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Chuck Kean Sep 2020
This is not a poem.

Where Is God?

To those who may be wondering,
Where is God?
To those who believe,
You know the answer.
The notion and miss conception is
That if there’s a God,
Then why?
Why is there all of this Hell on Earth?
Why is there all of this pain and suffering?
Why?, Why?, Why?
The answer is—- This is Earth,
We were created to Love!!!
Love each other unconditionally!!!
Just like his love for us.
The battle between good and evil has been
Since the beginning of time.
We are given the freedom to choose,
It’s that simple!!!
We can choose to be good or evil.
God is not and will not just gonna save everyone from this world.
That’s not the deal.
The Deal——It’s very simple,
He says, choose me.
That’s it, in your heart choose me
And ask to be forgiven of your sins.
Choose me and I will save you, I will
save your soul from
An eternal life in Hell and give you an everlasting life in Heaven.
Die unto yourself and be reborn into a life
With me and when your days are over here in
This world you will join me in Heaven!!!
The signs are showing—It is written these are the end of days.
It’s been for awhile and there’s nothing written about how long the end of days
Will last.
We cannot turn it around.
All that we can do is make that choice.
The choice to be saved, the choice to receive the gift. We can choose to love and not to hate. We can choose forgiveness and to forgive.
That’s it people, it’s that simple!!!
Look, for those whom already know,
You have nothing to worry about.
I’m not here trying to force my beliefs onto anyone. I am just trying to be a messenger and present the news.
You can say it’s just a fairytale, a fantasy or a dream and that’s okay, I will never judge you or  condemn you because that’s not my job or my intent.
So you can say that I am wrong and I can tell you that you are wrong and that will be that.
I just know this one most important factor,
Disappointing, oh you bet ya, it would most definitely be if I die and find out that I am wrong.
But just think about that and think about how disappointed you will be if you find out that I am right.
I’d rather believe and be wrong
Then not believe and be wrong.
All I can do now is Love you and pray for you!!!
God Bless!!!
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
The Doctor Will Say

     I’m a man in my late fifties
My body has been abused
I wish I could have a new one or
At least from life be excused

I still need to work and so
Each day I must carry on
As each day arrives though I can
Feel the weakening of the pion

For I have been beaten by an abusive
Father and by bullies too
I’ve been injured playing sports
And to me pain is nothing new

Car totaling accidents you
Know I’ve been in a few
I’ve also had surgeries and here’s
something I need to share with you

I’m sensitive to the Anesthesia
So I die and they bring me back
I’ve always survived some how but I
Don’t wanna be a surgery crackerjack

Years ago I had a forklift accident and I
Injured my right shoulder but no surgery
I was much younger and tougher
But now that old injury is killing me

The pain is getting unbearable and I don’t
Take anything afraid to be a drug addict
But the pain and my brain are now in
A constant bitter conflict

Mind over matter is not an option
My shoulder is now in a rapid decay
Still though I hesitate to see the Doctor
Because I know what the Doctor will say

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/21/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
I wrote this back in 1993
The poem was about world problems
Headlines material.
It asked a question with its title and
It re occurred throughout the poem,
Where Do We Go From Here?
And now only 27 short years later I have written the answer poem titled Immune.
Here they are back to back.

Where Do We Go From Here

  When a man named King
Gets beat in the street and
the line between right and wrong
keeps getting thinner

When kids **** kids for the
Jackets that they wear
Because everyone wants
To feel like a winner

Where do we go from here
Have we all gone crazy
Is this how life is to be
Have our minds gotten
So hazy that we can't see

When a man in Waco says
He's Jesus,he promised
Heaven to those who would believe,those
who did lived and died In his hell

When inmates in Lucasville
Riot and take control,what
Evil do they possess that
Made them **** even from their cell

Where do we go from here
Have we all gone crazy
Is this how life is to be
Have our minds gotten so
Hazy that we can't see

When the world buys
what the media sells
and we'll never know
Just who to trust

When we still can't get
Past the color of another
Mans skin and everything
We touch turns to dust

Where do we go from here
Can anyone tell me
Where do we go from here ?

