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Sep 2021 · 83
Blake Sep 2021
A word that I use to shield myself from the pain that comes before it.
The thing that shuts down talks before it starts,
Makes tears turn into forgotten messes.
Makes those who love us turn into the deepest monsters.
Thinking when we say the word all is good again.
Not knowing, I hold on to the broken promises that never came.
Faking a smile that wants to fade but knowing they will get mad.
That this will be my fault if I say anything else but what their ears want to hear.
Twenty-one to the eye,
Inside the scared little five-year-old who knew too much for his age.
Sorry for….
Sorry, I didn't mean….
Sorry for it all…
Sep 2021 · 36
Blake Sep 2021
My little heart flutters with butterflies.
It's the way he smiles at me and makes me feel special.
This time it will be different, or that's what I tell myself.
I'm not worried about falling, only for the after the mess of it all.
My little heart flutters with butterflies while my mind worries about how to prepare for the last goodbye.
Sep 2021 · 61
Blake Sep 2021
Please be careful.
I'm similar to legos.
Takes days to put together,
Only seconds break.
If I break, odds are you won't stay to help build me up again.
So instead, you will leave my broken body lying on the floor, saying I'm not worth your time.
I'm similar to a lego set; you want me until they see how long it will be until I'm fixed.
Sep 2021 · 30
Blake Sep 2021
A flower is similar to dating,
Looks super sweet and will last for a long time.
Until the pedals start to slowly disappear, leaving an empty stem.
Then you look for a newer and prettier one,
Hoping this time, it will last longer than the last
Never understanding why it keeps getting old but never giving it attention.
Sep 2021 · 37
Blake Sep 2021
We weren’t perfect; I knew that.
I loved as much as a broken person could.
Trying to change the stories to make me look bad.
I almost trusted those stories more,
Because he told them all the time.
I never will go back to that,
I know my worth, and one will take that.
No matter how pretty they seem to the outside world.
Sep 2021 · 46
Blake Sep 2021
I watched her fall out of love faster than anything else.
The smiles turned into tears.
Late nights went to early goodbyes.
The worst was hearing the pain in her voice when saying I love you for the last time.
That's how I knew it was over.
Sep 2021 · 50
Blake Sep 2021
The man with all the secrets,
Still only cares about himself.
Unless a pretty woman walks across his view.
He will forget all respect and hopes that make her beg for me.
The man will date others to make her jealous.
This will happen until she gives in or he finds someone new to mess with.
Sep 2021 · 41
Blake Sep 2021
The time of the year that shy kids come to shock everyone.
When monsters can be unrestricted,
Everyone else plays pretend.
No one knowing who is real or fake,
The perfect time to make people regret their choice to come out alone.
Sep 2021 · 32
Blake Sep 2021
Stay where you are.
Don't move, or everything will go up in flames.
I wait another minute, hoping this nightmare will go away.
Nothing has changed besides the laughs that turned into wines.
No one knows if we will get out.
Stay where you are, or be ready to fight something you can't see.
Sep 2021 · 47
Blake Sep 2021
The cloudy sky started to crying,
That's when everything around went silent.
I looked for someone, but there was no one near to hear my screams.
The sky started to get darker than it ever had before.
I tried running,
I wasn't fast enough.
The clouds changed to bright red. I knew this meant game over.
Then out of nowhere, everything went back to normal.
My mind was seeing the future all over again.
Sep 2021 · 35
Blake Sep 2021
Even with all the medicine, she still won't leave me alone.
Reminding me one day how the person you like will go any second.
Stop smiling; he doesn't even notice you.
I sit on my floor, trying to think of all the stuff he ever said to me.
The voice gets louder, and it won't turn off.
I sent another text,
She tells me you are driving him away.
I deleted it,
Only to regret it a second later.
i was trying to a spoken word one
Sep 2021 · 49
love again
Blake Sep 2021
I never thought someone could make me feel this loved until I met her.
She hugged me and told me to hold on,
That life is only starting. To fight a little longer.
