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Dec 2019 · 146
No Time Left
yashica Dec 2019
Never thought I will be writing poems about you
Never thought you will not be there to read them
Everything happened so fast
No more time left
No more second chances
Are you listening my screams and cries
Apr 2019 · 121
yashica Apr 2019
Cold shrills passed through my body
You resemble the person I saw in my dreams
As your pitch black eyes stare at me
Numbness attacks my body
You are the reason for it
Like u have known me for years
Every time I see you, the scar in my chest burns
It’s ****** up
My breathing stopped when I saw the scar in your chest
Your silence kills me
You touched my hand and I saw our past
You protected me till your last breath
Now here we stand again, the place where we first met 100 years ago
Time passes by but our love doesn’t change
Apr 2019 · 189
yashica Apr 2019
He looks at me as if there is no tomorrow
He kisses me and takes my breath away as if it's his source of oxygen
He hugs me as if it completes him
He holds my hands as if he is  the protector
He is my happiness, my everything
Feb 2019 · 121
yashica Feb 2019
the emptiness of the body
maybe because of losing the soul
wide open black blank eyes
staring at me telling me to stay
as a tear falls from his eyes
and here I am again
trying not to become a fool of believing people
but I have fallen for you
millions of thoughts conquering my mind
it's a different feeling, not like in the past
yes it's a different feeling I want it forever
I want him to be mine forever
pushing you away
it's harder than you think
not a single day passes by without thinking about you
my brain understands me but my heart raises many questions
in your eyes, I see the pain
similar to mine
you taught yourself to endure it
but it's killing me inch by inch every day
Feb 2019 · 135
my beautiful mistake
yashica Feb 2019
the world sees the confident girl in me
but no one sees the broken girl inside me
but you were different
you saw my inner side
without much effort
moreover, I let you in
for the first time, I don't regret it
always thought you would walk away like all others but you didn't
you stood beside me
holding me close to your chest
together we dreamt of our future
Feb 2019 · 135
yashica Feb 2019
glass windows everywhere
reflecting my own face
I have changed a lot not the same
through the glass, I see a girl in bed
she had dreams
dreams which helped her live
but it was crushed in seconds
she watched as fate look her family away
leaving behind her in the bed
np hopes remaining
I saw a boy near her
holding her hands
one with whom she saw dreams coming true
he  begged her to come back
I felt something pulling me  
I opened my eyes and I saw him
I felt my lost hopes coming back
Feb 2019 · 138
Toxic love
yashica Feb 2019
something about you
I keep coming back to you again and again
even though you are the reason for my pain
but I find happiness even the pain you cause me
your love is toxic for me
but I let you  intoxicate me
as you choked me down with your hand
a tear falls down from my eyes
hope one day you will wipe my tears with your hands
Feb 2019 · 161
yashica Feb 2019
i promise you i will keep coming back to you
even you push me away
when u cry out loud of pain
I promise I will be there for you to heal you
my heart aches when I see you in pain
I'll be there for you
I'll be there to share your pain
because you are my are my everything
the air I breathe, the drug I am addicted to,
my source of happiness...
Feb 2019 · 136
perfectly wrong
yashica Feb 2019
you are there for me always
when i mess things up
you correct my mistakes
your smile neutralizes my anger
your hug calms me down
your talk help me think clearer
even though we are different you fill the void spaces of my incompleteness
you are the one to whom I can lean on
and you're the one who always
whisper to my ears " I am there for you"
Feb 2019 · 119
yashica Feb 2019
I didn't understand death until it touched u
no one can ever replace you
at times reality hits me and wakes me up
but I try not to because it's your memories that keeps me alive
you left me all alone
even though you promised you won't
Feb 2019 · 122
Me and Him
yashica Feb 2019
I started to change myself for you
I changed my habits for you
I started to give up on things I love
I  completely changed for you
so that I could fit in your heart
but later I realized that it was not me that should  have changed
but it should have been your heart
Feb 2019 · 111
yashica Feb 2019
I stood there watching her falling to the ground
my heart stopped, the world around me stopped
it hurts, hurts so much
she shouldn't have chosen me
she shouldn't have changed me
she shouldn't have met me
they took her life
no killed her
she came into my life unexpectedly when I was alone
and went away leaving me all alone again.
Feb 2019 · 606
love hatred
yashica Feb 2019
Not caring at first
Not giving a glance
Your presence didn't affect me
Your talk didn't catch my attention
Even your confession didn't make any change
Until one day
Seeing you in pain not able to breath fighting for your life
Made me realize I have already fallen for you
God I hate this feeling
But I love this hatred feeling
I love him...

— The End —