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May 2022 · 150
Africa heil all mighty creator
Sons and daughters of the soil
Cover foil baptised in fossil oil
Spirit brethed by the Creator Thyself
Gods below angels, gods above angels
Wealth of freewill,
Wealth of wisdom
Soil wealthy with minerals, minerals composing earth
Birth by mother-nature
Minerals baptised by fire become power
Minerals burned become fossil
Multiply freewill with power , you equal wealth
"Apply yourself to supply your wealth"
It is what we inherit from the creator,
With all the inherited creation of the galaxy
With each planet inheriting its own creation
"Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven"
Directed by the stars (angels) in the galaxy
Wealth is by ancestor from the creator,
May 2022 · 197
I gave you time, you wanted more
I gave you love, you wanted more
I gave you me, you wanted more
The more i give, the more you take
The more you want, the more i need
I give you all until there is nothing more to give
And yet i feel empty without you
And yet i feel you don't fill my emptiness
You are shallow with happiness
I am hallow in halo with happiness with peace
Seems we are living parallel lives
As we are living in parallel times
Experiencing parallel emotions
Jan 2022 · 145
I am not an expect when it comes to love, thats why i'm just gonna speak about you and me.
There is no we without double-you and me on the opposite spectrum.
They say three times a charm, hence, mind , soul and body.
You and I seem to be paralled by a dilemma between us.
Honestly I want to be honest,
With you however honesty will hurt but at times hurt does bring healing.

I don't say I love you, not that I don't however I would be lying because I don't know what love is anymore.
I don't say I love you, just to bring you pain but I know the pain when you realise it has been used in vein.
I don't say I love you, not that I hate you but love has hurt you and me.
I don't say I love you, not that I am a player but I want our own little play of love to bring meaning to the words.
I don't say I love you, not that I have pride however for pride to be silenced by the noise of our trust.
I don't say I love you, not that I want you to be unhappy but for us to be happy inlove.

The honesty of it is that love hurts more than a thorn in your heel,
Hurts more than a broken rib,
Hurts more than any scar.
See, love hurts so bad that we build fortknox walls to protect ourselves,
But the people brought by life into our lives knock our walls down and leave us with insecurities.

That is the reality.
In reality we miss each other that we give each other headaches,
And the headaches at times, make us not even stand the thought of one another,
Yet the very thought of each other brings joyful happiness to one another.
See, reality is tricky because reality is life.
At times in reality you cannot stand being together , And,
At times at the same time cannot stand being apart.

That's where understanding is needed.
In reality we have all been hurt and have scars as evidence to prove it.
But the trick is, in reality
You cannot exhibit those scars to prove insecurity, dishonesty, lack of understanding, pain, hurt, love.
The reality of it is that you can only prove life with them.