She stayed with me during my darkness, taught me how to love again.
Sep 2021 · 41
Blake Sep 2021
I woke up wondering what happened to us.
Sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring,
Hours pass, and no text messages are sent.
I remember when we stayed up all night chatting until the sun came up.
Picturing what our futures hold,
Now all I see is empty memories of what could have been.
Sep 2021 · 40
The Rose
Blake Sep 2021
A single rose means love,
The rest mean he ******* up again.
Every time he brought home flowers, I knew right away he had done something terrible.
The women would accept and forget it ever happened.
It was only the start of a downhill relationship.
Sep 2021 · 179
Blake Sep 2021
I wish love wouldn’t fade; she would be next to me.
But now I see her in someone else arms.
Regretting every choice that got us here.
If only I cared a little more, Treated her better.
Maybe the love wouldn’t have faded after all.
Then this new man could have been erased from her story.
Sep 2021 · 51
Blake Sep 2021
My person is out there,
Dreaming of the day we meet.
Hoping it will be a night to remember until the next one.
I wish I could tell them I'm ready, but no hurry, take your time, my love.
I will meet everyone to get to you.
We won't know who the other is until the first hello.
The first stare into each other's eyes.
The first day of the rest of our lives, we will spend daydreaming of the other.
I will smile every day just hearing their name.
Today is the first of many tries.
Sep 2021 · 69
Blake Sep 2021
Why does this always happen at the worst times?
Can I ever get a break or is my mind too damaged from the past?
I’m happy for thought until I heard your name again.
When my mind went blank and all that was left was my memories of him.
Tears dripped down my face as an exit for the sadness that he caused.
I think he will be forever.
One day he will be so small that it won't affect me.
Until then I sit on my floor waiting for it to pass.
It's about me having an anxiety attack. he is anxiety
Sep 2021 · 153
Blake Sep 2021
One phase that can change it all.
“It’s okay.”.
Never knowing if it's real or a way to end a conversation.
She smiles and nods,
I slowly walk away, only to turn around to see her crying on the floor.
The ok was a cover for a hidden mess.
she would get yelled at for being too dramatic,
Now the girl keeps everyone out.
With a simple, okay.
Sep 2021 · 67
Lovers once
Blake Sep 2021
Two star cross lovers meet at the wrong time.
The world split them up but their love last for ages.
They meet new people but dream of the memories that stayed.
Until one day they meet again and realize that too much time has past.
It took them half there lives but finally found their happy endings even if it wasn't with each other.
Sep 2021 · 136
Blake Sep 2021
Will you be there for me,
When it’s crazy, and there is no stopping anytime soon.
If I have to leave in the middle of a dreamy day.
Will you fight for me when it seems too hard to do.
Would you sit by my door,
When it seems easier to go than stay?
Would you love me even if it’s easier not to?
Sep 2021 · 43
Blake Sep 2021
The one who will be there at midnight,
To watch over your shoulder.
The one who sings when the day gets dark,
Laughs until there is nothing to be sad about.
Listens for hours no matter what is going on.
Stays through the storms,
Brings an umbrella when it starts to pour.
Sep 2021 · 119
Blake Sep 2021
Scared to ruin the friendship,
She hid her feelings as far down as they would go.
Not wanting to admit that the feelings never left.
Slowly making her crazy that they weren't together.
Not wanting to bring it up,
Smiling through the pain of seeing him with someone else.
Sep 2021 · 41
Blake Sep 2021
The last boy with the girl who never notices herself.
Until the boy opened her eyes to a new world.
He made her feel worth everything,
She ever had that growing up.
They were friends since the start,
Now their feelings are changing.
The once-lost boy finds himself in her eyes.
He finally found a home that won't go away.
Sep 2021 · 36
if i was a book
Blake Sep 2021
If I was a book,
My pages would be filled with empty words.
I would be placed on the highest shelves.
In the middle of all the sections,
Not fitting in perfectly anywhere.
If I was a book
I would confuse everyone that picks me up,
Until someone gives me a chance.
