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SleepEasy Aug 2023
If I'm quiet
No one listens
If I shout
Then I'm crazy
Told to let it all out
Not to bottle things up
But no one cares
How I fare

A narcissist's dreams
Have selfish themes
They see the future
And plan their schemes
But when they see me
Full of joy
They do their part
To break my heart

And thus I fall
Into a well
Into a hole
Into a hell
I have to yell
A cry for help
Cause no one cares
How I fare
SleepEasy Jul 2023
I sometimes wonder why I'm here
Unable to find joy in what I have near
It's clear I must fight for what I want out of life
Yet I'm tired of poking the hive with a knife
To eat honey at the expense of strife
Fighting for life when none can survive

I need all these things to live
Yet I'm empty handed when it's time to give
I want help and compassion but it's not what I gave
No matter how hard I try I can't forgive
True judgement's concealed behind the grave
My personal judgement makes me a knave
I want my foes in hell but I want to be saved
The hypocrite in me is stuck in a torrential rain
Rotting and sick, I point finger and blame

I am told to be strong, I am told I will die
I heard rumours of a place where fallen angels lie
Where dead men groan and angry snakes hiss
Will I go there if my life goes amiss?
Or am I already saved as the protestants say
Yet today my sun is gone and the clouds are grey

Each person's a star, suppose I'm the same
Where fire of sin burns, I want out of this game
I am obsessed with wanting to ***** out the flame
Yet all is so vain, and there's nothing to gain
Between life and death I'm stuck and torn
Would it have been better to have never been born?
SleepEasy Jul 2023
I tried to lead by example
To tell the truth and speak with love
Against an army of demonic sinners
I waged war against evil
For her

After all I invested in her
Sweat from work
Tears of anguish
I even shed my blood once
For her

And then what does she do
She ***** some guy
Behind my back
Thus making herself worthless
A failed investment

And then she tries to come back
As if nothing ever happened
Well, I haven't moved on
But the love I reserved for her
Is now wrath and I will cry against her

Why are the wicked preserved
Why are their lives prolonged
Their crimes are not met with swift recourse
They laugh at their victims
Make sport of their lives

I feel sapped
A bloodsucking succubus has sunk her claws into me
I can no longer fight
I feel so weak
I doubt myself

Yet my life is a breath
And despite my rage I see what I once was
A sinner of varying degree
So I will wait for justice
As my patience is tested
SleepEasy Jul 2023
Thanks for the pleasure
And the adventure
We had fun in our leisure
Where I was your pleaser
I offered my treasure
You took without measure
I'm the poem in your folder
You're the liability in my ledger
My chain and my boulder
The fly on my shoulder
As I get older
I grow colder
As you get older
Your crimes get bolder
I needed the lesson
To regain my vision
But you don't need my lecture
So you left without closure
SleepEasy Jul 2023
I see demons everywhere
I am fragile and infirm
Can't look you in the eye
Lest you find the worm

An insecurity to exploit
A breach in my wall
All so you can laugh
And feel ten feet tall

My back is bent down to the floor
There is no pride left in this soul
Who keeps casting these curses on me
How does one fight an enemy unseen

My God won't touch me
My dreams are filthy
My brain is rotting
My mouth is frothing

Their eyes were fearless
They spared no whip
Their hearts were cold
They've got me in their grip

Most people have no idea how they affect others
The stench of their cruelty long lingers
I am a target and that is my fate
I must be patient and wait
SleepEasy Jul 2023
Growing up I was an obedient child
I did what I was told with a curse under my tongue
Forced into slavery I fought on several fronts
The school, the home life and the battles in my head
I never thought I would make it into adulthood
Now my life is beginning to have meaning
I see there was hope in misery
And the pain that comes with discipline
But then I see the uncontrolled
Provoking me to madness, testing my cool
At night I fly into a hellish rage
Though before their eyes I remained calm
Losing sleep and peace of mind
Because the free abuse their rights
I admit I don't know what goes on in their heads
When they bully me for a laugh
I accept I am the brunt of their whim
For I know that in the end I will be happy
Those who are in mourning will be comforted
I hold to that and am not weary
So when I cannot sleep at night
I pray and know I am in loving arms
SleepEasy Jun 2023
Nothing to do
Nothing to see
Nothing to live or to die for
Lay down your life
Lay down your soul
Reach in the fire and pull
Oh how the fire it burns

You never learn
You never turn
Now by the fire you burn
Nothing is true
Nothing for me
Nothing to give or to strive for
You're in a hole
I reach to the bottom and pull

Now you
Caught in the teeth
Of a fierce lion
Begging for meat
Whose never full
Who feels no grief
I reach out my hand to his mouth
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