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Jan 2019 · 67
Julio Jan 2019
Every secret keeps a truth,
and all truth entails a sacrifice.

But forgiveness is with you ...
.... to be feared.

We are born
because we are going to die.

From the deep
I invoke ...
Doubt is part of the faith.....
they are one.

Who knows a truth?
Who dares
to a sacrifice
much greater,
than to stop being  himself?
Jan 2019 · 68
Julio Jan 2019
The city purrs,
someone stumbles
and it says curses ........

There are hoses on the street.

Everything is white, black,
greenish in the corners.

She whispers something,
with your index finger on her lips,
A mermaid sounds
with a gesture she puts in its place the porter.

She  is still standing.
Is it all you wanted and deserve?

Someone climbs a ladder,
a child greets,
she makes a sculpture
with her  packages.

Was she a different person?

The time is thinner,
and the night fades,
...... she wish were then ...

She leans to soften her neck
Acommodates  her coat ,  
and look at the taxi driver,
but he  did not pay attention

She keeps frowning .....
She still standing,
Is it all you wanted and deserve?
She is a different person, I think.
Jan 2019 · 93
dark child
Julio Jan 2019
The time is short,
and the eternal mysteries,
they will remain.

This is Earth,
dear deads,
and not another dream.

And here the moment,
to live it ...
just once.

as grain fall,
dust of time.

In my sadness,
in darkness,
all beings

¿Who will remake,
this body,
what is still throbbing?

I Know to double the pain ......
pervives childhood,
as a wounded tree.

Under the twilight,
we are strangers
A rarity

It rains hard,
and the night stretches ...
memories are drops.

The walls whisper,
voices from the past
that at night  laugh.

I'm deceived,
this is what I have:
empty hands

After the scars,
my heart beats,
and crave.

"You are not alone",
They say ...

But I know the truth.

Although I dance and laugh,
my soul bleeds ....

Take my hand!

— The End —