If I was a book,
I hope you would choose me every night,
Read me until you fall asleep.
Sep 2021 · 328
Blake Sep 2021
Tell her that better days are coming.
The boy she wishes to be will be free soon.
The long blonde hair will exist no more.
Everyone will support us,
Believe in it.
Believe that it's true.
Sep 2021 · 54
Blake Sep 2021
The time is coming,
Pack up everything and run.
I don’t think we can stay together,
Promise me that you will fight.
Don’t show weakness,
That's how they will destroy everything.
I can't say anything else,
The hourglass is almost out.
Run now!
Run faster!
Run far away from here.
Sep 2021 · 44
Blake Sep 2021
She trusted him with everything,
He took it and destroyed it after a day.
She thought it was by mistake,
Gave him one more chance.
He did it once again.
Laughed at the look of her teary eyes.
Sep 2021 · 58
Blake Sep 2021
The boy who is closed off,
But comes running the second you text him.
He will be there,
You won't see him entering.
The goofy laugh he gives will shine in a darkened room.
He is closed but will let you in slowly.
Sep 2021 · 46
Blake Sep 2021
I won at last.
In a week, my past is gone.
I get to start over finally,
I will smile bigger than ever.
I will cry from happiness,
And smile until the sun goes down.
In a week, I will be me more than ever.
Aug 2021 · 49
Blake Aug 2021
I smile.
Does he notice how nervous I am?
My voice is shaking,
I’m starting to sweat.
He looks back at me and waves.
I start to blush,
I hope this isn't the end.
Aug 2021 · 473
Blake Aug 2021
I didn’t think I would be falling this soon,
His voice keeps me dreaming when I should be awake.
I wish I was in his arms,
He’s too far gone to think of me in that way.
Aug 2021 · 43
Blake Aug 2021
I want to trust him,
I want to let my guard down.
He can't hurt me if I don't let him in.
I don't want to loose him due to my fear of the past.
I know I'm overthinking ,the first time I went in with hope is the time I got hurt the worse.
I told my self I would never give anyone trust again.
Aug 2021 · 37
Blake Aug 2021
I want to look her in the eye and ask why we aren't together?
I have seen the way she looks at me when she thinks I'm not looking.
When the night gets cold and she asked me for my sweater without thinking.
How we are there for each other no matter what time is it.
Waking up in the middle of night to dream of the other.
I will ask her what she is afraid of.
To let her know that no matter what I will be here.
Aug 2021 · 55
Blake Aug 2021
The sky is split between light and darkness.
Looks like the night I can't forget about.
Cries that were louder than the noise in my head.
It's been eight and half months.
Now the tears remind of strength of a day that could of ended way worse.
Aug 2021 · 40
Blake Aug 2021
I wish my eyes could delete all sights I have of him.
Wishing that I never met the boy who was my first heart break.
There is good in all the bad,
I found love that of been gone if it wasn't for this pain.
One day I will be thankful for everything that has happen.
Today I just want to forget about the last words we said to each other.
I never thought this goodbye would be forever.
Aug 2021 · 46
Blake Aug 2021
The sky is giving me a warning sign.
A dark x which tells us to run,
Run and don't look back.
The world is playing games with our minds and nothing can save us if we stay.
Stars are getting darker instead of brighter.
The screams are getting louder,
Families are getting torn apart.
It's hard to tell what's going to happen if we leave with out everyone.
The x is getting bigger
Time is almost out.
What will we do?
Aug 2021 · 57
Broken love
Blake Aug 2021
I never understood how messed up he was,
Looking normal to the outside eye.
The house kept in the fights that lasted hours.
He got his hands on her mind.
She lost all her control,
Believing his twisted words.
Now all the blame is put on the innocent.
Aug 2021 · 39
Blake Aug 2021
I'm not used to crying for missing people.
This year my eyes are filled with tears for saying goodbyes to those I love.
I know we will talk again.
When we meet as strangers,
The memories that will be stories for new friends.
