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99 · Feb 2019
Tick tock
If time stood

I would push it forward.

No need to be stuck here longer than intended.

Let the young live.

Let time move quickly and ****** us all like the homicidal maniac it is.

I don't ever want time to stop.

As I move slower, I want it to move faster.

I threw all of my broken watches and clocks away.

Ah yes, that sweet sound....

Tick tock
99 · Aug 2019
why do 'i' write? well...
i am often muse inspired but,

i most often write to share my war with myself... ..

my war with the faceless

my war with spirits and shadows

my war with blurred days and midnights void of moonlight

my self inflicted wounds that one day will in totality dance around my death


only then, might i smile

i live deep inside myself

i have created quite the abyss
99 · May 2019
if only
if only
love were a tourniquet

if only
love were a chemotherapy

if only
love were bombs dropped by a fighter jet

if only
love replaced hate as our full time memories

if only
love would stop violence at every sunset

if only
love were something to never regret

if only...

written by me... ..
98 · May 2019
Come out of the rain
Dreams are subconscious realities of the mind.

Colors are pigmented pleasures for the eyes.

Fresh cut grass is the garden of Eden when we inhale.

Life is great anticipation just waiting for exhale.

Nevermind ones wounded pride.

It only seems to unleash a living beings animal inside.

Fill yourself with love.

Give yourself to Him above.

The weight of the world can sometimes find us.

Breathe, not only because it is a must.

But breathe because in God we trust.

Scars will still remain but freed of pain.

Leave the anchor....leave the chains.

Please...oh please, come out of the rain.

written by me... ..
98 · Jun 2019
Folded note
Forty years
she handed me
a folded note
with her
signature perfume
drenched in it
and a
SWAK... ..
Sealed with
a kiss
set of
gorgeous lips
on the
outside of my
folded note.
Her phone #
written in
cherry red
lipstick... ..
'call me sometime'
beneath it.

I did,
I did call her.

Not only have I
never forgotten
that note
but... ..
I have never
her scent
that only she would leave
High school

I keep that
folded note
in a
special place
just for me.

And when
I take it
out of its
I would swear
that... ..
I am back
in the
80's again.

And Raffinee
was hot
and all the craze
once again.

written by me... ..
I struggle to hear above the noise.

The din of life,

and at my door another choice.

Do I kneel and thank You for another day?

With all of this noise;
my screams...
I lose my voice.

mute .....the words I want to say.

The heavens can hear me,
Jesus whispers: 'son, everything will be okay'.


And.. when I fall down and brush burn both my knees

I know when I look up,
You will be the light that I see

Please love me for the brokenness I am

Even though I've been living on the edge of Your mercy

I know I'm not;

Even though
I know I'm not,
as pure as the lamb.....
97 · May 2019
Above it all
If they
like you?

Trust me,
you are
doing something

written by me... ..
97 · Mar 2019
Whistles into a void
As the grey,
envelops the sky.

I reminisce of rain
and the sadness of why.

Why life couldn't be as endless as the sky.

Why life, like grey skies seem to just whistle on by.
I've got a million of them folks
97 · Apr 2019
You're my summertime
Jus' seein' you and my pulse begins to hasten

You unclothe your body like you're at Daytona racin'

Oh girl :
your bikini lines how they got me faintin'

I'm splashin' that lotion on ya that I know I'm wastin'

You're my summertime treat and I can't wait to taste you
Parts of a country song that I've been playing with
97 · Jan 2019
Almost paradise
Like moon drenched waves that crash together as one at sea

Our depth and longing to unite is fresh as paradise's breeze

We knock upon each others heart like sands on the shoreline

Please don't drift away with the next moment's tide

Paradise only exists when your lips are pressed against mine

My lonely nights have only ever needed you

I only want to share my thoughts, my dreams with you it's true

Almost paradise is dreams that somehow don't belong to me

Almost paradise is your body only given to me in a one night fantasy

Paradise is when I the sun, and you the horizon come together and forever form we
96 · Mar 2019
In God we trust.
In Jesus we live.
In life, we are but a mere smudge
on the lens of eternity.
Eternal life has such a poetic tone to it.
96 · Aug 2019
i want her
her jade eyes
her brunette hair
her savage tan

her curves defy
her shapely pear
her totality makes my manhood stand
96 · Oct 2021
we are not His fury
satan is running amok
these days

he captivates the weak
in deceitful ways

torment and torture reflect
the saddened
skies of grey

pray for light as powerful
as the sun's rays

to shine upon the darkness
and heed what Jesus
has to say

the landscape slithers with
snakes that once had
called you friend

fall to bended knee and pray
for their soul to surpass
the ebon dead end

as a child of God we must,
good or bad
we must defend

pray that all lost souls
will find their way
once again

judge thee not the one
that cast aspersions
behind thy back

they know not what they do
'cause the shadows is
from where they attack

their blackened eyes
their blackened heart
it's Jesus that they lack

love them anyway
and know .....
you've remained upon
God's forgiving track

we are not thee judge
we are not thee jury

we are not thee lamb
we are not His fury.
96 · Jun 2019
"Summer" is almost an aphrodisiac for most,
or so it seems.


