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Born in a coal mine town
rarely up mostly down
into a dead cold hell
make a living in a well.
I talked my way
into your broke
smile and *******
Mr. happy woke
tall at attention
the rarest *******
my sweet affection
another misdirection.
Flash of light
blinding night.
Sounds astound
everything caves
explodes insane
death is blind.
A puzzle of lovers at a party
million pieces broken mirrors
matches will set them free
otherwise there's only tears.
The second hand
drags its clock
hour glass sand
to our desert rock
ancient wind land.
I drove to Boston with
  a teacher and a dealer
  and a snake oil healer,
  left family like trash
  burned it down to ash
  in a lightening flash
  shrinks passed me on
  one to another ******
  to stay inside my mind
  and they rob me blind
  calm before the storm
  world's fabric is torn
  hear God's heart beat
  feel hell's cruel heat
  the panic attack I have
  a bus stop on Mass Ave.
  I walk miles to my womb
  my tiny safe attic room.
It dies in neglect
no night kiss notion.
Broke sacred vows
lost in time's ocean.
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