Keeping all photos hidden deep close to me.
Making sure I never forget what you mean to me.
Aug 2021 · 37
Blake Aug 2021
Are you there.
Wasting time on someone who doesn't even care for me.
Who only wants the attention until someone new comes around.
It took him a year to finally tell me what his Plan was.
Some how it was my fault for falling in the trap.
At least my heart can heal but not the same for my trust .
Aug 2021 · 59
That's all I guess
Blake Aug 2021
He's gone.
No more messages,
No more hellos or goodbyes.
The years together all disappeared
There was no fight to keep it alive.
One evening I said do you still care for me? there was no response.
He never reached out again and that was a lifetime ago.
Aug 2021 · 48
Blake Aug 2021
I hope one day I can smile when thinking of her.
I know that day was darker than a sky with no stars.
I didn't want break your heart in to a thousand pieces,
only wanted to smile again.
The way to that was to leave you behind.
I kept the memories but that's all I can take.
A little part of me still loves you but not enough to fight for something that was already lost.
I hope one day I can smile again when thinking of you.
Aug 2021 · 501
That love
Blake Aug 2021
The sky turns different colors,
There is no warning about when or why it happens.
It's blue then black in a matter of moments.
It reminds me of love.
One second everyone is writing stories of there magic that was there
A day later the fire pit is filled with empty pages of a story that could of been.
Aug 2021 · 39
Blake Aug 2021
How can he dislike everyone but act happy all the time?
The smile is always there but means words come across his mouth like a loaded gun.
Always talking about how he wants to leave but stays for some reason.
Aug 2021 · 279
Blake Aug 2021
I saw the way he looked at her,
He never looked at me that way.
The smile was bigger then anything I ever saw.
He said it's only his friend and nothing to worry about.
That's the same thing my ex said about his new girlfriend.
Why do you think I can't see how you stare at her when you think I'm not looking.
The love is there for me but his love Is slowly fading from his eyes.
Jul 2021 · 51
Late nights
Blake Jul 2021
Fires Burning late at night.
People talking and showing their true colors to each other.
The flirty boys and girls kissing and hoping no one sees but everyone notices.
It finally hit 2am,
Time to take all the confused people back home before any notices all the drinks are gone.
Come again they all say,
But no one remembers any of these nights.
Jul 2021 · 42
Summer car rides
Blake Jul 2021
Summer nights bring moments that we will never forget.
Laughs that will stay with us while the worlds move ons.
No one will forget when the car was filled with smiles and empty cans of soda.
Hoping to stay frozen for a while,
Getting dropped off a second later.
Wishing we can do it all again tomorrow,
Missing summer days when school comes around.
About driving with my friends
Jul 2021 · 295
Blake Jul 2021
The world just paused,
Everything went quite.
Nothing looked the same as the moment before.
All of a sudden I hear the words that bring me back for a second.
I want to break up with you.
The pieces are falling once again,
Will the world ever stay moving or will I be stuck in this time loop for ever.
Jul 2021 · 49
Blake Jul 2021
I look up at the stars couting the days until we meet again.
Wondering if all the late night messages will be worth it in the end.
Hoping one day you tell me that you love me.
I walk back home with no one next to me wishing I could wake up and you would be there next to me.
Then I look up one more time at the shinning stars wondering if you miss me this way or if you just forgot about me.
Jul 2021 · 38
Blake Jul 2021
Where did she go?
I only see her in my dreams late at night,
When everyone is gone.
What if she is make believe?
My mind is on over drive trying to find her.
The thoughts are talking over that she won't back to say goodbye.
I want to hold her one more night.
To tell her"I love you Luisina".
Before she disappears on me.
I think it's too late.
My love won't leave like she did.
Jul 2021 · 67
Blake Jul 2021
We went from love to loved.
Texts to history books,
Everyone will know our story.
Even if it's through tears or yelling.
I wish share the good to those who will listen.
It was young love,
But a life time of stories.
No good book is happy all through way.
I hope your happy.
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