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290 · Jun 2019
Mimi Jun 2019
We were never related by blood,
Yet you loved me like your own.
You were always there,
When everything was dark,
And you offered me a spark
Soon you’ll be gone.
And I dread the days to come.
200 · Jun 2019
Good Ending
Mimi Jun 2019
Me, a tapestry of scars.
Beautiful in its own way.
You, a mystery behind bars,
your smile more radiant than day.

Key to your heart.
In my hands from the start.
124 · Aug 2019
Mimi Aug 2019
Your place is in a field of flowers.
Not alone in your tower.
There you could bloom and be happy.
Instead of feeling ******.

It is where you belong.
Now go along and grow.
Your reward for being strong,
I’ll still be here on the morrow.
115 · Jun 2019
Mimi Jun 2019
The light you shed
Makes me burn,
I expected it to send aid;
Instead, it made me fade.
Without it, I’d be nothing again
And I’d shatter like porcelain.
The light you send makes me want to turn
Away, for all the radiance you shed,
Makes me burn.
98 · Jul 2019
Cat's Eyes
Mimi Jul 2019
The moss in your eyes,
Sees through all my lies
I’m terrified of letting you in.
Don’t know where to begin.
I wanted this to be a happy poem.
But I'm too broken.
This is a pretty bad one.
97 · Jun 2019
Mimi Jun 2019
I’ve been feeling blue.
So many stories I hide from you.
I want to crack that shell,
since alone for me is hell.
I want to be in your mind,
to be in your life.
To share my world with you
would make me less blue.
97 · Aug 2019
Summer Breeze
Mimi Aug 2019
You came to me as a summer breeze,
Stirring feelings that were hard to admit.

With a smile brighter
Than the lights in the sky.
All I wanted was for you to hold me tighter.
You convinced me to try.

Now, you’ll be gone for a bit,
But I’ll see you again, during winter’s freeze.
91 · Jul 2019
No title
Mimi Jul 2019
I wanted to tell
Before it was too late
About how I fell
Left here with only self-hate

I waited too long
I didn’t want you to leave
Even when I knew it was wrong
You showed me how to breathe

My feelings shine in the reflected light of my scars
With parts left of me, behind bars
89 · Jun 2019
The Fear of Loss
Mimi Jun 2019
The hospital light that shone
The self-destructive sickness I could never mend
When I tried It made everything worse
I never saw how many it hurt
I let my love for you turn sour
When our friendship should’ve blossomed like a flower
88 · Jun 2019
Mimi Jun 2019
I’m afraid of the dark,
of the nights that leave me drenched in sweat.
I’m afraid of the world,
of the days that ravage my insides.
I’m afraid of my world without you,
but I will have to make do.
83 · Jun 2023
Mimi Jun 2023
Everything I have is marred by splotches of colour.
The stains of where I’ve been are so painfully plain.
It crusts the scarred surface of skin.
If I peel it away, it bleeds.
You say you can’t live without me?
Well I can’t bear to live with you.

The colour of you tried to hide my scars,
And now all I do is pick at the scabs.
Trying to find what was real.
Was anything real?
I loved you and I would’ve done anything for you.
That’s part of my problem.
Isn’t it?

The past is always in the future,
Just regrets and memories.
A twisted palette of gore and blue.
If I tore my flesh,
Could I paint something true?
Or would it still be stained by you?
74 · Aug 2019
They like me
Mimi Aug 2019
You say you like me.
It makes me feel somewhat better,
It shows what I wish to be,
To every letter.

I say you hate me.
Every breath is another pain,
It shows what I will be
It's all so plain

You like me,
But you wish I were different
59 · Aug 2019
Mimi Aug 2019
Don’t you dare apologize.
Even though I’ll miss you,
I wouldn’t be here without your advice.
Nothing I’d wish to undo.

Even though I was scared.
You were right.
I was never unprepared.
All thanks to your light.

As I said nothing to undo,
I’m happy that I love you!

— The End —