And life itself is full of life,
That's the reality of it and not wishful thinking.
However being wishful and thinking are part of life,
Meaning you are living in reality,
So you and I being alive also in thought,
Also in emotion cannot help being wishful of love as we are human afterall.
Wishes that pain is eliminated by love always,
That all disappointment is eliminated by love,
Love eliminates all.
Wishing that all can witness us happy inlove.
Wishing that there can only be smiles not frowns.
Wishing only for laughters not cries.
Wishing for pleasures not troubles.
Wishing for real love and hoping for honesty.
To be honest,
For us to wish-away the reality and not accept life as living,
are killing love itself.
Jan 2022 · 108
I been taking a jab in my mental,
About the jab that is being jabbed.
Being jabbed of the so-called cure, of the so-called pandemic.
Prevention is better than cure.
I guess,
The mental juggles,
How do we cure the cure ?
I ask,
Because we are not being jabbed with information about the cure,
Only the physical.
I guess,
The medical shuns the constitutional.
What is health to the laws of nature ?
What is our DNA nature to the future ?
We say we are thinking about the future.
I ask,
Are we really thinking about the future ?
I say,
Let us ask nature.
The very nature of our existance.
We cannot ask the future generation,
We can only think for them.
Jan 2022 · 279
No more
I still strive until i can strive no more
I will love until i can love no more
I will succeed until i can succeed no more
I will laugh until i can laugh no more
I will speak until i can speak no more
I will give until i can give no more
And will not give-up no more
I have suffered that i can suffer no more
I have learnt and still want to learn more
Jan 2022 · 191
I have not won my own bread,
How can i be a breadwinner ?
When i do not even have bread to butter.
Battering myself as to how to own my own bakery, when i don't even have butter.
Seeing myself as a baker owning my own bakery is like a hot-knife through butter in my mental visual.
How do i turn visual into mental?
I decided to turn dreams into reality,
And make my own dow.
And i did not win my own bread.
It is not easy as it looks. Not even as they say.
I tried to be as smooth as grinned wheat,flour.
I tried to be as sweet as honey,
Because i did not want diabetese.
I tried to add taste like salt, to balance the flavour.
I tried to humble myself and not self-raise like yeast.
I even tried not to be hot or cold,
And be lukewarm.
With all these ingredients in the mix, i thought i was going to make dow easy.
And make a winner-bread.
I even thought i contained myself best.
It was messy,
My dow did not even make it to par but atleast to the pan ( of the pen ).
I was confused ,
I did not know what to make of this.
With this dow, i could not bake bread.
I could not bake muffins. I could not bake cake.
I was so steamed up,
Like dow in hot water for steam-bread.
All i could see was wasteful expenditure,
And a waste of resources. Not to speak of energy.
Until i shifted my thinking into acting,
I moved from domestic baker to business baker.
And i made 'Amagwinya' (vetkoeks), now i have bread for snack.
Apr 2021 · 131
I, myself am created, therefore, am part of creation.
I, myself am a creature, with the willpower to create.
Creating things unseen like oxygen
Evolving with evolution.
My creation will take you to the future, present, past.
Wise from wisdom
Bear ideology create revolution.
From circumstance to situation to solution
It all leads back to creation.
The begining of (all) things existing.
Birth of death, life on (of) earth,
Death being sacrifices, sacriligious.
The illusion of choice is created
The question of destined fate becomes silently dead.
The death of the physical is the birth of the eternal,
The death of the eternal is the birth of the physical.
Infinitly it is spiritual.
Intentional or coincidental, creation.
Mar 2021 · 426
Is it only as black as widow ?
Can it be white as snow ?
Lingering, as a question i do not know.
What i do know, there is an existance called shadow.
We can see the shadow in all senses,
Especially the sixth sense.
Does it have any significance ?
Does it have a purpose ?
Is its existance coincidence ?
Can it be exhibited as evidence ?
Is it there, even when we dont see it in sight of light ?
Does it always have to be a physical appearance ?
Can we not have mental shadows, logically lingering.
Can we not have shadows of the soul, emotionally lingering.
Physically, as natural as creation.
Consciencely, as natural as creation.
Consciously, as natural as creation.
Perhaps, reflecting the resemblance of life in other dimmentional realms in dimmentional angles.
Mar 2021 · 116
I have subsribed to being a scribe.
Scribble rapture with my scripture,
Scripture to free and capture.
Fertilising manure to mature,
Scribe on scriber.
Mar 2021 · 228
When is it the right time to write?
When the timing is right ?
When the moment is ripe ?
When the mood is right?
Writting wrongs and turning wrongs to right?
Whatever about,
When you feel wronged ?
When the feelings are not placed right ?
What then? when that all is left?.
Like a heart
Like sanity
When the crowd has left?
No right-hand man
Take a wrong turn in life
Take a write turn in life
Is it wrong then to
Is even, wrong or right the basis to write?
