I'm not sure what to say are you in a bad day? Do you need space? Am I leaving this place? Is your garden forbidden? Is your true heart hidden? Just questions, no answers always unknown cancers.
Beauty and perfume I'm in love with you. Drunk and dry spell what else would I do? *** all the week long, eating in then eat out. Turn it up louder song. MIA at work ants shout. What is the fuss about? Fierce *** is never wrong.
I brought you to life in a poem. You'll never love in moderation. Love screams out loud and catches its breath and sleeps 'til noon. Then it happens next full moon.
I never made it to Christmas or Birthdays or school plays. I was drunk and chasing *** to bed somewhere for lays. I know my failure up close live in forever confessions forget me with each dose erase me in shrink sessions.