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Feb 2019 · 183
Ode to our Saviour
Warren Feb 2019
You scorched the sun with your vicious tongue and turned the midnight blue.
You stole the stars to keep in jars while you decided what  to do.
You  broke the earth with hated mirth and turned the oceans bad,
You sit up there without a care yet dare to call us mad.
Feb 2019 · 89
Warren Feb 2019
We’re so entrenched in tradition / the admission of conditions that breed petitions of suspicions,
Where no one trusts in case things go bust so we all prepare to swear at the ones that dare to care,
Will we ever break free and see what we could be,
I wont accept that the tears I’ve wept are the aspiration of a nation that for so long has quietly stepped when we probably should of leapt out of the depths,
Our leaders don’t reflect me / the subject / it’s more like disconnect the unchecked and treat me like a suspect,
The youth are amassing and challenging what’s happening / imagining abandoning because the current state is maddening,
What lessons are we teaching with this continuous screeching / impeaching our own preaching ,
What future do we offer them,
We’ve lost our boys and broke our men  but continuously we still condemn.
Feb 2019 · 37
Warren Feb 2019
Writing releases my mind,
Like a breeze gently soothing my soul,
It’s a sort of ladder I find,
When I feel myself lost in a hole.

I thrive on the way words can speak,
And tell me what I need to know,
Making me strong when I’m weak,
And lifting me when I am low.

It’s a remedy yet it’s a curse,
For it feeds me but needs to be fuelled,
It’s the patient and I am  the nurse,
Though the writing cannot be ruled.

It awakes in me without a care,
No matter where I might be,
It triggers my mind like a flare,
With a burning light making me see.
Feb 2019 · 149
Step up & Step in.
Warren Feb 2019
What if it was your mother or father,
Would you help them ?
What if it was your daughter or son,
Would you help them ?
What if it was your brother or sister,
Would you help them ?
What if it was your friend,
What are you waiting for ?
What if it was you !
Feb 2019 · 94
Warren Feb 2019
I didn’t think I’d do it,
Just a second passed in time.
I loved her more than life itself ,
I could of made her mind.
Everyday I’d give my life for hers,
She meant the world to me,
I never meant to hurt her,
I loved her - can’t you see.

She pushed me more and more each day
Driving me insane,
She smiled each time I grimaced,
Contented with my pain.
I didn’t mean to hurt her,
God I wanted her so bad,
Is this not punishment enough,
I’ve lost the only thing I had.

If time could change I’d turn the clocks and give her back her life,
I’d pour the warmth back in her heart,
And throw away the knife.
Since the day it happened I’ve done nothing but to cry,
Please forgive me Jesus Christ,
And sentence me to die.
Feb 2019 · 74
More and more
Warren Feb 2019
The more I grow the more I know that life will show me where to go,
The more I want , the more I flaunt , life becomes my confidant ,
The more I see, the more I be, the less I like humanity.
The more I take, the more I fake , the more and more I make mistakes,
The more I need, the more I bleed, the more I’m yearning to be freed.
The more I try, the more I cry, the more I start to question why,
The more I hit, the more I split and realise I don’t want this ****,
The more and more I see of me, I just want to be left to be.
The more I hate this ******* state, the clearer I can see my fate.
The more and more and more I run,
The more and more and more I’m done.
Feb 2019 · 84
The best medicine
Warren Feb 2019
The best medicine.