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright was in 1993
All rights reserved


     The world is beating to the rhythm
Of a different drummer, out of tune
It has become comfortably numb
It has no doubtlessly become immune

To the missing children, to the killings
On the street at the hands of a goon
To the drug addicts and homeless
Yes it is so totally immune

To the rate of abortions, to the hatred
Sweeping over us like a typhoon
To the political division, to the separation
Of family, yes so very immune

To the bullying and shootings in our
Schools, to the liberal buffoon
To the lost morals and respect of
Others yes it is so immune

To domestic violence, and runaways
And Suicide and darkness and gloom
To the loss of soldiers lives for our
Freedom, so unconsciously immune

To the littered city streets and country
Side, as if we’ve put ourselves in a cocoon
We’ve closed our eyes to evil like the media
as if it Doesn’t exist, oh so immune

To the Lost good will of man, to the
Terrorism of 9/11 and the Antifa loon
To the acceptance of evil acts and lost
Teaching of God, oh so very immune

To the fact that even the Devil believes
And as my tears flow like a monsoon
I can’t help but wonder how and why
We’ve become so heartless and immune

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/11/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Sep 2020

     The world is beating to the rhythm
Of a different drummer, out of tune
It has become comfortably numb
It has no doubtlessly become immune

To the missing children, to the killings
On the street at the hands of a goon
To the drug addicts and homeless
Yes it is so totally immune

To the rate of abortions, to the hatred
Sweeping over us like a typhoon
To the political division, to the separation
Of family, yes so very immune

To the bullying and shootings in our
Schools, to the liberal buffoon
To the lost morals and respect of
Others yes it is so immune

To domestic violence and runaways
And Suicide and darkness and gloom
To the loss of soldiers lives for our
Freedom, so unconsciously immune

To the littered city streets and country
Side, as if we’ve put ourselves in a cocoon
We’ve closed our eyes to evil as if it
Doesn’t exist, oh so immune

To the Lost good will of man, to the
Terrorism of 9/11 and the Antifa loon
To the acceptance of evil acts and lost
Teaching of God, oh so very immune

To the fact that even the Devil believes
And as my tears flow like a monsoon
I can’t help but wonder how and why
We’ve become so heartless and immune

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/11/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
God Is Crying

      With his voice, it began
Out of the darkness, there was light
He was happy with his creation, when it
Was finished, it was beautiful in his sight

All he wants for us is to love, if you
Listen you can hear his still small voice
He loves us so much so that his love
Is not forced, it’s still our choice

Now as he looks down and sees so many
Are so consumed in hate and people dying
His heart is breaking in two as it fills
With pain and know that God is crying

How can a soul, anyone with a heart
Think that it’s right and find it gratifying
To riot and burn and **** in any rage
Without remorse, know God is crying

No one knows what is right as the Devil
Deceives so well and finds it satisfying
Pitting us all against each other
All the while he knows God is crying

We cannot see what is beyond the surface
The bigger picture of the evil underlying
The media has told so many lies, the truth
Is lost forever and know that God is crying

With each day that passes, the words
And the images become more horrifying
The fire down below now burns in the
Heart of man and know God is crying

People I pray please open your eyes
To all the signs that are notifying
From up above he grieves
Yes know that God is crying

In the end of days, evil will be called good
And good be called evil, so terrifying
So it is written and so it shall be done
And know that God is crying

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/04/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
Heaven Sent

    I can tell you all about my deficiencies
And I can tell you about all that I’m not
I can tell you about the darkness
And everything that I haven’t got

I can tell you a million excuses
To why I’m not where I once wished to be
But I cannot explain the cosmos
Nor can I explain God’s plan for me

I can’t tell you how many tears I’ve cried
Or how many times my world fell apart
I can’t show you the million cracks
That make up this broken heart

I know that I am no Casanova
And I am not the man of steel
I’m not the Prince of England
But my love for my baby is real

I’ll never have the riches of my dreams
But no longer do I have a heart of discontent
Because I know my baby is an Angel
And I know she was Heaven sent

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 08/02/2019
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
Be One

The world is full
Of nice people,
If you cannot find one,
Be One

Charles Kean
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