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133 · Jun 2020
Look Out For Love
Robert Lathan Jun 2020
I used to think
That love was just a silly game
Played by fools
Who didn’t know the rules
For living

But now I know better
For love can come from anywhere
You won’t even know it’s there....
Till you find it in your heart
And It’s tearing you apart
So brother you better beware

Love can catch you
No matter how hard you try
You just can’t fight it
Or hide what you feel inside
Love’ll make you wonder
And turn your world around
So look out for love
You better look out for love

I wasn’t looking
So it caught me by suprise
The feeling that hit me
When I looked into your eyes
Now I wanna hold ya
And caress you tenderly
But if you stand any closer
I will fall endlessly

Gotta find a way to tell you
What you’ve done to me
Every time I close my eyes
It’s your lovely face I see

I imagine
Getting to know you so much better
Girl I know we should be together
I can’t bear to be apart
So listen to your heart
And let me give you what you’re missing
109 · Jun 2020
Someone like you
Robert Lathan Jun 2020
Someone like you
Exactly where does one start
When trying to put into words
The very essence and epitome of the words “Black Art”

For you are truly a marvel
And a wonder to behold
Your qualities are immeasurable
Almost too many to be told

To say you are stunning or ****
Might seem just a tad passe
For a woman of your magnitude
Isn’t born every day

Don’t get me wrong
For to look at you is the most pleasurable of treats
Cuz you’re finer than a century of days long
From the tip of your head to the soles of your feet

But what the average eye misses
And therefore could never perceive
Beyond your outer beauty lies so much more
Than they would ever believe

Skin so soft and silky
Lips so luscious and smooth
Eyes that pierce the night
Like the light of ten thousand moons

The face of an angel
So far beyond compare
To gaze upon it causes exquisite pleasure
To those who are blessed enough to dare

The voice of the most heavenly choir
Softly stroking, soothing the soul
Just the thought of your whispers
Leaves one fighting for control

Hair strong yet silky
Shining day or night with it’s own glow
Tempts one to stroke it
Though it may burn to the core of their soul

******* so perfectly made by God himself
Whisper kiss me; caress me in ones ear
And like the song of the siren
Hypnotize all whether far or near

But, as amazing as they are
These qualities, though they surely serve their purpose
When it comes to this woman of true divinity
They only begin to scratch the surface

For to the careful eye with wisdom
That’s compelled to search within
The wonders of what you truly are
Are unfolded from within

Don’t get me wrong
You’re all that and more, and with such stunning features
When you walk, the way you walk
All I can say is Lord, Help Me Jesus

But as the inner you unfolds
And all the style and grace are parlayed
Any man with any sense
For a gazillion dollars you he would not trade

For inside the heart with compassion and love
Lies the purest and most important features
The loving, caring and understanding
Christ filled and one of his most gentlest creatures

Don’t get me wrong
If you cross her, that just may be all for your ***
But the thing that’s sure to hurt the most
She’ll **** you and still maintain her style and class

But for the most part, she just wants to be loved
And to love just as strong in return
In such a way that’ll make sure the receiver
Is hooked by the love that she gives that he’s earned

But does it stop there...Oh no no, heavens no
For this is still only the beginning
The untrained would pass by never knowing they lost out
On the best part of all..... the true meaning

A true woman of God through and through
Filled with the spirit of the Lord above
In her heart, mind, spirit, body and soul
Lie the true meaning of real love

Never boastful or judgemental
Not one to hurt or betray
Always there to listen or lend a hand
A true friend day after day after day

And she knows just how to heal you
Always knowing what to do or say
When you hurt she hurts and she knows
Be sure she’s coming to dry your tears away

All this and yet independent and determined
To the outside world Working class while working class
And heaven above help me
When you move the way you move, (**** you got a phat ***!)

Body of a goddess? Yes !
And with the mind of a scholar
Now who would have thought such a combination possible ?
The mere thought of it makes you wanna holla

Warm and sensitive
Always there when needed
Give you her last dollar and the shirt off her back
While asking nothing in return, just always the sweetest

Loving and caring
Put your all into her if you dare
And the love she gives to you in return
Will be so much more than beyond compare

Well, that’s all for now
I guess for now I’m through
The problem is.... there just aren’t enough words
To describe someone like you
80 · Dec 2020
My Diamond
Robert Lathan Dec 2020
I took a walk one day
I didn’t bother to take the normal way
I walked through the woods
Not knowing where it would lead
So I continued to follow the path
Not knowing what I would find
Not far ahead
Through the breaks in the trees
I could see a vacant house
And decided to proceed
So ahead I pushed through
The blocked path of shrubs
And all other things unforeseen
When I came upon the house
It was so dark and eerie
But something inside was calling to me
As I went inside and begin to look around
It was apparent that there was something for me
I slowly combed the whole of the place
Searching every nook and cranny very carefully
Not wanting to miss anything or one single trace