I am aware one has to learn to write to be able to write.
Does one need writting basics through lessons to write right?
If there is a right way to write.
Can one write to touch bases,
Right at the moment of experience?
Write about moments of experience?
Is there even the right time to write?
its just a matter of having time to write,
Make the time to write.
That would mean everytime is write-on time.
Feb 2021 · 408
Ndithetha Ngaye
Ngelizwi lakhe ndiyonela
Ngoncumo lwakhe ndiyoneliseka
Ukuhleka kwakhe kuyafudumeza
Ubuqu bakhe benza ndifune ukusondela
Ubukho bakhe benza uvalo
Ngalolonke ixesha unexesha lokusabela
NguMonde lowo
Isandla sakhe asikude ukunceda
BubuNtu obo
Igama lakhe yayifanele nguThando
Leyo isentliziyweni
Engqondweni ungamazi ngobulumko
Leyo isebuchotsheni
Ndithetha ngaye, andithethi naye
Ngokuthetha ngaye bubuncwane
Yena uyazazela, uyazingca
Noba uyamazi, ngesidima
Noba awumazi, ngesithozela
Ubuhle bukaMdali
Ubuhle beNdalo
Ubuhle ngaphakathi nangaphandle
Ubuhle njengesibhakabhaka nolwandle
Igamalakhe yayifanele nguNobuhle
Ndisathetha ngaye
Ngoba umntu akanconywa esiva
Feb 2021 · 133
Musical Ngoma
Music is not only to amuse
Not saying to entertain is to abuse
Music is also to educate
Music is also to meditate
At the same time stimulate
While you accelerate
Take you to a point of being delicate
Not to say one would be mute
However, helps your perspective to remote
Channel your inner, in a fashionable manner
When that note hit, its melody
One cannot help but drum to the beat
Then beat more hurried your heart
Emotions within expressed on the out
Music brings messages about
Music brings lessons about
Music as a matter of fact, is more than Art
One cannot attribute it to one part
That just tears music apart
Not saying to entertain is to abuse
But saying limited only to entertain is to abuse
If "action speaks louder than words",
Then why are you bothering me with communication ?!.
I know, you may feel communication is mis-represented here, miscommunication.
But now , we missing the action part of it
Are we suppossed to be speaking it or acting it ?
Suppossing, that speaking is actually an action as opposed to silence.
Then, when does silence actually speak volumes ?!
Well, given that the truth is actually spoken rather than actually being acted,
I dont know the relation between truth and feeling.
The truth is, what really matters is the volumes of the true feeling.
We can believe what we hear,
We can believe what we see.
Truth is knowing,
Truth is believing.
Because what we know to believe is conception,
Conception is reality.
Feb 2021 · 564
Ngoko lwazi lwam, ngokwe zimvo zam
Akhomntu uthanda umthetho
Ngoba womke umntu uziva ngathi akakwazi kuziphatha ngokwakhe, ngathi akana mthetho
Umntu uziva ngathi uhluthwa amandla akhe
Kodwa, kwelinye icala
Umthetho ubalulekile
Umthetho uthulisa impixano
Ukhona oyena mthetho ungundoqo
Umthetho ka Mdali
Umthetho we Ndalo
LooMthetho luThando
UThando lokuthanda abanye
UThando lokuzithanda
UThando olunyulu, uThando olunzulu
UThando luxando lokwenza
UThando luxando lokwenziwa
UThando luxando lokwenzana
Into endiyaziyo kukuba lomthetho sivumelana ngawo sonke
Intonayo asiwazi sonke
Umanyano emthethweni woThando yindyebo yobomi naphakade
Feb 2021 · 311
Ndivuka uzingcinga
Ndilala ndiyakucinga
Nditsho namaphupha
Noba awukho secaleni kwam
Uhlala uhleli nam
Nditsho nakwi ncoko zam
Ulubhabho lwam, ulubambo lwam
Ngaphandle kwakho, intliziyo yam isisighubhu
Xa ndinawe, intliziyi yam itsho amagubu
Izandi eziviwa phezulu emazulwini
Igida kushukume abaphantsi
UThando lwakho lundonyusa ndiphantsi
Lamazwi akayonyani, lamazwi angqina inyani
Inyani luThando, ubungqina luThando lwethu
InTando yakhe mayenziwe emhlabeni njengoko isenziwa emazulwini
(Ngoba ebunyanisweni andikwazi ukuyichaza indlela endikuthanda ngayo, abubungqina bendlela endiziva ngayo ).
Feb 2021 · 113
Having certain realisations
Leading to certain visualisations
Caught inbetween
It takes patience
It takes action
I wonder
Are we all heading the same destination
Life, i imagine
Is like sailing in the ocean
Not knowing your location
But with maps and compases, are certain to persue your direction
So be certain to encounter waves, tides, sea-storms
Its all part of the mission
The lesson
Its not what its costing
Its what you gaining
Hasitation , patience
Action , timing
Logic, feeling, emotion
Listening, observing
What is this chef life serving
Sea- food or see- food
Crab in the bucket effect
How this captain sailing
Forward or roundabout
The ship does not only anchor on arrival
The sheep do not only graze on pastures
Is it about the answers or is it about the message
Hoping for safe passage
While we overload baggage
Which creates *******
Did we prepare the voyage of emergency
Precaution is one of lifes currency
For forward i see like a profecy
Greener pastures i seek
My realisations leading to certain visualisations
Feb 2021 · 113
Afternoon heat
Afternoon breeze
Grass and trees
Sounds of birds
Sights of rivers
Feeling of ease
The kind that frees
For a moment
Everything as still freeze
Sweet like the harness of bees
No companies
Whilst between crowds
No louds
Yet full of sounds
Off the streams
While inside theres screams
Evoking dreams
And nightmares
Outside theres peace
Mind on remenece
Away from everything in my presence
Under the summer heat
Hit by the summer breeze
Grass and trees
M (me)
P (pain)

