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Oct 2021 · 229
attractive ink!
Muluuta Mugagga Oct 2021
the ink is dressed in its best attire
doors to understanding it are invisible!
what is the destination in its eyes?
difficult to understand
Jun 2021 · 159
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2021
Proudly treks the globe!
scatters total misery on its tracks
******* the life out of the living!
avoid its stinking face
stay far away from covid 19!
covid is disaster
Jun 2021 · 248
ugly on top
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2021
the biggest enemy of the good
easily blown away by forgetting winds
the stinking stuff sticks hardest
driving threats and squeezing tears!
finds a permanent house in the brain!
good easily forgotten the ugly never forgotten
May 2021 · 150
Which eye opens?
Muluuta Mugagga May 2021
The biggest enemy of the good
Easily blown by forgetting winds
The stinking stuff  sticks hardest
Finds permanent home in the brain!
good is forgotten, bad remembered
Apr 2021 · 153
sweet drugs
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2021
Foolishness climbed my brain
Nearby was a liquid ladder
Weaved in materials of strong water
Overusing the ladder polluted peace!

My brain somersaulted many times
Like a possessed mind i breathed pain and agony
My  lady was abused and battered
Disfiguring her body is an understatement

World is  deeply weeping and bleeding
Attacks on bodies and minds are soaring
Excess drug consumption is chocking humans
Onus of reversing the situation stares at me and you!
drugs are sweet but highly toxic
Apr 2021 · 143
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2021
Far sweeter than honey
A net dipped in the strongest adhesive
No victim survives the trap
Passion letter written in lies ink
Time blows and erases it slowly
******* the hidden truth
Stares in your face in embarrassment!
lies deceit uncovered over time
Apr 2021 · 147
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2021
Invisible to the urban authority
Drowning in stinking service delivery!
Promises must see where action hides!
urban authority must act
Apr 2021 · 107
He is risen!
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2021
Born and wore human flesh
Injected word of God in humans
In cold blood bad hearts murdered him!
Good news is blowing in all directions
He has risen from the dead!
Happy Easter to you all!
passion, death and rising of Christ
Apr 2021 · 96
Magical waters
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2021
the rain whispers on the ground
the planted seeds obey its orders
they break the ground and raise heads
green fuel pumps energy in all  animals
preserve nature
Apr 2021 · 218
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2021
Not easy to see it open your eyes
Join the winds of determination
The road to success is uncovered!
determination matters
Apr 2021 · 123
Quarrelling water!
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2021
Abuse beer it won't keep silent!
It hits back in extreme abuses
It is friendly with all shame!
drink moderately in safety
beer drugs demand control
Mar 2021 · 159
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2021
They label you a lunatic
You answer back with stinging words!
All human ears cannot hear you!
Only actions are loud and clear!
Actions are louder than words
Mar 2021 · 285
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2021
Seeing myself alone in the mirror
I lose my way!
Seeing many heads in the mirror
I embrace human destination!
Human is diversity
Mar 2021 · 108
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2021
Do commedians know
where the real world hides?
funny ignorant about the real world
Nov 2020 · 82
laughter factories
Muluuta Mugagga Nov 2020
do comedians know where the real world hides?
life of commedians
Aug 2020 · 98
plant a future
Muluuta Mugagga Aug 2020
put a smile on a child's face
a seed on a fertile ground sprouts
the future will breathe happiness!
children are the future
Jul 2020 · 104
crash evil!
Muluuta Mugagga Jul 2020
Two evils can't give birth to a positive
Fight and defeat evil with the good!
fight evil with the good.l
Jun 2020 · 107
A new world order
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2020
I can't hear you!
your voice is faint!
where are you?
i can neither see nor touch you!

It is only technology!
carrying many types and faces
whose work sounds hitting all corners
the big world ear is open!

Fast setting in
a new world order
the inventor overthrown
falls in the valley of silence
in submission to his inventions!
man controlled by technology
Jun 2020 · 96
my advice
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2020
the innermost gates of your heart
must be tightly locked all the time
until you uncover the intentions
hidden behind his sweet words!
be careful before you commit yourself
Jun 2020 · 118
heart medicine
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2020
As we read and digest poetry
our bodies and souls
process and extract medicine from it!
one line or two
it soothes the pain in you
it awakens my spirit of resilience
it ignites donation of her precious heart
it extinguishes anger burning down his head!
it resets the pace of my heartbeat to normal!
it reawakens development ideas hidden in you!
it treats thousands of ailments...

