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  Jul 2019 Ahalya
Louie Joe
Flowers blooming colors glow
Greet the morning sun hello
Scent of fragrant breeze refreshing
Gentle warmth was so inviting.

Normal people walking out
Busy streets and roundabout
Children playing hide and seek
Just nother day of the week

Silver wings of airplane high
Wonder as it cross the sky
A tiny object fall beneath
What could be this special gift?

With no second, a blinding light
The sun was humbled of its might
Then the houses, trees so tall
Crumbled down, began to fall

Burning figures, swirling blaze
Shadows gone without a trace
I lay helpless want to help
Deeply wounded found myself

Rivers flowing, ****** red
Cradle filled with sleeping dead
Cherry blossoms fell like tears
For motherland with all her fears

I still hear those horrid screams
The painful sight of broken dreams
This picture always kept inside
The fateful summer of '45
Ahalya Jul 2019
Silver clouds, sailing in the vast sky
Swift and smooth, carrying azure gold
From endless sea to mountains high
Spreading scent of the soil by showering their withhold

Scaling thousand miles, flying away
With the birds and the monsoon air,
A moving roof, giving shade in the hotter days
Showering to ground, to make it happier

When the clouds weep to the earth,
Tears hits the ground to give birth,
Lives springs and thank the rain,
But how can the carriers of the rain, be vain?

— The End —