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The doctors keep us meek
we know the pad they keep
just one more script  to sleep
drowning in the black deep.
The things we've been through,
some were lies but mostly true.
We drank our strangest brew,
dreamed our lives, never knew
tomorrow what madness grew
what in love's trance we'd do.
I hate to burden you
with my ugly stew.
I've wreaked havoc
too much on the clock.
I wish I were a pain.
Humanity's stain
died in a **** oven
pity blessed coven.
Do you think
I don't know
I left you to sink
in the undertow?

I know I broke
all that mattered
we never spoke.
I died splattered.
My scarecrow has a brain.
My Tin man has a heart.
Dorothy circles the drain.
She went back to the start
Her lion found his part.
Time moves us all apart.
I remember lovers from years ago.
I don't remember darkness or glow.
Angels and ****** felt the same.
For the life of me I forget their name.
I don't want to be cruel
to the innocent fool
and innocent lamb.
I hate the me I am.
I set the jackals loose
in hangover noose
scare the grand kid
scar his heart I did.
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