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You, there in Heaven.

You know that I miss you, right?

Miss you baby girl.
81 · Sep 2021
You are historic
We awaken every day to history.
History under our feet, touched by our hands and mystery.
Moments that will never repeat.
Moments of love and also great deceit.
Inhale aromas that passion our senses.
Exhale the day filled with bridges and with fences.
You are an individual creation.
Understand that every day in the flesh is a celebration.
We aren't sand in an hourglass.
We are memories meant to last.
Yes, today the sun will once again set.
Make it a day that is empty of regret.
Close those eyes of gentle streams.
Save the best of today for you in your dreams.
Tomorrow will come through the blinds as the sun's rays kiss your naked skin.
Tomorrow is more history, another day for history to begin.
joy and laughter?

they seem to be lost forever in an urn full of ashes

his daily evidence of this?

empty liquor bottle after empty liquor bottle he releases from his numb hand to drop,
crash and left to mingle on the floor with the others

one's death has inspired another's death

ebon spirits beg for his soul

"drink up you wretched soul" they beg

"we await your tortured soul so that we can,
torture it some more"

upon his death,

joy and laughter died and turned every day into endless night

the shadows never leave

their abundance
now comforts him as his only company... ..

"drink up"!
81 · Aug 2019
12 word Pøę
your blood is on your hands,

even though i wield the knife
80 · May 2019
Medicinal holding
Being held in the arms of a stranger
in this cold world; can feel fantastic when held at the right moment.


Being held tightly in the arms of your soul mate; makes the strangers and the rest of the world go away.

written by me... ..
80 · Aug 2019
unmovable force
not your same old same old redundancy here

i slay giants with a cold stare

while death is the least of my fears

come hither oh giant or queer
80 · Jun 2019
This day is bitter sweet.
     It's a reminder of when you passed, my heart kept skipping beats.

     My heart was full of sadness and incredibly weak.
     Like my eyes, my heart felt as if it continued to leak.

     My empty heart I struggled to fill through storms and rain.
     But I finally found Jesus, to ease my once unbearable pain.

     Bitter sweet like a grey sky that turns blue.
      Just know, I may go on with my life but.... I will never stop missing you.
80 · Jul 2019
Give it to Him


where do I begin ?

      Where.... oh -

where do I end ?

           It's joy

  It's pain

              It's a blend.

     Sometimes a bully....

          life can be.

                Never back down  -

Stand up to it fully.

                Don't quench the Holy spirit

       Fan it like a flame -

           Let it burn inside you

     Never allow it forget your name.

                Life is hard when one is down

          But if given to Him -

     Your sadness can be overcome

He will lift you up from enemies ground.

        Trials ...

              Life altering -

Life changing scars upon your mind

         upon a heart that's faltering.

          Nothing is more powerful than Him

     Not you....

              Not even the enemy

With Him, so many lives everyday newly begin.

           When life has you at the brink

         Don't sin....

                  Give in -

Give in and give it to Him.
79 · Jun 2019
I don't
want to
die but,
want to

written by me... ..
79 · Jun 2019
to feel

If only
I could
make this

79 · Jul 2019
Art in patchwork form
His face,

Like a scrapbook.

Past years,

Patchwork and visible.

The lines on his face,

Mimic puzzle pieces.

They meld years of pain and ecstasy.


Sage strands of grey hair -

Mingle with the onyx.

Hands, so storied and weathered,

Like an old unmaintained brick wall,

Crumbling....yet strong !


Capable of speaking words and stories...

Enslaving and captivating my audience.

A patchwork of 50 years I am,

Hardened and yet softened..

Confused yet filled with clarity.

If I were "colored by numbers 1-100 "...

You'd be up to 50.

I'm simply art that has yet to be finished.

A scrapbook that awaits more memories....

A painting that awaits its next hue.

I dare ya to -

Grab a brush.....?
79 · Jul 2019
Actual scum of the earth
We as humans will never understand just how insignificant that we are in the grand scheme of life.

We are nothing more than murderers, pillagers and cowards here!

And as each generation comes and goes,
they only embarrass the human race ever further.

Think about this.

Why are we the only species/organisms that doesn't seem to be evolving anymore?

Cancer OWNS this species!!
Absolutely kicks our ***** and OWNS us!!

In saying that,
I can tell you this,  we aren't the most intelligent species/organisms that resides on this earth!

In our narcissistic minds, we only THINK that we are.
79 · May 2019
5w Eternal freedom
Life's death
death's life.

written by me... ..
79 · Mar 2019
If I were to be cut ?

