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Chuck Kean Nov 2023
His Love

      I’m gonna tell you a story
It’s so true and you can believe
I pride myself on my honesty
I don’t have any tricks up my sleeve

I’d most likely be in prison
Or at least drowning in my sorrow
Just a lonely man on my own
With no faith in a better Tomorrow

Drugs and Alcohol would have been
My darkness and my only friends
I would still be on the highway to Hell
On a road that never ends

When I say that I was lost, that’s an
Understatement to say the least
I was hook line and sinker flirting with
Disaster and the nature of the Beast

I was doomed for sure if it hadn’t been
For that still small voice from above
Yes Sir believe me when I tell ya, I know
I’d be a goner if it hadn’t been for His Love

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Nov 2023
Book Deal

                Fingers Crossed
       I may have a book deal by Monday
Chuck Kean Nov 2023
The Devils Game

       Call me insensitive or call me whatever you wish, even call me down right mean
But in my eyes I can see the true evil
For now it’s so easily seen

The good are Evil and the Evil Good
This is the forced perception being sold
But I tell you that I wasn’t born yesterday
And literally I’m getting quite old

Now everything is offensive and you want
Me to tiptoe around your feelings
Yet you’re not so worried about mine
As you continue your agenda and dealings

Now men want to identify as Women
And Women want to identify as men
It’s an upside down world and time
Is quickly approaching the end

For my remaining days I will not surrender
And pretend and call you by another name
No offense but you need to understand
I refuse to play The Devil’s Game

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Nov 2023
The Futures Past

     Time after time, see the history
And from history see the future way
Technology continues to improve but
Humanity is still lost in a past day

No matter how many other things change
Humanity stays the same
Hating each other for no reason
And War is just a game

We dream of Space travel and living
On another planet in a new galaxy
We think that we could finally have
Peace but that’s just avoiding reality

The realization factor is being human
And we’re still a million years from humane
Hear the words that I say
What’s happening today is insane

Dream all you want about inhabiting
Another Planet but we’re unsurpassed
And wherever we may go we will never
Be able to escape The Futures Past

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Oct 2023
Under The Knife

      Well I’m sensitive to the Anesthesia
Four times I’ve been there before
It stops my heart and I basically die
Life four Death zero if you’re keeping score

I’ve survived and beaten the odds
But I know it wasn’t without subvention
I didn’t come to victory on my own
I like to think it was Devine intervention

But I am only human and it is only natural
To worry about things we can’t control
Though I know that if I don’t survive
The Lord will take my soul

His will is his will but I wish to live longer
So I have hesitation going for number five
I feel like I’m pushing my luck every time
I die and fight to stay alive

So I have a favor to ask if it’s not too much
Trouble, I need your prayers in rife
It would give me comfort as once again
I’m about to go Under The Knife

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Oct 2023
The Storm Or The Roses Thorns

       Here we go again, you know I can
See the storm brewing in your eyes
I’ve always been faithful and honest
You swear I cheat and my words are lies

I can never seem to stay within the
Boundaries and stay in compliance
And I will never be able defend myself
To closed doors and your scripted silence

You never forget the past when arguing
Is our form of communication
And you use my past mistakes as your
Endless form of ammunition

You manipulate everything and avoid
The topic of discussion
And I always face the consequences
Of the repercussions

It’s always a typical No win situation
Like I’ve always got a Bull by the horns
I’m between a rock and a hard place
Facing The Storm Or The Roses Thorns

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Sep 2023
On The Edge Of Your Blues

        Once I had a baby and loving her
Came so naturally like leaves turn to rain
But she lived in a world of darkness
And I couldn’t heal her of her pain

One day she just walked out the door
There were no words spoken
She left me with a thousand questions
Why and a heart completely broken

I could never understand her sadness
But it seemed as ancient as Stonehenge
I figured someone must have broken her
Heart and I was the subject of her revenge

So as I see you in your distress
And drowning in your river of sorrow
I know you’ve given up on your dreams
And you’ve lost your faith in tomorrow

As much as I wish I could reach out
I’ve lived a life in your shoes
So please don’t confide in me and leave
Me standing on the edge of your blues

Written By:Charles Kean
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