I find it *****, sweaty and unclean.

You work
for 8-12 hours
a day in
80°+ heat
like me.

Women joggers
running by
our job sites
and the men
I work with
all panting
in unison.

What do I do?

I say,
"what guys,
you think that
women don't
get this
'swamp ***'
that you folks
talk about"?

Summer is
Summer is
for me.

Keep your
sweaty ***
away from me.


written by me... ..
96 · Jul 2019
Forever flawed I am
Forever flawed

    I am

     Forever flawed

    My fleece is soiled - ***** unlike the Lamb

             My feet don't walk upon water

           The blind I can not make see

        I'm just a man, a father

  Growing each day like a mighty oak tree

                    Yes I am flawed, yes

      Whilst I may be soiled of sin

           Indiscretions many I confess

I simply pray to not visit those again

         Sure, I'll trip on sin every once and again


              Jesus understands the places that I've been

                    He knows my heart is pure

   My flaws are many, but with Jesus I endure

         Wounds are made to heal

              Scars are meant to last

  My imperfectness is a done deal

                   But forward I look without forgetting my past
96 · Aug 2019
i write about... ..

i have written about you

i am sure that i have written about just about everyone

nothing bad,
nothing good,
simply something
everyday that i must do

i write about items that don't matter to most

i write about topics that most would never think
to write about

i've written about stop signs,

double yellow lines on the highway

i've written about how much that i prefer butter on my toast

i have written about so many things yet,
i know that there is still so much more

all i ever need to do is walk outside and be me

embrace and allow the moment to melt
deep within my core

my openness and willingness to fully absorb,

opens door after mysterious door

yes i have written about you

i have written about you even when you had no clue

black -n- blue,

sick with flu,

the old and new, the story always grew

yet, i keep it true

i have written about many things

but make no mistake....

i have indeed written about you.
Yellow crime scene tape waves and ***** in the wind.

Lifeless bodies now one with the ground.

Bystanders walk by like they see nothing.

They walk by with smiles like this is somehow normalcy.

The flashing red and blue lights, the dead bodies lieing there.

Even a few of the officers seem unphased by the sight and stench of death.

They step under and over the crime scene tape like it's just a job, which it is.

But those dead bodies​ lieing there did not wake up that morning thinking they would be some one's job to clean up.

This isn't normalcy, nor should it be.

Yellow crime scene tape is used far too often.

Bystanders gathered around it talking like they are at the beach.

Respect that life when it's alive.

Respect that soul when it's dead.

Gathering around yellow crime scene tape like it's a water fountain is not normalcy.

One day those bystanders may be gathered around you by the flashing red and blue lights.

Remember, we are all someone.

Treat them like they are.
95 · Jul 2019
(A Tamka -- "The wind"
Can you hear it call
It howls like a hundred wolves
At a full moons sky
It bends trees like rubber bands
It ripples the mighty seas
93 · Jun 2019
Social media
has directly
led to
being more

It's an
recrudescence ,
it's an

The disease
93 · Aug 2019
when the
  full figured

green/ blue eyed brunette walks in?

my mind becomes

with sin

  they are 100% my kryptonite

   Mmmm mmm mmm... i wanna tak a bite

     i wanna take my time and...

make us both feel,

92 · Aug 2019
follow the flow line
your ignorance,
tripped in front of me ... ..

it fell down

i stepped on it like i didn't notice it

i then kicked it down the gutter

where all of the ignorant live

hope you enjoy your home....

in the gutter of ignorant bliss

you ignorant
92 · Jun 2019
Patchwork quilt
Swerving is my life.
To myself I keep it.
Jesus is my bended ear.
My bleeding he cauterizes.
I stay away from main arteries.
Both hands on the wheel.
I'm blind at night in the rain.
Yet I drive.
One night I will hit every artery.
And Jesus will look away.
To myself I will always keep it,
of course but...
Time to step away from artificial healing.
Jesus will continue to bandage me.
To Him I must look like a patchwork quilt.
You can't save the world when you yourself need saving.
The swerving needs to stop so all of my scars can heal.
Reopening old wounds seemed to be my thing.
I keep that to myself.
Jesus will one day tire of dressing and redressing my same old wounds.
And I will be one mess of a patchwork quilt.

