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260 · Dec 2019
Morning sun
Chris Heidelberg Dec 2019
The morning sun begin to rise from under it's shadowy hidden place underneath it's course the reflection from the sun glows off the wavy ocean wave,this fantasy of this imaginary land is like a magic touch from a fairy!! The sparkling lights coming off the deepest part of the this ocean excites my soul and the attraction of this painted picture is full of peace..The side walk walls are decorated with different colors on the wall of happiness..Kids are playing enjoying the evening activities!!Pinocchio places his hand on the wish fairy stick to receive direction towards the fairy wounder land..on the left side the clouds shapes up cartoon characters such as Mickey mouse, paw patrol,etc things places of fun!!The mountains rest on it's hills waiting for santa clause to land it's sleigh full with toys for all ages Christmas time is near..butterflies are beginning to produce colors from their wings reflecting rainbows designer best colors..The kids are shouting with joy and the evening sun is smiling down on them because God's creation is love
190 · Dec 2019
Chris Heidelberg Dec 2019
Discrimination against my abilities are against the principles of my rules due to the account of success..The power that's in my character is my future!!The atmosphere around me is clouding my focus due to her dangerous plots...God hand is moving in all directions based on healing for the lost souls that's looking for peace..The dark side that's in the sunlight is defeated from the blood of Jesus Christ that's attached to my life..It's about boundaries when your mind is focused on principles about the past and pretense..The move your mind picks is totally due to your work on divine secrecy of society.. These words that my tongue brings to existence are reality but the force of negativeness is a battle vs positive...The gossip is a tolerance against the lost knowledge that's becoming a dream to our adventures..We will overcome the principles of all enemies with faith that's given from Christ cross..
173 · Dec 2019
Chris Heidelberg Dec 2019
Warfare is a part of the mind that becomes a reality in life that we all struggle with in our minds..The roots of our past deals with the process of growing with the future of success!!The environment of life capabilities are becoming a stragety of a video in our minds that's apart of a warfare mentally..The boundaries of concepts of knowledge is deeply conservative with answers of eternally life..The light is the direction of instructions of the blueprint that was given with hope for us as souls!!Temptation is a force of the enemy with a thoughtful plan that's against Christ growth..warfare must be defeated with the fruits of love and the victory is a crown of glory due to the action of forgiveness
Mental stage
161 · Dec 2019
Chris Heidelberg Dec 2019
My head is in the midst of many thoughts from different minds with compatible speeches of life..My differences are very brilliant with an hand of a geometry teacher,every word planted beneath my tongue has the roots of a sharing person...The eyes of the world has an hidden secret behind every tree!!It's a very hypothectically problem that's based with amazing features of faith..As my mind begin to flow in the wind of wisdom my self-esteem strengthens the confiedence of knowledge..My hands are a tool for God's missions that was visualized on a blue print from heaven's creation..My destination are with effections from experiences with expectational limits!The pain in this world is the darkest part in our spiritual world our hearts become abonded in a mind of confusing actions which leads to destruction..God is the instrument of our peaceful journey that has living waters of restoration of healing and my process is based on faithful limits!! The flower in the fields of fantasies is the hope of healing with abundance,growth,love..My vision brings works of a strong empire build with strong constructions in the best buissness..
