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Chuck Kean Jan 2024
Into The Night

   Like a bridge over troubled water, I’ll
Be your safe passage to the other side
When you’re afraid and trembling, let
Me be the one place you seek to hide

Like a light house Beacon, I’ll
Be your guide back to the shore
When you’re in need of comforting
Let my arms hold you tight forever more

Like your favorite song I’ll be
The music that will calm you
When life gets to be overwhelming
Let my voice be strong and true

Like an Army of a thousand men, I’ll
Fight Hell to keep you from harm
Let me be the one to answer the call
When you sound the alarm

Like the brightest Moon light, I’ll
Shine when you’re in darkness fright
Let me be with you forever when
You go uncertain Into The Night

Written By: Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 2024
Winters Death

     As spring arrives it ushers in a re birth
Of life as its rain quenches Earths thirst
And every year I enjoy being a witness
To this dance that seems well rehearsed

Within a blink of an eye summer arrives
And comfort comes in the form of ice cream
The shade of a tree, a summer breeze
and a nap so deep it includes a dream

And the Summers can seem to be too long
But soon comes the October morning wind
And fall is knocking on the door like
A once old lost and forgotten friend

The life cycle that comes with the four
Seasons is such a wonderful thing
Each of us having our favorite in our
Hearts and mine is the life of  Spring

I always dread the Winters darkness
And its cold poisonous breath
And unfortunately now I’m stuck
Smack dab in the middle of Winters Death

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 2024
Meant To Be

    As sure as the Earth is spinning
As sure as a baby cries
As sure as in nature, caterpillars
Will always become Butterflies

As sure as the four seasons
As sure as puppy dogs wag their tails
As sure as every Witches story
Will always include a book of spells

As sure as time will pass
As sure as the Churches ring their bells
As sure as every good suit jacket
Is synonymous with its lapels

As sure as a teenagers heart will break
As sure as the flowers need the rain
As sure as the sound of loneliness seems
To be the whistle of a midnight train

As sure as a wedding needs bridesmaids
As sure as the rivers flow to the sea
As sure as true opposites attract, Baby
You know our love was Meant To Be

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 2024
You Won’t Find It There

    Well the lightning may strike, Thunder may crash and the wind may blow
The storm may be destructive but
There’s one thing I know

Jesus is the only answer yes Jesus
Is the one and only way
Give up your worries and troubles
Just bow your head and pray

So if your life is bad to you and your
Lost in a hopeless situation
Take my advice, don’t Look for
The answer with artificial Stimulation

You won’t find any answers at the
Bottom of a bottle or in hand full of pills
No you won’t find them at the point of a
Needle or on the table where ******* spills

No sir, the answer is sweet Jesus
When you’re overwhelmed with despair
You can search everywhere else but
You Won’t Find It There

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 2024
The Depths

      As I age each day I realize things
That I never realized before
I don’t know if you can call it wisdom
Maybe it’s just medicine for the cure

I see myself in a time long ago
And I see myself in the here and now
Sometimes I feel that I haven’t changed
But boy have things changed and how

As the past continues to get further away
And as much as I love that it’s behind me
I’ve realized that the past has made me
Who I am and now it’s clear to see

I had to live through it and I had to be
Where I Am here in this place
I’m in the present because of the past
It’s all relative to time and space

I couldn’t be this man without the past
And breathing each of my breaths
And sometimes we must re visit the past
To understand The Depths

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 2024
The Rap

       I love my poetry and I will say
It time after time after time
I know poetry doesn’t have to include
It but I have respect for the rhyme

There’s a certain element you get
When you hear it in the song
And it can be quite beautiful even if
It’s about a good love gone wrong

I know that I’m not Shakespeare
So I just take the advice of KISS
Keep it simple stupid so that’s why
I write my poetry like this

Though I say to each his own
I question the beauties cost
When the artist can take happy birthday
And it sounds intimidating and it’s lost

There’s nothing about it that is good
It just sounds like horrible crap
Go ahead and call me old fashioned
But I say **** The Rap

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Dec 2023
For You

        For you have closed your eyes
For You there’s no more trying
For you have left it all behind
For You there’s no more crying

For You have made your last decision
For You there’s no more pain
For You have forgotten your darkness
For You there’s no more rain

For You took it upon yourself to be selfish
For You there’s no more sorrow
For You there’s no past or future
For You there’s no more tomorrow

For You have nothing you can change
For You there’s no more feelings to hide
For You don’t have a life to live
For You have committed suicide

For You cut everyone out of your life
For You transferred to us your blue
For You took the easy way out
For You, there’s nothing for you

Written By:Charles Kean
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