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51 · May 2020
SumeerPranjal May 2020
The symphony of Orpheus,
And the vanquished Oedipus,
Would these be my last regards
If I found my lost ark?

Like the Icarus I flew ,
Chasing people's fallacy of  living true.
Time did burn my wings,
Could Nietzsche ever bring my peace?

Dreams, had I not owned,
Peace, I might've known.
Could I ever become I,
Burying every living desire?

Would Thanatos be my companion?
With the Aeacus judging my salvation.
Devouring the life, the rooks are croaking,
Into the portico of sense, my eternity is gazing
Transforming into formless,
Dissolving into nothingness...
Characters from Greek mythology are extensively used.

Orpheus : A musician with exceptional talent,who lost his love because of his temptation.

Oedipus : A tragic hero who couldn't able to escape his fate.

Lost Ark : Noah's ark

Icarus : In Greek mythology, Icarus is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the creator of the Labyrinth. Icarus and his father attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. But sun melted the wax as he came too close to the sun.

Nietzsche : A German philosopher. He is known as the philosopher of the will to power, seen as vital creation and fulfillment.

Thanatos : The Greek god of peaceful death

Aeacus : Aeacus was a Greek mythological king. After his death, Aeacus became one of the three judges in Hades

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