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 Jan 7 Stardust
The power went off
The street was dark and quiet
One single star shines.
Deep are the memories
Precious they stay and
No passing day
Will ever take them away
And there
Forever in our hearts to stay.
True Lover's โค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ™
My hearts an
Open door to another
Cold War and
I don't know  
what side
I'm fighting for
My Heart โค๏ธ
We'll walk holding hands
So tight kissing all through the night and
We'll talk like lover's tonight
And we'll end up making love under the Moonlight.
True Love ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
 Dec 2023 Stardust
Eshwara Prasad
I have everything I need in this dust-filled world, except for your presence.
 Dec 2023 Stardust
I don't know what i expected
Someone to notice me
And not ignore me
Someone to reach out
A helping hand

A naive and childish notion
Because no one cares
They never do
Why would you?
 Dec 2023 Stardust
Empty Sky
 Dec 2023 Stardust
I reach out
To ask for help
But I stare up
At an empty sky
Not one star to guide me
Not one hand to hold
Nothing to stop my endless fall
 Dec 2023 Stardust
Where do you run to
When thereโ€™s no way out
When darkness is conspiring in your mind
And consuming every thought
Attacking left and right

Like a storm leaving nothing behind
But ruin and agony
Tearing at the fabric of your being
Exposing every truth
Bringing painful clarity
Spiraling in your mind
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