M: Pain does hurt more than some times.

P : Dont blame me, i'm here to help.

M: Help ?!

P: No pain, no gain. Remember ?!
Hey, what dont **** you, makes you stronger.

M: Do you like, aim for the '****' , then settle for hurt ?

P: Lol. Case in point. There is humour in me.
You tell , brave stories of honour, through me. Pride.
What the hell ?! Careers have been established because of me. ******-analyse that. And take a chill-pill.

M: So you take 'pride' from / at what you do to people ?

P : Wouldnt you ? If you were achieving excelllence in what you were intended for, your mission.
By the way, people stop thinking you are the center of attention, by that i mean 'universe' .

M : whats your relation, relativeness (so to speak ), to / with time ? Now that you are here and all, i figured i should use this chance.

P : Pain and time, are siblings (if i may), are colleagues, 'in business together'  (if you like).
They are both in the 'same' mission but on 'different' missions .

M : And what is that mission ?

P : You will have to figure that out by yourself.

Make it your mission, if you like.

M: What is your cause ( course) , your purpose ?

P : I am because i am

M : What does that mean ?

P : Time will tell and lead you the answer to that.

M : Why do you have to be so elaborate and delibarate ?

P : For point of 'emphasis' .

Hey, you people are stubborn.
Besides, competition with my siblings is very stiff.

M : siblings ?!

P : Yeah siblings, love, joy, happiness, peace, and all, you know. Pride.
I dont have time for them all at once.

M : Yeah ?! But you are the bully.

P : its all in the mind. Matter of perspective.
Do i not arise from your judge-mentality ? Your judgementalism towards each other.
I mean, think about it.

M : Yes. Because of your trickery so as your ' will be done' .

P : Quite the contrary. I too, arise from cause and effect. It is ( i am) done by your will.
I am just, a 'guiding reminder' for and from decisions and actions.
Let me direct your angle from another perspective ;
I leave for closure and from closure comes healing and from healing the learning continues.

M : Do not get smarty clever with me.

P : Its the ignorance thats paining, really.

M : I am willing to ignore you, any time of day.

P : Try ignoring life and see what your life will be.

Besides, i could still come at night.
M : Its because of your dark ways, you lurking in the shadows.