Poetic words would my blood spill/spell out.
79 · Jul 2019
It is
July 5th

Do you know
where your
life went?
78 · Jul 2019
Sometimes when it rains
The giver of life.
My 36 year occupation has me out in this often.
Nothing like being saturated by a summer's rain or a dance in the rain with your soulmate.
78 · Apr 2019
want to
to see
your love

your eyes.

written by me... ..
78 · Feb 2019
Broken glass
My emotions are as deep as the deepest ocean

My passion is as untamed and wild as the wind

I am a broken poet that loves a good storm

That enjoys walks in the rain on sultry summer days

That enjoys shoveling snow at 2am just to stop and listen to the peaceful calm

That loves putting my emotions and passion into words as poets often do

I am a broken poet but I think that most poets are

That's why they become 'poets'

To gather their brokeness and put themselves together with words

I try everyday to put myself back together

But I know now, that I am broken for life

A deeply passionate, broken poet for life

Poets are simple people, loving simple things

We are roses that bloom only to die

We are life and we are death

We are keepers of the keys to many a fantasy

Remember us poets

Remember us as you gather the broken glass

That's all that we ask
they say;
"don't worry, i'll be right here for you when...

when your lungs begin to fight for air".

not so comforting a thought as you gasp for life while they stand over you and stare.

almost menacingly they stand there,

without a fear,

for their own life
as your own death draws near.

fading to black couldn't feel more cold ....

more weird.

spare me the pity my dear,

i certainly don't need you here.

death found me this year.

i'm scared but,
there will be no coward's tears.
78 · Jul 2019
This life ... the flock which inhabits its alleged happiness ...

happiness which leans heavy upon ****** satisfaction....

or hopes that fantasies of the flesh discover thee....

I implore all...

look beyond....

look beyond the lust ...

putrid lust and betrayal....

Look to what's pure ....

a newborn ...its breach..

Yearn for what's whole...

not tattered and used ....

Your life was not given ....

to wander.....confused.

Fairy tale stories are what most look for.....

when what's right in front IT....... and much more!
78 · Jul 2019
There is "Poetry" all around you... .. all you have to do is breathe it in, admire it and allow it to fill your soul.
78 · Jun 2019
Thee- for granted

burnt toast-
her lips-
her smile-
her hair-
her perfume-
autumn's wind-
cut grass-

life... ..

I inhaled thee.

I inhaled
what most
take for

Might I
suggest to,
doing that?

written by me... ..
77 · Jul 2019
boiling rabbit
when i want you,
you will
know it

when i lean
into you,
you will tell
me to
go for it

you remind me
of Glenn Close,
that movie it
just fits

one lil' kiss
and forever's
fire was

you are the one
that i will
always regret

every sunrise
every sunset
77 · Jun 2019
What a
beautiful world this
would be
people had
like dogs


written by me... ..
Rich in
His mercy
that He

Scars... ..?

Scars are
a part

Your life
may be

You may
but can be

He's not
you yet

He doesn't
have you

You may
stumble in

But... ..

let it

written by me... ..
77 · Feb 2019
All I want to be is me
So many nights lying awake in bed, in my home but I am not even there.

I am always someplace else by myself, away from life's realities.

Respecting the quiet moments and writing down the thoughts inside my head.

That's happiness,
that's contentness for me.

No need for millions of dollars.
No need for unnecessary status symbol cars.
No need for a mansion to lay my head and call home.

What would be greater is if I could be who I am.

All I want from life is peace and quiet.
Alone time.
I adore being alone.
It's the only time I can be me.

Just give me my mind and a writing instrument.
That's when I am always perfectly fine.

I'm a hard working, very simple unmaterialistic man that appreciates simple things like peace and quiet and alone time.

Give me those two things and you can keep everything else.
The only person that can make you happy is you.

I've known that my entire life.
So, I don't like when I ignore myself.

Tick tock tick tock tick tock and then guess what?

It's all over.

Either wantingly or unwillingly, it ends.

Now you see it, now you don't.

It's like whack a mole.
One day you pop up out of bed and the next you don't.

Every choice that you make in this life is like russian roulette.

Your next choice could be your last.

So at least, choose to be you whether others like you or not.
Afford others the opportunity to remember you for whom you really are, good or bad.

I do this with my writing.
If I acted it out?
I'm a multi century dormant volcano.
I'm a vigorously shaken soda so,
let's just not go there.