A dose of poetry is good for you!
when did you last administer some to your soul?
poetry is medicine! try it!
Jun 2020 · 135
the weight of a secret!
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2020
the nakedness of your secret
must never face the eyes of the unconcerned
sometimes it is slippery but the onus is on you
to hide and tightly lock it far inside your heart!

once it flies outside the gate of the prison
prepare to lie on the bed of shame
covering yourself with a blanket
of worries and sleepless nights!
always keep your mouth shut!
secrets must be tightly guarded
May 2020 · 102
real beauty
Muluuta Mugagga May 2020
open the eyes hidden in you!
external beauty is blown away
by the wind of time!
later in life outside eyes
only capture its shadow!
real beauty is stashed away
flash a torch inside your heart!
real beauty must be searched inside your heart
May 2020 · 121
weight of lies
Muluuta Mugagga May 2020
some hearts
hideouts for liars

i open my deepest chambers
my presence is darkness in her

another owns her mind!
but swallows the truth
doesn't love me not reveal it
May 2020 · 104
courts of law
Muluuta Mugagga May 2020
places where justice is dispensed
all detest being within the guilty boundary!
an air of silence blows!
only law speaks!
places where justice is dispensed
May 2020 · 97
Muluuta Mugagga May 2020
I can't see where i am going!
i am in strong chains
eyes tightly blindfolded
in faint whispers love is smelling!
any hope of getting spectacles?
love is blind
Apr 2020 · 107
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2020
The mighty internet!
huge round electronic platter
rotating nonstop
fully loaded with
highly nutritious food on one half
and delicious but poisoned food on another half!
guide and protect the underage
serve yourself wisely!
protect the children from harmful information
Apr 2020 · 92
what is happening?
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2020
days  before
plans flowing in many directions normally
billions chasing deals
businesses bulging in happiness
office doors widely open in routine

warning hidden under the bed!
officers sweating in tonnes of authority
order total halt!

who shoulders the confusion?
losses chocking billions!
patients stranded and passing on!

do i know what is happening?
am i sober?
the current situation, stay home
Apr 2020 · 97
knowing the self
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2020
using measures of their own
friends of mine
tell me who i am!

do i know the real self residing in me?
searching for self-knowledge
Apr 2020 · 100
soaring appetite!
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2020

the more i feast on heaps of our passion

the hungrier i become!

i need alot to satisfy my appetite!

genuine love should be ascending
Mar 2020 · 98
passion fragment
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
giving me a fragment of your heart
makes me the happiest man on the planet!
we all want to be loved
Mar 2020 · 103
Stress breaker
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
A frustrated teacher is drunk and staggering.
He enters the classroom. Pupils greet him.
' Good morning teacher?'
' Eeh what time it is?'
Pupils answer ' It is eight am'
' Tell me where am i?' he demands
The happy class replies ' You are in the classroom'
More confused ' I think my memory has deserted me! Then who are you?'
' We are your pupils waiting to be taught.' They respond
'This dream is hard to understand. If you are my pupils what am i supposed to teach you?' he demanded.
The class choruses ' History'
' You must be history to me. I don't remember you!'
Drops and heavily sleeps.
Drinking is good but must not interfere with work
Mar 2020 · 98
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
deadly enemy ready to destroy the world!
uniting to crush it is a must not an option!
wishing the sick a quick recovery!
may the souls of those who perished rest in eternal peace!
coronavirus is deadly
Mar 2020 · 107
At crossroads
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
i hate all men
i cherish producing a child with a loving husband
where is the road to my happiness?
confused mind
Mar 2020 · 92
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
Hold and switch on a lighter
burn a stick in your hands
**** it passionately to quench your thirst!
evaporate smoke through  your nostrils
toxins stick on your sweet lungs

