Enchanted is a word associated
In books and movies of fairytales
A vision of the love Angel Cupid
Through the heart his arrow empales
Twinkling starlight and love everlasting
In a land of wonder and fireflies
Of blue skies and rivers of honey
And a land of flowers and butterflies
The world of reality is far removed
From the world of our dreams
And all we can really hope for is a life
Somewhere in between the two extremes
Thirty seven years ago I laid my eyes
Upon her and my heart was brought to life
I told my friend that she was the one
That I would have for my wife
It was truly love at first sight, we had a date
It was a year and a day later we said I do
And suddenly I was living in a fairytale
And a life so wonderful and new
Today is our thirty sixth anniversary
So maybe Cupid’s arrow was implanted
Just maybe the fairytale does exist
For my reality is enchanted
Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/14/2020
All rights reserved
Happy Anniversary to my beautiful wife
Cynthia, my Snow White, My Sleeping Beauty, My Belle, My Cinderella,
My real life fairytale come true.
I loved you then and I love you now
And forever I will always love you