So now anyway, it's time to rise up out of bed and go out into this strange world filled with strange people and be filled with anxiety and unhappiness.
[And yeah, I know that you think that I am the strange one and that's okay]

It is time to go mingle with others that do not understand you,
and strangers that you do not trust, even a little.

And let me tell you, wearing a half assed grin is quite tiresome and exhausting around others.

But alas, I'll just go through the motions until I get back home where I can happily be me once again.
77 · Apr 2019
White caps aplenty
Glass top waters are rare and fleeting.

The world today craves drama and disagreeing.

It's tough to find the elusive desert rose.

As anger and hate now sits where it use to grow.

Lawns once fertilized with love and a watery barrage.

Now just blistering sand with mirage after mirage.

Packing heat as well in the form of cold steel.

Civil wars brink has arrived with bloodshed and bullets as the meal.

End of times/days certainly draws near.

Glass top waters more than ever, so rare.
77 · May 2019
Silent lucidity
Her caresses,
her kisses,
her ever stimulated motioned body
were nights
of pure fantasy
as she
tied me up
in her
passion filled
silent lucidity.
Morning afters...
I never once

to be

written by me... ..
76 · Jul 2019
Unfortunate ignorance
He said :

Summertime is when he would change some awful habits.

Not serious enough at that moment,
perhaps, perhaps just lip service to those willing to listen?

A game he liked to play with himself.

A game not born of lies,
but rather, "who cares" procratination.

He said :

I'll organize those old pictures I've been putting off.

He said :

I'll finish that poem that has been waiting for it's ending.

Announcing to himself out loud,
or anyone else that would listen....
"come summertime" I will. !

And then...

The coldness of winter still thawing,
his bones still cold.

He notices...
His health deteriorating,  slowly.

A cough that lingers,
shortness of breath.

Energy reserves on fumes,
he falls gravely, unsuspectingly ill.

He says to himself:

Come summertime I will see my doctor.

He says :

I will organize those pictures into a neat scrapbook.

He says :

That poem I will finally write an epic ending for.

Trouble is....

For him,
Summertime never comes.
76 · Aug 2019
10 word Pøę
don't lament her death,

she knew that darkness lied ahead
76 · May 2019
20/20 vision
I watch as a lifeless limb drifts down the river of life.
I watch as a storm cloud races across an otherwise empty sky of blue.
I watch these things , I watch....
I always watch these things.

I watch a brilliant flame extinguished and waft away a wisp of smoke.
I watch as a leaf falls from it's tree never to be one again.
I watch these things , I watch....
I always watch these things.

I watch the sun fall beneath the horizon as darkness takes up residence.
I watch the moon but just one half, the other half playfully hides.
I watch these things , I watch....
I always watch these things.

I watch the bird out on the wire and marvel at this balance.
I watch as stars fight to outshine one another in a moonlit sky.
I watch these things , I watch....
I always watch these things.

I watch the evil get rewarded and carry on unscathed.
I watch the good fight epic battles just to live another day.
I watch these things , I watch....
I always watch these things.

written by me... ..
I left you
on the
earth's floor

you die
and gasping
final breath
would have
made me
more sadistic.

written by me... ..
75 · Jun 2019
are all
all need
a Savior.
Mine is
my Lord
and Savior
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ,
God with
75 · Jun 2019
Humpty dumpty
My pain cannot be measured, there is no ceiling,
nor can it be eased with any artificial form of healing.

I have pieces I am trying to put back together,
some that just won't fit , some fragments are as fine as a feather.

Moments of staring off into the never,
I thirst for the time when we can be back together.

Your tear soaked photos I hold them to my chest,
the sun doesn't play anymore for me, neither east nor to the west.

I reach for a smile every once in a while,
just to feel normal, just to keep myself from total exile.
75 · May 2019
Slay your slithered heart
Blackened hearts pump nothing but venom.

Genuine hearts pump nothing but antidotes.

written by me... ..
75 · Jun 2019
Her rose of tabu
Her rose
my life's

was born.

Her bouquet
was then
every evening
and morn.

Her rose
with me,
was never

written by me... ..
75 · Apr 2019
I wish that there were a heart brake; for heart break.

You can try to sleep it away but; that type of pain is always awake.
74 · Jul 2019
I've seen a million faces
I've known the honesty or deceit that lied behind their eyes
The wolves that masquerade as sheep
A smile from a foe
Tears from a clown
The blue sky that yields rain
A storm cloud that brings a rainbow
The eagle that soars in incredible flight
The snake that lurks and slithers
Which one are you
One of the million faces
I think I know
74 · Jun 2019
Aka the provider
My hands

My shoulders

My elbows

My back

My knees

My feet

My legs... ..

