
Kiss me like there's no tomorrow
hold my hand like yesterday
dance with me on time we borrow
with life's memories to replay.
Kids say swear words,
  smell sweet girl hair
  I never knew before.
  Susan Tucker was my
  first confusing kiss
  loved forever more.
I say swear words,
  smell sweet girl hair
  I never knew before.
  Susan Tucker was my
  first confusing kiss
  loved forever more.
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