P : Its because of you lacking to escape your shadows.
You should lighten up.
# to_ whom_ ever_ is_ having _ the_ same_ to_ similar_ conversations
Jan 2021 · 112
Pain and pleasure
There is pleasurable pain
There is painful pleasure
It is almost plausable,
How we can completely forget about pain when in perfect leisure
It is completely plausable,
How we can forget about pleasure when fully numbed by pain
In pain we yearn for pleasure
While in leisure we are pain with desire
Pain is painful
While we are ignorant in leisure
We ought to appreciate pain,
As it reminds us to appreciate pleasurable times
While we wish leisure can be bought with dimes
In pain theres cries
In pleasure theres laughs
Those are all expressions of emotions
It is almost funny,
Our emotional impressions against pain
It is completely funny,
Our mental impressions towards pleasure
I do appologise for the ill deed but this will is in appreciation of my friends deed
Nov 2020 · 136
Uqhawule amaqhina
Uwonyuke amaqhina
Uqengqeleke kwamanye amaqhina
Uqaqambe ubeliqina
Kuyenzeka ukuqhatheka
Ufunde ubungqina
Ufune amangqina
Konke kuyagqitha
Konke awunokugqiba
Qina ngokuqiniseka
Yithi gqolo ngokuqhama
Uqhamise iziqhamo eziqaqambileyo
Nabanye ubaqoqoshe
Xa simanyene siqinile
Isiqhelo siyayoyisa ingqondo
Qala ngezokuqala kuqala
Xa uqalile gqiba
Xa ugqibile qala
Konke ukwenze ngokuqiniseka
#stand_firm #confidence #caution #poem_for_my_daughter #isiXhosa #Mother_tongue #father_love #Luminati
Sep 2020 · 174
Utat'Oliver Tambo
Noba sele engamathambo
Kodwa siqina ngaye mathambo
Eselula awakhe amathambo
Wazinikezela ukuze siqine amathambo
Wasenza ubhabho lobhabho lwakhe
Wasenza ithambo lethambo lakhe
Waqotywa awakhe amathambo
Ukuze kuqine awethu amathambo
Ingqele isitya awakhe amathambo
Ukuze komelel'awethu amathambo
Amathambo azele intsini
Intsini eyenza imfudumalo
Imfudumalo ekhulisa amathambo
Ukukhula okomeleza amathambo
Akomelela akhangele ubulumko
Ubulumko obufundisa ngothando
Kolothando kuzalwe amatsha amathambo
Ulutsha oluzobe lulahlekile uba alwazi ngoTambo
Ulutsha olabuyiswa ekulahlekeni nguTambo
Iintsapho ezasiwa enkululekweni nguTambo
Ilizwe elakhutshwa emakhamandeleni nguTambo
Ilizwe elabuyiselwa ebutyebini nguTambo
Ilizwe elabuyiselwa ezandleni labanikazi balo nguTambo
Isizwe esabuyiselwa ekukhanyeni nguTambo
Sep 2020 · 91
Im trying
Is all im saying
Im no quiter
My mental keeps saying
Im trying
Is the best im doing
I keep on yearning
Stop talking and get to doing
Is all im hearing
Its all about me telling me
Thats all easy said than done
Its what keeps on happening
Im trying
Its just i keep on yearning
Its not craving
Thats what im knowing
Its controling
Its influencing
Its all mental acting
Still im yearning
Still im trying
Acting is commencing
Jun 2020 · 674
Our personalities may not be in line
Our lives may not be in line
If our genes are in line, thats bloodline
Our mentalities may not be in line
Our emotions may not be in line
If our genes are in line, thats bloodline
Bloodshed is forbiden in the bloodline
Blood-shared is the foundation in the bloodline
Dishonesty breaks the bloodline
Unity builds the bloodline
Generations are the history of the bloodline
Generations are the future of the bloodline
Kindness flows veinous like a grape-vine
When love is core, the bloodline is devine
Jealousy brings divide
Truth makes bloodline concrete
Genes are the roots of the bloodline
Actions are the stem of the bloodline
Acknowledgement of the bloodline means you're not alone
If our genes are in line, thats bloodline
Jun 2020 · 464
Uthando lukaQamata lumi nathi
Uthando lwemiNyanya lumi nathi
Uthando lwakho,lwethu lumi nathi
Saqala singabafundi singazani
Saya, kwaya sazitshomi
Saya, kwaya sazizithandani
Sagqibela sesi ngabazali
Luminathi, yaligama lobukho bakho
Ubukho bakho bafika nemfudumalo
Imfudumalo eyafika yalulutho
Ulutho lokubabalwa luthando ngothando
Uthando luka Qamata luminathi
Uthando lwemiNyanya luminathi
Uthando lwethu, lwakho luminathi
Ngawe ndaphuma ebuntwaneni ndangena ebudaleni
Ngawe yaguquka impilo yam
Ngawe ndabona ikamva liqaqambile
Luminathi, libhongo neqhayiya ubukho bakho
Ibhongo ezizweni
Iqhayiya lam, lwethu ekhayeni
#Luminathi #daughter #father-daughter_message
#meaning #your_love_stands_with_us #love #isixhosa
Jun 2020 · 1.4k
There shouldn't pass one hour without humour in one's lifetime/ lifespan
Some think there is no honour in humour
Some in their lives make humour a rumour
Some just don't understand the life brought by laughter
Humour makes life's baggages lighter
Funny that laughter increases one's lifespan
Is it perhaps why its called a 'funny-bone'
Ain't no happiness when one wears a frown
Life's baggages may weigh one down,
Let it be a laughing matter
With triumph comes true stories of laughter
Laughter from humour eliminates worries
Humour has started families
Humour has built friends
Humour has united countries
I say there is a lot of honour in humour
Hobbies in humour
Careers in humour
Wisdom in humour
Jun 2020 · 112
Steam Train
I steam, i blow, i toot
Chuckling, huffing, puffing
Fire inside me