None of these
work the way
that they
once did
36 years ago,
before I left
the world of
Advertising and
Sales Promotion
as a youth and
began doing

As the proud
Dad of
6 adult children,
I don't regret
any of
the aches,
the pains,
the swelling,
body parts
that just don't
work sometimes
the way that
they were
meant to

I am a Dad

I am a provider

Providing a
decent life
for my family
on one
paycheck with
help from
no one

I take and
took being
A Dad
very seriously

Sure, my body hurts
because of
my tenacity and my passion
to earn everything
that has ever
come my way

it was all
worth it
and I would
do it all over again


now I have
been blessed with
taking being a
× 3

Until my body
shuts me down
and I can
continue to
conquer the pain,

I will continue
to provide as
only a Dad and Papa can

written by me... ..
74 · Apr 2019
They started their cars in the dark of dawn;
to begin their day.

Morning birds ******* a serenade to those that will listen.

Beginning a day filled with
intrigue and mystery.

A fresh 24 hours on a journey with new missions.

The mystery of what lies ahead in the next moments of life can leave one anxious and unsure.

Just remember;
as each sun rises and each sun sets to
live life and endure.
74 · May 2019
Expected disappointments
always seem
to leave
too soon.


and emotions
too long.

written by me... ..
74 · Jul 2019
know the difference between sleeping with someone and sleeping with someone you love

i love you
ain't no
pick up line
74 · Jul 2019
let's fall off
the edge of the page,
sail beyond the horizon,
leap from the end of the ledge,
sink into the ocean,
then sink deepest...

let's slip away
from the rim of the cup,
slide along the edges of ice,
tumble into blades of grass,
roll with the flowers,
soar beyond the reach of the sky.

let's find parts of ourselves,
nobody sees, hears or thinks,
burrow deeper into a new skin,
move away from what has been,
crawl into a place, so far away,
the past will never come around.
73 · Jun 2019
Sometimes miracles take time

In the meanwhile,

just enjoy the sky.


time flies.
You're the butter on my toast,
the jam that tops it off.
The one that's hanging on my arm,
the one that's in my heart the most.

You're the feather in my cap,
the sugar in my coffee.
You're the sweet that's in my sweet iced tea,
you're the only girl that fits my lap.

You're the good that's in my good morning,
you're the Yee that's in my Yee Haw.
You're the honey dripping from my lips,
you're the lover of my life, the one that came without warning.

written by me... ..
73 · Jun 2019
'Bear' in mind
A bear is chasing me through a meadow
and I’m running as fast as I can but....
he’s gaining on me—it seems
he’s always gaining on me.
I’m running and running but also
thinking I should just
turn around and say,
“Stop it! Stop chasing me. We both
know you aren’t going to catch me.
All you can ever do is chase me.
think about it—why bother?”

The bear does stop,
and he sits on his haunches and thinks,
or seems to think.
And then
the bear says to me,
“I have to chase you, you know that.
Or you should.
we both know I’ll never catch you.
So, why not give us both a break and
just stop thinking about me?”

But, with that said, he gets back on four feet,
sticks his long pink tongue out, licks down
both sides of his snout.
Then he sighs, looks
behind himself, then at me and says.....
ready when you are.”
72 · Jun 2019
I can tell by the look in your eyes
that you've been hurtin

You know I'll never let you down oh, no

And I'll try anything to keep it workin

You gave me time to find out
what my heart was lookin for

And what I'm feelin inside... ..

In your eyes

I want to see your love again,
in your eyes

I never want this feeling to end

It took some time to find the light

But now I realize... ..

I can see the heaven in your eyes
72 · Aug 2019
plunging Pøę
her tongue
so craved his bitterness

thirsty for his
passion filled thrusting hips

her hair
pulled to the side
as her indulgence begins

infidelity's sin has him lusting for her absurdly hard nips

all hell breaks loose... ..

once he
slides in
72 · Jun 2019
God, I am trying
Father's day

Yea well,
is not

and fear

my own

A Father's Day
even they
can not
mend... ..

do we

Since his
I do not
do well

come easy
dwelling in
prison cell

I feel
for my
6 adult
but they

My Dad
my hero
without him,
I am not
the same

written by me... ..
72 · Aug 2019
buh bye july.

  while summer lovers
watched you leave
      and cried.

i was enjoying
   july 31st and,

       watching you die.
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