Laugh and be loud,
Laugh the tears out of your eyes,
Laugh until your stomach cramps,
Laugh until you can’t pull a breath,
Laugh until your on the floor crawling on your hands and knees to escape ,
Laugh until your laughing at the laughter,
Laugh because life is too serious,
Laugh because laughing lightens your life,
Laugh and be loud,
Feb 2019 · 296
Warren Feb 2019
Sometimes I just want to write,
Reach for that sight,
That untainted inspiration of unyielding creation,
I try to nullify influence,
Searching for the continuance of ignorance,
Sometimes it comes,
Sometimes it creates its own momentum,
Waves crashing and creating in there own spectrum,
Other times it drips,
Procrastinating and debating,
Keeping me waiting.
I just like the release of creating a piece which gives me peace,
Sometimes I just want to write.
Feb 2019 · 65
Mother Earth
Warren Feb 2019
Why are we - the great creation causing so much devastation,
The intimidated nature of an implicated nation,
See we’re evolving as a planet but together didn’t plan it so rather than unite it’s like we feel compelled to fight.
Our fixes are shortsighted for a world that’s been so blighted,
Is anyone concerned that we never seem to learn.
We call this a democracy which really means hypocrisy of a convoluted prophecy which is actually bureaucracy,
The masses keep on moving always scared of what their losing ,
Thinking that they’re choosing when In fact they’re just abusing.
Have we triggered our demise, can you hear the planet cry,
No point looking to the sky your better covering your eyes.
Should we not try to transition from our terminal condition,
What’s the point of this admission if we’ve lost sight of ambition.
Feb 2019 · 61
Warren Feb 2019
I am me ,
Me being the essence of all I am,
Me meaning I,
I who likes what I like,
I who feels what I feel, 
I being myself,
Myself and no other,
Other being you,
You can see me,
You can judge me,
You can tell me ……
But your not me.
If I allow myself to be me,
With you,
Then we can be us.
Us will always be me and you though,
I am me,
If I want us,
We are still me and you,
I am still me,
You are still you,
That’s why we became us,
Don’t ever try and take me away,
Or you will lose us.
Cherish us .
Feb 2019 · 80
Through my eyes
Warren Feb 2019
I only hold on for fear of letting go because being with you is all that I know,
Being the temperance to your storm is surely where I belong,
Being the object of your beauty is solely my duty,
I don’t care for my bondages because being here is all I wish,
I don’t care that you bleed me as long as you keep me,
It’s my life to choose what they’re calling abuse,
It’s my duty to make what their saying you forsake,
My purpose is clear albeit not through their eyes,
My purpose is only to keep me alive.
Feb 2019 · 1.1k
My Ink
Warren Feb 2019
My colours let you see inside my soul,
Stories upon my skin,
They’re my way to let you in,
Absorbing painted truths through piercing holes,
My art for all to see,
The truth of what is me.
Jan 2019 · 32
Warren Jan 2019

I watch people passing by,
I watch them going about their lives ,
I wonder if they’ve lost a husband or a wife.
I wonder if they’re going through the motions without a care,
I wonder if they’re thoughts are even there.

I wonder if one eye is always looking in the past,
Though they’re probably trying hard to look ahead,
Or if every day is just the same, getting up, going out then going to bed.

I wonder who is there for them,
If they’re on their own,
Do they think about the future, does it matter.
Are they seeing out their time just to ensure others are fine,
I’m thinking it’s the latter.

As I’m looking I realise I don’t really see,
Or is it that they’re all looking at me, I’m ok I say, I give a wave,
I’m just watching people passing by.

Then I see the  girls ,
They’re calling me out, they shout.
They’re waiting for me, they stand and stare,

It’s almost like there’s two of me now.
One that stopped and stayed back there to take care,
And one that carries on distantly aware,

I step out and join them along on their walk,
Our girls so grown up she’d be proud.
Passing by windows some quiet some loud.
I see a man looking out, looks lost in thought.

He waves,
I wave back and raise my eyes,
He mouths back he’s ok,
I feel for him he looks all on his own.
I hope he’s not alone,

I hope he’s as lucky as me,
He can see who I have with me.
I hope he also has family,
Looking out his window,
I wonder who he’d really like to see.
Jan 2019 · 75
Warren Jan 2019
Stop and breathe,
Open your eyes,
Don’t let yourself be ruled.
You know this isn’t who you are,
Don’t let your mind be fooled.

It doesn’t matter what they say.
It doesn’t matter why,
Be true to you and who you are,
Don’t let Them see you cry.

They’ll always try to pull you down,
It’s all they know to do.
What matters most and proves them wrong -
Is that they don’t know you.

Stand up tall and lift your chin,
See this for what it is,
Its other people’s jealousy,
So just give them a miss.
Jan 2019 · 61
Warren Jan 2019
I am the voice inside my head,
Not the person that you see.
I’m the echo in the background of this timed uncertainty,
This body speaks and acts and feels,
Calls me its inner sense,
Yet I’m the essence of my soul,
I need no recompense.
Intuition, Deja-vu, sixth sense  and more my name,
Roles reversed - the monkey on my back is playing this game.
A convoluted undisputed love affair of one,
Existence through acceptance which exists second to none.
You are like me but may not see the truth of this creation
For the truth alone must stay unknown or risk our devastation.
Jan 2019 · 72
Unspoilt voice
Warren Jan 2019
I write as I’m told,
Of the sights that unfold,
Of torture and torment and bliss.

I write for I can,
With the spirits at hand,
Filling in parts that I miss.

For the laughter and cries,
I lend you my eyes,
To see what it’s like to be me.

Close your mind,
Clear your heart,
From this world break apart,
Eventually you’ll start to see.

Hear the line in your head,
As if it’s just been said,
Write it down as another unfolds,
For it comes as a voice,
Unspoilt by choice,
Though supreme by the questions it holds.

— The End —