written by me... ..
91 · Aug 2019
Montresor part II
never cross

this Pøę like




.....     lives and,


   not so much.

darkness is seduced by Montresor.



but by

  all means,




91 · Apr 2019
Haiku #10 - Haiku day
Writing grips his soul

His words make haikus and prose

Inspiration grows
yellow "crime scene" - "caution"
- "danger" tape can be found wrapped around every square foot of every place in this world at one time or another

gawking curious eyes and giraffe necks slowly make their way on by

the lure of horror, shock, blood and death peaks the passer by's interest... ..

so long as it isn't their own spilled blood of course

in this case,

it's just another day of reality in the devil's playground

oh well... ..
it's just another homicide

oh well... ..
the smell of death is common place

yellow crime scene tape has become an integral part of our cultural fabric

a satanistic culture that is not even apologized for any longer

"evil is just evil they quip",
matter of factly

"those lifeless bodies right there"?

"those folks were expected to die sooner or later"

"this crime scene investigation has held me up for 15 minutes in traffic now... ..


"i have a life to live to you know"!?!

nevermind the ^^ irony up there because most folks these days are TOO STUPID to even comprehend it
not your same old same old redundancy here

i slay giants with a cold stare

while death is the least of my fears

come hither oh giant or queer
90 · Jun 2019
We all have a fate
Brown and dried up Autumn leaves

Slowly fracture into pieces

Carried away by the winds of today -

into another day's tomorrow.

Up against the decrepit curb

Perilously close to the gutter.

Winds have calmed to just a breeze

With winter snow's they wait to freeze.
So much sitting there

Upon my wounded mind's edge

But few are privy

written by me... ..
Women are a completely complicated specimen of uncertainty

Women are a puzzle, a challenge that has always brought out the best in me

   a mystery

Just when you think that
you have them all figured out

Women... ..

they will show you that you don't, no doubt

After 52 years,
  I do

Of course I can't
   speak for you

I know what makes them tick and I know what makes them grin

   You just have to be lucky enough for them to REALLY, let you in
89 · Jun 2019
Ode to summer rain

-the rain.


just in
to wash
away the

my tears...

or try

in vain.

the rain,

it feels
to me.



a downpouring
of a
new free.

summer's rain...

the more

my eyes
my soul
can see.
89 · Jun 2019
You ain't got a dress that I don't like

You ain't got a pair of jeans that don't fit you just right

There's not a minute in the day

That you don't knock me out, you don't ******* away

But, girl, now that the sun's gone down

Looking at you right here and now, baby!

Somethin' about that southern sky
Sitting back behind that moon
It goes perfect with your eyes
Girl, tonight looks good on you
It's something about the way you're smiling
Making the stars fall right on queue
I just gotta tell you, baby
Tonight looks good on you... ..

I can taste the midnight on your lips

Makes me just wanna lean in for another kiss

Wind blowing your hair around

Girl, it makes me want to lay you down

You've been beautiful a million times

But I've never seen you look like this, no
new thing

old and
turns to

no one
is immune.

in your
dead and

it loses
89 · Jul 2019
when there
was no more you

i needed
a double shot
of that
heart break *****
How's about
once a week,
one writer chooses
A word.

One word
for every
writer here
to expound
upon and
express themselves

Perhaps on a weekend when possibly everyone has a bit more time to write?

Just a thought that
I think,
would be fun?

Feedback appreciated.
I do this often.
Just take a word and release my inner self into its meaning.
88 · Apr 2019
Through the trees;

the wind whispers many names.

Funny thing..... ..

I've never once;

heard your name.

Even through a throated bird's morning serenade;

I have yet,
to hear your name.

Whisper it... ..

to me.
88 · Aug 2019
unzip... ..


like a starved animal,


my meat was,

greedily ripped
from the resting place

her mouth she...

mistook for,

her ******... ..

i think
88 · Jun 2019
All in a day
Destruction lies around like broken shards of glass that flatten your tire and direct you to a tree.
The bird with an injured wing awaits its inevitability on a 8 lane highway.
I hear the vigorous shaking of the ball bearings in a spray paint can before it explodes.
The motorcyclist at a red light with feet rested on the ground gets plowed into from behind by a drunk off duty sheriff.
Life is so fragile.
87 · Jun 2019
My girlie girl
A year later,
I found
your canine
hair in
the corner
of my closet.

