Naked burned in my memory I draw your beauty perfectly. You ask if I would stay Sunday Times crossword we will play. Wake Monday sleet grey day. Cash only when I leave to pay.
I misled you from the start. I adored your kind heart and your weaker knees spread apart to please. We made our Love baby no if and or maybe. 25 years we downsize sleep alone realize these rooms don't fit sleep in a box unlit.
I'm insecure bad boy unsure born broken first son token Dad a war hero speed freak curio temper short fuse love hate confuse minefield stroll security was stole.
Time warps are real God cheats, will steal minutes become hours night's stolen stars. We live in sideshows freaks nobody knows the rules to follow. It all seems shallow. It's right or wrong. It's weak or strong. all crooked rhyme warped bent time.
Where can I set my pain fears so as not to upset an apple cart? I ran away in desperate tears bleeding out from the start. 6 Alcott Lane disappears the homecoming heart.