To the ones without faith
160 · Dec 2019
Life's game
Chris Heidelberg Dec 2019
Supremecy is my state of mind when life challenges has been equiped with all type of scenerios dealing with weighing your problems on the scale!! My characteristics lays it's strength deeply inside my feets so that my faith is grounded to stand up for my rights in the land of freedom..My thoughts are being weighed by a measuring scale to be displayed on the chemistry test so that my mind can be above iq when life brings her best..behind the curtain is where my self-esteem is!!the secret in my path is discovered by seeds of the spirit that God stored in me so that my foundation could grow..My eyes become restless from the agony in life circumstances that option ABC is running out completely dry as in a dry dessert without any water to drink...the faith that was spreaded out in the heaven's showered down it's Grace for my foundation could grow for family..The beliefs throughout the century remains the same Jesus Christ is the strength to life's game
152 · Dec 2019
dont be afraid
Chris Heidelberg Dec 2019
Why am I afraid? The defeat of my trials is overcoming the greatness of my mind. Why am I afraid? I am afraid of the dreams are coming to reality in my nightmares that my life is bringing before my focus…why am I afraid? I’m afraid because the laughter from my enemies are terrozing my mind leading me to alcohol beverages that I’m running from… the past memories has been abused by life trials and tribulations that has put fear in my heart. Why am I afraid? The gossip of the world blinded me from being successful at my greatest dream but the strength I had deep down in me was being buried from not having faith. Why am I afraid? I am afraid because my eyes were blinded and my faith was destroyed from many angles of being defeated by life…The laughter from my closest peers was restored back in my life that pushed me and gave me strength through hard times. Prayer was the power that overcame hard times without the struggle my determination would still be afraid...
151 · Dec 2019
Chris Heidelberg Dec 2019
Impossible is the meaning of assumption when your mind is on the scale of weighing options of life!!definition of my sympathy becomes power of many characters in directions of the life of possible..Gravity pulls it's grounding in the roots of the racist generation..The dream that's becoming part of our visuialation is becoming a trance of many mazes!! My life is impossible with power of faith that was a part of a plan of demonstration of love..impossible is an reality of our lives based on hope and deliverance through our trials and tribulations!!Many wishes are becoming reality with undeniable request of the unknown world of darkness..our prayers are being lifted with the designer of praise with symbols of worship..Philippians 4,13 are our strength when the enemy throws it's targets at us to try to stop us from getting stronger!!impossible become possible with power and faith chemistry starts pulling together in our lives that's when impossible become possible
149 · Dec 2019
Small town
Chris Heidelberg Dec 2019
My mind sometimes troubles the tissues inside my skull with worries,anxiety's,stess the growth of supplements becomes a long journey with any escapes!!constitutional rights becomes a part of reality when the world applies votes!!!The importance of royalty is based on creative laws from the hands of god..Respect is an active rehearsal our inner souls have to apply our flesh on due with process of active duties!!The importance dealing with an successful journey is seeds of faith with a limit of expectations for our family lives....The freedom of being peaceful belongs with a territory based with principles from creation of Adam and Eve!!Negative decisions are choices from the most powerful creator that laid the foundation of every plantation the music of every music note has an meaning of life family and love it's the ways of family that makes the movement of memories come alive..Hard work brings sweat and tears from a small town of  miricles!!Forever my heart belongs in a small town of faith belivers
Country song name small town made me come up with this poem
147 · Feb 2020
Chris Heidelberg Feb 2020
The picture of creation was organized through an vision of the Most almighty..With a perfect plan of love the world became a piece of a resting Peace ...Nature is the garden for rest laughter and time every sec of the clock is meant for us to enjoy the moments of family..the trinity is the symbol of a perfect photograph of beauty
The power of God
144 · Dec 2019
Chris Heidelberg Dec 2019
Inspiration comes from history trials,tribulations that our minds creates...The productiveness is the principle of being a responsible father!!sometimes in life we have to be  presented as a nobody to become somebody...God is the author of our mominium the foundation of his principles is having faith!!life is very complicated with strange events on our minds and the stage events we have to appear on seemed frighten in many ways!!There will be low levels beyond high levels that will approach our characters but we have to choose what way we need to live for our family our heart overflows with the roots in our generation all we have to accomplish is faith to be what God wants us to be in his eyes.
130 · Feb 2020
Chris Heidelberg Feb 2020
Words are powerful with actions of affections from experinces in life..words belongs to the creator of this universe when there was no might on Earth God spoke with just a word and behind that work was abundance action!! Sometimes in life we tend to say things in life about each other not realizing what kind of affect the words could destroy people..Words are powerful let's becareful about what we say about each other because words can destroy and give Life...
Power of the words

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