Doing it again and again you dive into addiction
an invisible prison with intangible walls!
the unseen forces ensure you remain in detention
as long as you have breath in you
pardoning prisoners is illegal here!
punishments are administered to prisoners
am not scaring you some are severe!
coughs, throat and lung cancers the list is very long!
joining or avoiding the prison the decision is yours

Creating a smokeless world
begins with me and you
save the children and youth
from drowning in the sea of smoking!
smoking is sweet but carries danger to your health
Mar 2020 · 98
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
Surrounded by hundreds of friends
feeling the warmth of society blanket
emptiness creeps enters my body
finds its way to the deepest chamber of my heart!
harasses me without mercy
emptiness is a reailty
Feb 2020 · 97
development diet
Muluuta Mugagga Feb 2020
inside my inner eyes
images run continuously
a couple of infants
created and delivered by planet and cosmos

one child is seen eating
a mountain of development
on a big plate!
the stomach is full with a bulge
can hardly go a tenth of it!

another kid staring
at an almost empty
a small plate of a similar diet
almost starving

can the parents share the food equitably?
should the children be well-fed
happy and smiling infants will be seen playing
creating a satisfied generation
must be your goal and mine
development must spread across the world
Feb 2020 · 99
Muluuta Mugagga Feb 2020
I beg her to be a piece of her heart
vehemently rejects the request i carry!

three months elapse

friends restrain her from self hanging
failing to accept a rejection!
a workmate sees only her cousin!

fairness and love are enemies!
love is confusing
Muluuta Mugagga Feb 2020
Mpaka was obsessed with passing his examinations
asks a friend for advice
'two sticks of marijuana keep your memory sharp!'
you can recall all you learned in class

On the examination day he ***** both sticks
enters examination room bouncing eyes widely open
feeling very strong nothing could stand his way

The female teacher serves examination papers
wearing a T-shirt with a big head of a lion
widely opening its jaws ready to devour its victim
with bold words THIRSTY FOR YOUR BLOOD!

Mpaka sees a lion approaching ready to finish him off!
he refuses to be killed like a coward fights back
instantly jumps up grabs the teacher throws her on the floor!
as he reaches for her neck he is restrained by the male teacher
'if i moved with my knife this lion would be a carcass!'
four men come and drag him out of the examination room
drugs are not good especially for students
Muluuta Mugagga Feb 2020
Mpaka was obsessed with passing his examinations
asks a friend for advice
'two sticks of marijuana keep your memory sharp!'
you can recall all you learnt in class!

On the examination day he ***** both sticks
enters the examination room bouncing eyes widely open
feeling very strong nothing could stand his way

The female teacher serves examination papers
wearing a T-shirt with a big head of a lion
widely opening its jaws ready to devour its victim
with bold words THIRSTY FOR YOUR BLOOD!

Mpaka sees a lion approaching ready to finish him off!
he refuses to be killed as a coward fights back
instantly jumps up grabs the teacher throws her on the floor!
as he reaches for her neck he is restrained by the male teacher!
'if i moved with my knife this lion would be a carcass!' he roars
four men come and drag him out of the examination room
'if i moved with my knife this
Feb 2020 · 70
Muluuta Mugagga Feb 2020
A dose of kindness drowns in you
squeezes poison out of hatred you carry!
swallowing overdose is positive
casts light in the feared dark side
you, neighbour and entire world partying
kindness, hatred
Feb 2020 · 79
Muluuta Mugagga Feb 2020
The best and most attractive rose flower
is hidden deep in thorns!
before touching and admiring its beauty
sharp thorns tear your nice skin!

Are you prepared body and soul
to ****** the only heart i own
trapped amidst the many handsomes?
are you strong enough to pull me
out of the sticky and slippery road of temptations?
can you carry my burden heavily loaded with weaknesses?
no perfect partner in reality
Jan 2020 · 67
confused feelings
Muluuta Mugagga Jan 2020
she is not in love with me
Jan 2020 · 69
Muluuta Mugagga Jan 2020
Any human being on the trek of life
falls are part and parcel of it
some cry and blame themselves
many shift the blame on others for their failures

In agony nursing bruises physical/non-tangible
giving up is out of the question
uncover the cause of the fall
establish your contribution in the fall
identify lessons learnt from the fall
forge an appropriate way forward

A fall confirms not the end of the road
neither proves weakness nor helplessness
what counts at this challenging time
is picking up your pieces in time
stand up, walk and run!

