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SleepEasy Jan 17
No one cares
until you're dead
before that happens
you're all alone
So many things
we leave unsaid
lest we eat our words
to the bone
one complaint
To tell the truth
without restraint
is to say goodbye
to comfort and bread
Better lose those
than water and air
I'm gasping for truth
that's how I fare
SleepEasy Jan 16
Do not be fooled
The highlights I show
are not who I am
I know nothing at all

They fell from the sky
and crowned for a while
my head with a smile
the blessings rained down

I laboured for them not
Do not think me wise
I dug in the ground
by chance found a prize

Sometimes you score
and sometimes you miss
The tables will turn
to remind me of this

That I am but a worm
Naked or dressed
blessed or degraded
I am but a worm
SleepEasy Jan 13
I used to write freely
Vividly and openly
but ever since you broke my heart
I've been writing bitterly

I spend my days alone
Fear and anger, can't tell what's worse
I'm used to pain, but what I'm dealing with
is more like a curse

I can search myself
but there's nothing to find
in these dark holes
that exist in my mind

My stomach and head
they hurt as I groan
I've learned my lesson
just leave me alone!
SleepEasy Jan 10
You are the ache in my body
I struggle to not let you take me under
For I know what you are thinking
And I know you want to watch me suffer

I wish it weren't so
but you can't stand to watch me fly
Cause then I would leave you behind
But I'm tired of living under your wing

I can keep you company for a while
Meet with you and talk of the old times
Though I can't be around long
For we all need to be alone sometimes
SleepEasy Jan 8
In this life
I can't refuse
whatever comes
I do not choose

I come upon
things every day
I simply use
and throw away

I am a guest
Life and death
I cannot hold
just like my breath

Once saw something
I wanted to keep
the harder I squeezed
the more it leaped

I am a prisoner
in this life
My life is full
of pain and strife

I am someone
with many needs
yet I must thank
the hand that feeds
SleepEasy Jan 5
It's hard to flourish when your truth-malnourished.
I tried to dig my roots into soil, and grow good fruits.
But with every good thought, along came rot
Wanted to thrive, got eaten alive.

I have only birds and bugs to give me hugs.
The worm is eating my beating heart.
You betrayed, yet still stayed
Inside of me, you live rent free.

I groan and moan before God's throne.
See the snake, crush it for heavens sake!
Of course we're not to fight before God's sight.
The Lord is delayed, but our blood price is paid.

I want to die, I sigh and cry.
In the end, my heart did rend.
My beginnings were rough but I will get more tough.
My trust was misplaced, but your memory will be erased.
SleepEasy Jan 3
I want to cheer up my mind
by thinking good thoughts
Being kind to myself
Seeing the good side of life
There's so much wonder
And miracles abound
I won't give up
There's treasure to be found
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