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Jun 2020 · 170
Max Ese Anderson Jun 2020
A Poem For Redress

They take everyone's resources
Playing God, and ruling by force
Build kingdoms and enriching themselves
Emptying treasuries, leaving only shells

They readily mortgage the future
Enshrined in evil and corrupt nature
They borrow for their greed of today
Careless about tomorrow's decay

Recycled and morally sedated
Filled with greed and ideas outdated
They cling with their lives to offices
Corruption pouring from their orifices

Befuddled and chained to yesterday
Senile, moribund, with mental delay
Walking around in gerontocratic diapers
How can they lead tomorrow's leaders?

Overtaken by the train of global trend
Oblivion of the mess they represent
These harbingers of so much sorrow
Want to rule yesterday, today and tomorrow
(c) Max Ese Anderson 11/06/2020

Jun 2020 · 265
Do You Know My Country?
Max Ese Anderson Jun 2020
A Poem On A Failed State
Do you know my country
Where the leaders of tomorrow
Are wallowing in perpetual sorrow
Where the rulers selfishly borrow
To make our future hopelessly hollow?

Don't you know my country
Where "light" is never available
And potable water is not achievable
Where good roads are not sustainable
And security is woefully unattainable?

Tell me you know my country
Where corruption is applauded
And lies and failed promises lauded
Disregard for the rule of law is flaunted
And oppositions are relentlessly haunted

I am sure you know my country
Where hopes and aspirations die
As they feed us with this rotten pie
Cos today's failure sits on yesterday's lies
Chained to a bad system we cannot untie

Now you must know my country
Where we build places of worship
Rather than developing entrepreneurship
Where those who do not sow reap
While the suffering masses weep

What's the name of my country
Where education and health suffer
To satisfy the avarice of law makers
And past leaders continue to plunder
Under the guise of being godfathers?
© Max Ese Anderson 17/06/2020

FB: www.facebook/maxeseanderson
Jun 2020 · 142
Max Ese Anderson Jun 2020
A Poem Against ****

Wham bang!
He stole her pride
But dang!
He ruins a bride

Five minutes he had his fun
A life time she keeps the pain
Few strokes he snuffed her sun
She lives with the indelible stain

For him it's business as usual
For her it's a life changing trauma
Cos the act was far from mutual
Rotten becomes her new aroma

His new home should be hotter than hell
On his head should be the shame
Cos even on earth she is already in hell
As a victim in this horrible game

If on the victim you pass the blame
Of an act so truly vile
You ought also to have your name
On the list in the condemned file
(C) Max Ese Anderson 09/06/200
Jun 2020 · 379
Max Ese Anderson Jun 2020
A Poem Of Lamentations
By Max Ese Anderson

They try to rewrite 400 years of history
Their glory is a product of our suffering
They want us to pray, and not to worry
We did that, but they never say sorry
Rather, it keeps getting more gory
With knees on our throats, provoking our fury

I can't breathe, I need to change this story

Stop distorting humanity
Racism is nothing but vanity
An ugly blend of ignorance and stupidity
It shall always breed strife in our community
The solution is justice and equity
And respect for every man's individuality

I must breathe, as designed by the Almighty

You've killed one George too many
Replacing part of democracy with tyranny
You're renowned for this intolerable infamy
You need to return the statue of Liberty
You act off tangent with her tenets of equality
Yes, I want to breathe, today and for eternity
I need guarantee, for me and my progeny

....(c) Max Ese Anderson 02/06/2020

— The End —