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i used to go to oxford

get off the coach outside the museum

and go in

spend some time there

then go round town a while before

going back

could have stayed in there all day

yet is good to get out in the air

after so long on the bus

it stops there for some hours on the way home from london

where I saw tutankhamun and some miserables not at the same time though

now we can go nowhere really except 5 miles local

did that monday and the car broke down

now i can’t go nowhere again

i miss oxford and visiting museums
Sitting on a swing
was the nearest way to fly.
Higher and higher you would go
Eyes closed while  hands holding the ropes tight
Almost touching the sky
Sitting in the car
Counting houses as you pass
Fantasizing what’s going on inside.
Lying on the grass watching
clouds from afar
Seeing all your heroes
come to life right there in the sky
Although you look at life quite different now
this inner child will never die.
Still looking at clouds in the sky!!

Shell ✨🐚
Your inner child is always there.
with open petals
sunflower awaits sunrise
nodding  and smiling.
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