It brought
a smile
and then
some tears.

I miss you
and your
German Shepherd
87 · Jun 2019
I wouldn't mind if it lasted all night,

cause layin next to you it just feels so right.

As the number of street lights continue to grow,

where this ends up ain't nobody knows.

I go and grab my keys ...start my truck the next mornin',

out them front doors here you come a runnin'.

I guess last night meant more than just nothin',

I guess last night we must a had a little somethin'.
86 · Aug 2019
11 word Pøę
the ground beneath a liar's feet,

is always littered with ****
86 · Jun 2019
everyone has an arsenal of words.

Words aren't impressive,

what impresses me are the totality of the words,

not their redundancy
and the same old ******
85 · Aug 2019
12 word Pøę
if i am part of the storm,

there will be no calm


   people walk

by me with

    sneers on their faces

as i continue walking

    with a smile

on my face knowing that,

      i have cancer

and not angry



leaving me,

    more approachable

      than the folks

that haven't

   been given

a death sentence.
Everyone is out here just trying to live their life

The ups the downs and how at times life cuts like a knife

The homeless are forgotten while the wealthy are cheered

Left to die in a bus shelter, alone with their frozen tears

I feel genuine sorrow and pain for the way that man felt he deserved to die

I can't ever imagine what he said in his last words as he shivered and looked up towards the sky

All that I know is when I first heard this story, I broke down and cried

But now he is wrapped in Heaven's warmth and by Jesus has been glorified

The pain of his earthly body and mind is forever no more

For now...
now he sleeps in a place with no more doors or frigid floors

Sleep warm tonight my friend

No more frozen tears for you tend
84 · May 2019
Skipped melody
I will always be
the song you forever skip
on your playlist,
and I'm not sure why?

If only you played the song
enough number of times,
even once...
then the song
might have
stuck in your head.

How sad it is for you;
to not have listened to
an unravelled,
beautiful genuine mystery.

It may have been sweet music
to your ears...
and sounds that made your heart-
skip a beat.

But hey..

I guess that some mysteries are better left unknown?

Some music is never meant to be heard by your soul?

Some lips were never meant to be pressed firmly against yours?

I'm the song you prefer to skip perhaps;
'just because'.....
I guess.
84 · Jul 2019
Puddles of wisdom
As a starless midnight has descended upon us,
the flickering fading horizon light produces dusk.
Void of shadows the earth falls asleep,
a gentle rain begins to fall, the sky begins to weep.
The smell of a summer's rain warms me on a cold and starless night,
I dance in the puddles alone with tears and yet with great delight.
Amid the rain I glance above to see a shooting star,
I stomp my feet with a great splash, I know my heaven is not far.
84 · Jul 2019
Storm reality
Thunderous expression

     Lightning in a bottle

   Rains of life

            Storm of impression

               Violent radar model

  Echoes shaped like a knife

        Winds of Oz

     Twisting landscape

               Mother nature rapes

Soaked bandages and gauze

             Eerieness after calm
     Under rubble cries

                 Life in the hand's palm

  Frantic searching eyes

        Flashing lights

The smell of gas

               Unforgettable sights
             Once the storm had passed

  In awed reality I stand
i watch them,

standing outside
the funeral home;


"another one dead"
"another life over"
i can hear them exclaim.

"i remember when"
"i remember how"
"i remember the way he"
"i remember"
they continue....

cigarettes litter
the ground around them,
cliches and promises break the silence.

a few hugs,
a few goodbyes.

until they get together to stand outside the funeral home once again.

only this time,
one of them is not present.
83 · Jun 2019
Tick; === Tock

I am
deeply sorry
that I have
to be
the one
to tell
you this
but'... ..




stage 4
you can
choose to
fight a
low % battle
but'... ..




'or you can
accept the
of your life
its conclusion
but'... ..




"but doc... ..
what if,

what if,

I am not
to die"?




it has spread
to your
lymph nodes
other organs
and your
outlook is
and grim
to be
but'... ..




"but doc,
what about
my children,
my grandchildren,
my wife,
my family doc?... ..
they need me"!




right now... ..
you need them'!



"but doc... .."


written by me... ..
83 · Jul 2019
Profoundly stained
She was pure
       and untouched;

           like the very first

        crystals of snow.

   Freshly budded rose and

             essence of lilac with the

                   fraility of a fallen leaf

   adhered to the sidewalk.

              He painted her soul

                  with his unique unprimaried color,

     and left her....

                        forever stained.
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