Soon I came to a room
Which I had almost missed
And when I opened the door
I knew that this was it
There was a presence here
That I could surely feel
And I moved to the corner
As I drew closer, the feeling became more real
And as I reached the spot
That I had been drawn to and couldn’t ignore
The radiance shown brightly
To one particular spot on the floor
I bent down and began brushing off debris
And shortly it was revealed to me
I brushed past some loose rocks and sifted through sand
And looked in wonder at what was in my hand
There sat an ordinary rock or what it appeared be
But the more I looked the more I could tell it was for me
This rock was special and caught my eye
Though it looked plain, it was special to me
Not just the way that it looked to the naked eye
But the warmth in my hand and the way it made me feel inside
I left then and went back to my home
I never told anyone about where I had gone
As the weeks went by the rock took on a glow
That got brighter and brighter to match the sun
Then one day the rock broke into little pieces
And crumbled like dust into my hand
The pieces broke off and fell to the ground
And I was left amazed at the diamond I had found
The diamond was more than perfect in every way
Size, shape, color and clarity were all greater than perfect
And it’s shine took my breath away
It was so bright that it couldn’t be covered
It was reaching out to the world
But even more importantly it spoke to me
Filling me with love, strength and the ability
To work hard and strive to be the best I could be
And when I looked at it again
It had transformed into you.
You are my true diamond and I love you. Forever
Robert Lathan Jun 2020
Oh how I dream of loving you
loving all of you, from your head to your toes
and all those warm and
luscious spots in between
Oh how I dream of loving you
licking and kissing and nibbling
on your soft and tender skin
touching squeezing and pinching
until the flow of juices begin
and Oh! how I dream of loving you
So intense, will our love get
we'll make love till were soaking wet.
then finally exhausted in each others arms
we'll fall asleep
and oh how i'll dream of loving you
Robert Lathan Jun 2020
Daddy’s really sorry
He never got the chance to say hello
And daddy’s so very sorry
He never got the chance to say goodbye
But there are some things
I need to let you know
Before I let you go off
To your home with God in the sky

Even though I never knew you
I want you to know
That I am so proud
And I love you so
The best son any man
Could ever ask God for
Fulfilled all my dreams
And so much more

Cuz I’m sure you were the greatest
At all that you did
And you were that special one
That magical kid
Who brought joy and happiness
To everyone you’d meet
With just your sweet smile
As you walked down the street

And I remember playing ball
With you in the park
And rushing to get home
After it’s dark
Swimming in the pool
Having so much fun
And eating lots of ice cream
And racing back home
When we we’re done

And though these little things
Never really happened it’s true
They happened for me In my heart
And  I hope they did for you too
We can share these memories
Till the time ends
And we meet in heaven
And can share them again

You were the love of my life
The joy in my heart
I went to every practice and game
Just loving playing a part
And I was so proud
When you did the play at school
And when you took up music
I completely lost my cool

Ah the memories are fading now
Just like you gone way too soon
But I will cherish them forever
And think of them when I think of you

And though these little things
Never really happened it’s true
They happened for me In my heart
And I hope they for you too
We can share these memories
Till the time ends
And we meet in heaven
And can share them again

Daddy’s really sorry
He never got the chance to say hello
And daddy’s so very sorry
He never got the chance to say goodbye
But there are some things
I wanna make sure that you know
Before I let you go off
To your home with God in the sky
62 · Jun 2020
Beautiful Black Woman
Robert Lathan Jun 2020
A dream is a wish the heart makes,
And the moment I saw you
My heart wished you to be mine
So to say that you are my dream
Would be merely stating the truth,
But only in it’s rawest, simplest form
Since in truth, it is an understatement at best
For in the beauty of your eyes
I see the depth of what love could and should be
An ever changing process by which two hearts become one
Growing and sharing together
Dancing to the beautiful melodies created by love’s symphony
Swooning with style and grace as birds on the wind
Carried by the new hopes and promises of tomorrows to be shared
And the bond of friendship, love and togetherness.

The warmth of your smile brings to mind happiness untold
The kind that lasts forever then begins again
Only to be better than the time before
Filling the heart from within with a special warmth and
Awe inspiring beauty that takes away the breath
Touching and moving the very soul of all creatures.
A ray of sunshine, fresh dew upon the petal of a rose,
Even the moon’s soft glow upon the bluest of waters
Pale in comparison to the majesty of your smile

Hearing the sweet sound of your laughter
Places the listener among the blessed few
Who have truly heard the angels sing.
Ever so softly caressing the senses with the ability
To spontaneously spawn new visions of peace and tranquillity
Cool shades of blue glide carelessly across the senses
And sensuously stroke the inner soul of the mind
Allowing all cares to escape through the pores of understanding
Leaving only tranquillity.
Skin softer than the finest silk.
Beautiful to the smell and to the touch
Fingers feel the contact as a clear mountain stream
Gently massaging each point
A soothing fire stems from the flesh
Cleansing those that come in contact
Of any and all inhibitions
Seductively begging to be stroked, massaged and caressed
While hidden pleasures are released to the massager.

Body of a goddess. Need I say more ?
Dare I? For fear of not completely expressing all that is?
Dare I not? For fear that no one should live life and not be given the chance
To know for themselves what perfection is like.
Style, grace, eloquence. nice words to be heard
But drastically ineffective in expressing the majesty
Of a woman masterfully created by God himself
To be the embodiment of the black woman’s beauty.
The pleasure of watching her in motion brings tears to the eyes
No greater masterpiece ever there was.

The woman inside is strong, smart, loving and kind.
Springtime in the mountains, by a lake.
Sleek of mind and spirit as well as body.
All things come here to meet.
A beginning with no end, an end with no sorrow.
To know is to love, to love is to cherish
Mere moments can turn around the down trodden
Does she bless you with her presence.
Be ever glad and humble for few aspire to this height.

— The End —