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Matterhorn Feb 2019
I hope you know,
I don’t blame you
For the pain you bring.

One does not blame
Alcohol for alcoholism,
One blames the alcoholic;

One could not claim
Heroine causes addiction,
As it is the addict
Who becomes addicted;

Likewise, it would be unfair
To point the finger
At the beloved,
For it is the lover
Who chooses to love.
© Ethan M. Pfahning 2019
  Feb 2019 Matterhorn
It's me
Can you believe
I still miss you

I'm not the same
who I used to be
when I laughed with you

Don't you remember
Please don't forget

The sun hates me
so I  hide inside all day

Please remember
Don't you forget

The clouds hate me
so I stay in bed

I wish I knew
how to find life
find love
find someone alone

You still make me feel so small
I'm not that little girl anymore
  Feb 2019 Matterhorn
Your lack of imagination
crushes me
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