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SleepEasy Dec 2024
The opposite of love, though equally strong
An emotion that kills, yet can still pass as song
You want your enemies to suffer for
how they hurt you to the core

Like the narcissist blessed with confidence
who abused your trust and manipulated you
By the time you wise up to their lies
they're too far gone to say a goodbye

Why must it be like this?
Why am I concerned when someone dies
yet want others to die so badly?
It's how I feel sadly

For I am jealous of their confidence
Though I know deep down it's just pride
They killed Jesus out of jealousy
for they couldn't stand before envy

And you shine like an angel of light
I want my revenge for you abusing my trust
But I won't act on my lust for revenge
I must put out the fire of hatred before it consumes me
SleepEasy Dec 2024
Get up, show them what you're made of
...but my knees are jelly
and my head is full of marbles
Get up, dust yourself off
...but I want the dust to settle
The more I move the more it floats
Get up, move on
...but each step is a climb up stairs
and I feel unstable
Get up, show you care
...but my friends have not been kind to me
They just laugh or stare
Get up, don't be so soft
...but I feel powerless
and my expectations are aloft
Get up, swim for your life
...but I forgot how to swim
and each breath feels like my last
So what are you going to do?
...get up, smoke, lie down
Get up, smoke, lie down
Get up, smoke, lie down
SleepEasy Dec 2024
Some people have been placed
in positions of authority
Looked up to by everyone
Treated like royalty
They're the it thing for a time
By general society
Then they get tiring
to look at or see
Then people get out their lighters
And spark the wick
For they sit on a powder keg
that they didn't choose
Didn't read the fine print
Didn't know fame is a ruse
One little spark
and all hell breaks loose
Trained from youth
To lead not to follow
But they have no real answers
Their words are hollow
Yet reflect what we're all thinking
However shallow
They are beacons of adversity
Lightning rods of controversy
The spirit of the times
Show love to your celebrity
but don't let them lead
They are just human beings
Don't bow at their feet
SleepEasy Dec 2024
May the morning sun and evening moon
be enough to keep you company
Don't be easily controlled
Guided by truth I think you can make it what I wish I was taught
I always wanted to carve my own path
But they wouldn't leave me alone
Eventually I stopped fighting and bowed

I was put under their whim
Whatever they wanted I did
Mow the lawn, take out trash
Help me with my work

A house run like a prison
Under distress I was at a breaking point
So I ran away from them and from school
Cops were called, and then the mental institution

Then they pulled a quick one and did a 180
They really did leave me alone
I was driven out and told to fend on my own
Where wind and cold chill to the bone

Why do such things happen?
You used me for your own pleasure
and as soon as I stopped being cute
you discarded me

So now I'm alone fighting the elements
In my head are all sorts of thoughts I can't say
Hatred and disappointment in myself and others
I numb the pain away

I can't move
My thoughts are destructive
In fetters of fear
I'm dreading things to come

I trust no one
Everyone is suspicious
They can read me like a book
Like my parents, with one look
SleepEasy Dec 2024
I wake up and eat
Take the morning commute
Stop and go
News radio
I get in the mind frame
The dusty factory mood
Cleaning and sweeping
Working the machine
On the outside I'm in keeping
with the routine
But Inside I'm weeping
Wanting to go to sleep
What goes on in my mind
I cannot say
Nobody ever stopped
to listen anyway
Just cleaning and sweeping
Washing the grime
I wish I talked to you more
But I never had time
Now I feel cheap
I can buy you bread
But I could never help with
what goes on in your head
SleepEasy Nov 2024
The life I have
is what I was given
by the almighty God
No choice but to live it
I feel honoured and privileged
to take abuse from the livid
who fight against God
and Christ who is risen
With this I am busy
The LORD guides my feet
I try not to judge
but my judgement is concrete
For the work I conceive
Life I receive
It's a joy to believe
You cannot deceive
I tell real from fake
I know lamb from snake
For the most high talks to me
and protects me for his sake
Through the valley of poison
My heart remains open
The fact I'm still standing
I owe it to him
SleepEasy Nov 2024
Loving too much and too often
Yields unexpected results
I tried to love everyone
Ended up falling apart
For they knew I was open
To tickle their eardrums
And flatter their hearts
I always gave love
Yet didn't received it
They took it for granted
Or didn't believe it
I took what was golden
And made it so common
From platinum to copper
Stretching it thin
When I ran out
The sorrow began
Now I live with the shame
That I don't understand
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