I ruined something beautiful, I ruined something amazing, I ruined something that
Can never be the same as it was, I put our friendship in trouble by falling, I let my emotions take
Control of me and there's nothing I can do to fix what I broke; nothing makes it harder than
Sitting right in front of you and watching our friendship fall apart. If I knew loving you were
A crime I would have never committed it.
it was so pathetic how much time i wasted on you and in the end you
Always proved your not worth even a second of it, How i gave 110% and got 10%in return
How i was left unread more than all the books in the library's and yet i still love you
How i know your not right for me, but i still let myself love you how you keep hurting me but i still let you in
That one spot that hasn’t healed, how i cant get enough of you because i haven't even got a chance to even get a piece of you how loving you just hurts me more than ever.