Remember a fall is an opportunity
you must learn from and aim for your target!
fall learning point go forward
Jan 2020 · 79
Muluuta Mugagga Jan 2020
The comedian in talent display
imagines and creates fun in mind
throws laughter in the audience
the camera eye looking less brinking
proves the most reliable witness to the event

Delicious laughter shakes your body
until unwanted stress falls down!
unwrap a heal hidden in laughter
laughter healing stress
Jan 2020 · 72
Muluuta Mugagga Jan 2020
A couple of humans
harbouring sound minds
one shouting with excess joy

Another carrying a heavy sack
almost bursting the heart
loaded in deep misery and suffering

"Can't both wear a uniform face?"
reality barks at me with "no!'
"can't i design the uniform myself?"
"beyond your powers you fool!" he retorts
the dream escapes my head
gates of eyes on me open.
reality is dictator
happiness and suffering
Jan 2020 · 83
Muluuta Mugagga Jan 2020
He pushed his pleasure in me!
my mind vehemently opposed him
feelings i own detest his passion
police on alert report dropped
the freedom in my blood he detained!
drowned it in the sea of force and threats
justice only detergent dirt dissolves
**** and defilement criminal
justice needed
Dec 2019 · 86
Muluuta Mugagga Dec 2019
Years come and pass
the same person remains
must change positively
in mind and the bodies
some uglies attack and disturb!

Wishing you a happy and prosperous
new year!
new year
Dec 2019 · 102
Muluuta Mugagga Dec 2019
Too much noise i suffer from
emanating from my thoughts and worries
almost tearing my head to pieces
the eardrum is at the verge of bursting

Noise nuisance is increasing per day
attacked and assaulted mercilessly
the sweet sleep i treasure so much
left her bed scattered to pieces
she has since deserted me for a month
my nights are always sleepless!

Anyone with assistance
to have the nuisance bundled
and thrown away forever
convince sleep return to me
i miss her company!
sleep is needed
Dec 2019 · 134
Muluuta Mugagga Dec 2019
The birth of christ announcements
across the entire world they spread
many widely opened their eyes waited for signals
to welcome the announced unusual delivery

Joseph then full of energy and a humble young man
was mad  in love with Mary and not yet married
both had not yet arrived at  the intimacy stage
avoided fornication not to anger the Almighty
the punishment was stoning to death!

As Mary contemplated how sweet marriage was to taste
prepared herself for the good and ugly in the union
wondering whether Joseph was not to change in future
Angel Gabriel appeared to her with a message
' you are to conceive and give birth to a Son of God'
being a ****** fear and anxiety engulfed her

Joseph was shocked i can imagine
belly swelling with proof of pregnancy
without intimacy acts how could it happen?
guided by faith he never reasoned
stayed with Mary loved her unreservedly
under orders of government authorities
couple trekked to Bethlehem for registration
in a lowly kraal despised by many and the high class
the saviour of the world was delivered
destined to wash away the hell of sin!

Celebrating Christmas this year
both Joseph and Mary accepted the will of God
they set a perfect example for us to emulate
we must open our hearts to receive Him
allow Him to transform our entire lives
we ought to love one another without conditions
obeying the ten commandments let us start now
Merry Christmas and happy new year!
the special birth of christ
Dec 2019 · 123
Muluuta Mugagga Dec 2019
Society adores her
special oxygen circulating
in the lungs of the globe
her absence declares society dead!
she becomes invisible
when you are wearing physical eyes
only her effects are tangible and measurable
one of the biggest pillars
development settles.

Irony about society darling
she is deadlier than a hungry lion!
she must be confined in an opaque cage
as you enjoy service from her!
touching an undressed conduit
she is passing through
is signing a death warrant!

Huge billboards caution
and lots of written material
all humans to stay away from her!
your endless love for her
must be declared within meters!
love from a distance is an order!

The society darling is electricity!
allow not offsprings touch bare wires
pour not water on electric appliances.
stay safe as you enjoy
value of electricity and how to use it.
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