Hot as burning coal
Over parallel rails, i ride
Through dark tunnels, i ride
Under ramping bridges, i ride
I steam, i blow, i toot
Carrying generations inside me
Trusted with delivery
Fulfiling my natural responsibility
Failure brings devastating outcome
Satisfact of service is the only reward
Time is not a factor than the destination
Fire burning inside me
Heat supply like burning coal
Energy is not a matter
Heat is what i thrive by
Delivering masses to the masses is my nature
Operations fulfiled by the nature of the steam train
Jun 2020 · 119
Sometimes i wish i could fly
Seeing the way everyday we dying like flies
Illusioned by freedom, chained by lies
What such has become of our lives
Trying to cover death with
Trying to cover death with
Living like in land of milk and honies
Whilst the inside dies, we have immunity to cries
This is killing us softly inside, we can't trust outside
Life has become a jig-saw game, sides versus
Besides paying the price of sins and deeds
Indeed it is our lives trying for good deeds
However all we are acting and witnessing are
Sometimes i levitate
Trying to gravitate
For balance i strive to create
Contemplate, if i were to be summoned by the courts of the afterlife to be a witness,
Would i be ashamed or proud to testify
That is why
Sometimes i wish i could fly
With me, lift everyone's morals high and not fear to die
#tribute #loved_ones #not_in_my_name #black_lives_matter #all_lives_matter #no_to_abuse #no_to_femicide #emotional_conscious_conscience
May 2020 · 114
You are the help in the Emergency Room
Not only Early Recovery
But Emotional Recovery
Are just your personal caring services
Medication does the job yes, but
Meditation from the conversations during the injections does the
Most of us know the kind host of your room, but least of us host themselves in kindness making known your deeds of
At times not known the enemy, threatning every immune system
You stand firm in the forefront fighting, protecting, providing,
We overlook your ability of importance because you don't spotlight and plea your case, you remain constant in any case, we only put you first in the case of emergency
Feb 2020 · 123
Yet to be found
One thing I have found
Is that I am lost
In this world
A world I was born
A world I have bore
I feel lost in this world
A world that has me built
A world I have helped build
I don't even realise the path I am on
Is this the final destination
Is there another destination
Am I at crossroads
Am ai just feeling out of this world
I have found comfort in loneliness
I have found silence peace
A world that has gave me family
A world that has gave me acquientances
I cannot distinguish between love and lust
Within the crowd, I feel bound
Within the crowd, I feel unfound
Crystally clearly confused in sanity
Is there anyone realising I am lost
Is there anyone looking for me
It is not even a matter of, will I be found
It is a matter of, should I be found
In this world I have found
I am lost in this world
Even if I put myself in the lost and found (box)
I don't think I will be found
I am yet to be found
Jan 2020 · 146
Jan 2020 · 85
This is it
I am sure
This is it
I have liked hearts
I have liked minds
I have liked bodies
I have liked personalities
I know this is it
Not grammar
Not spelling
Wording of words
I love what they do
I love how they do
I love why they do
I love when the do
I even know who, Me
Either inhaling them
Either exhaling them
Wording of words
Al­l I love
And that is it
Jan 2020 · 131
I know her (plural)
I know him (plural)
I know them
She knows me (plural)
He knows me (plural)
They know me
Everyone is conversing
Everyone is eating
Everyone is laughing
We share the same blood
We share the same yard
We share similar sentiments
I feel strange
Feeling awkward in this picture
When I'm alone I feel better
Less strange
More free
It's growth
It's loath
All I know it's not loathe
#introvert #extrovert
Jan 2020 · 111
Here I am
Here I am
Mouth to speak
Voice to be heard
Head to think
What do I say
How do I say
Here I am
Hands to touch
Feet to walk
Face to express
How do I act
What do I act
Here I am
Am I audible
Am I visible
Am I presentable
Here I am
Ink to write
Emotions to feel
Here I am
Jan 2020 · 140
Dancing with Angels
Let alone the music
It is the feeling
Sure do can dance
I'm not watching
I'm participating
I'm dancing with angels
Sure do can dance
This verse inked
In the
Physical relm
In the
Spiritual relm
It must be a trance
Still, I enjoyed the dance
Jan 2020 · 92
Tossing and turning
Turning and tossing thoughts
Turning rest into work
Working on resting
But in an attempt to rest
I rest unsure
Will this be another late night
Will this be another sleepless night
Tonight is the night
I decide
Am I a difficult sleeper
Am I an insomniac
A restless thought
Why am I even fussing
Over sleep
I guess
I will have to turn to other
Like meditating
While im still contemplating
I know
I will sleep through my errands
Do I even wake up
If I never slept
While I'm awake
I contemplate
Do I need to sleep to rest
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