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John Destalo Mar 2019
people please
wake up

we can disagree
we need to disagree

democracy demands it

we are different
we want different things

we believe in
different things

but we need is
to understand each other

not agree with each other
we need to say

I understand where
you are coming from

but I don’t agree with you
and that needs to be okay

democracy demands it

we cannot give in to
the thirst for power

it is a disease
a contagious disease
it is spreading so fast

people please

fight it
love your neighbor as yourself
no matter what they believe

democracy demands it
I am an idealist; a watcher of the north star
I am a realist; perfection is a guide not a goal
John Destalo Aug 2020
she dreamed of
being a flower

a perennial
that would

bloom beauty
a vibrant color

living for
a moment

spreading herself
around the world

then go away
for a season

living in the
earth unnoticed

only to return

when she was
ready to bloom

John Destalo Oct 2020
a community
of soft white

extensions of
the earth

gifts for
the eyes

and the nose
maybe the


a mixture of


who owns
the recipe

I don’t want
to know
John Destalo Jan 2019
mournful trees
dark and wild
howling undisturbed
inside themselves
John Destalo Jan 2021
like the moon
I go through


some of my
lights go out

and I become
dull and distant

give me time
they will come

back on

like the moon
I do not ask

for praise or

it is just a

I am going through
John Destalo Apr 2020
she sings in
my language

breathes in pain

and swirls it
around inside her

until it creates sparks

spitting out fire
and flames

I burn in
her words

becoming a pile
of ash then

rise again with
a new level

of understanding
John Destalo Feb 2020
lost without
my shadows

I can’t see
in the light

I need at
least a bit

of gray

things can’t
be clear

for very long

I will scrape
away the

shiny veneer
and look for

the oozing pus
I will discover

the secrets of
the beginning

so I can start
all over again
John Destalo Apr 2019
I only let you see
one piece of darkness
fall out of me.

Were you afraid?

What if I let you hear
when the space between
becomes less clear.

Will you understand?

What if I let you feel
when the constricting nerves
begin breaking steel?

Will you stay the night?

What if I let you see
when all the darkness
rushes out of me?

Will you still be mine?
John Destalo Jul 2020

into dust

in doses



to parts
of me

at least
that is

what they
told me

you are

I know

you are
not the cure

I just hope
you are not

the disease
John Destalo Jul 2020
each day

a colorful

laid out

one after
the other


I can’t

each day

a colorful

I swallow

one after
the other

if I remember
John Destalo Jun 2020
a flower
in a garden


has ever

been this

and fragrant
the bee

that feeds
off her

is happy
to be alive

for its
short life

John Destalo May 2020
she dreamed of a
clean and simple world

where she could spread
her soft pink wings

letting a warm breeze
whisk her away

so she floats along
the planet watching

the wildflowers grow
where they please

and they are often pleased
Inspired by a photograph on Instagram
John Destalo Aug 2020
she is star
of the evening


twirling on
a stump above

the pond a
fog is forming

creating a mystery

as butterflies and
lightning bugs

dance around her

all she wears
is a thin white

that lifts and

exposing her
dreams to her

John Destalo Mar 2020
cover me

in the sharp shards
of your ambience

I bleed

in your

your words
were not meant

like stories
and morals

they live

like spiders
and snakes

and passion
and pain

and hey

I la la
love you
Dedicated to the Pixies
John Destalo Mar 2020
the pill is plastic.  or I am plastic.  or the pill makes me plastic.  or the pill makes me.  see everything as plastic.  

a smooth light breaks through.  the edges of my soul.   softening the darkness.  and I see all the changes.  in the world.  the subtle movements.  too small for others.  to notice.  too subtle for the world.  to see as change.  

but it is there.  happening all the time.  the world is never.  the same.  we are never.  the same.  in it.  everything sheds.  everything transforms.  we are all replicants.  in some form.  everything feeds off.  of something else.  we are all parasites.  in some form.

the pill is plastic.  or I am plastic.  or the pill makes me plastic.  or the pill makes me.  see everything as plastic.  or everything is plastic.  including the pill.
John Destalo Jun 2020
they said
I should

never lose hope

so I plant you
in my garden

I water you
and wait

for you
to grow

I sit in
the grass

beside you
and talk

telling you
I believe

in you and
other things

and each day
when I go

to see you

you are always

waiting for me
listening to me

watching me grow
John Destalo May 2020
I dreamt
I was soft

and could be changed
squeezed into molds

to be formed into
something else

something valued
something desired
something created

by the soft hands
of someone with

an imagination
John Destalo Apr 2020
the little ones
we are young

asking simple

of each other


with words
we are still


we don’t know
what we

don’t know or
what we are

supposed to know

we have not
been buried

in a mountain
of shoulds

so we play
the natural way
John Destalo May 2020
small mindless

by the millions

passed so easily

from one to

without anyone

there is no
known defense

so it triggers

our bodies to
become sick

the dis-ease
is our reaction

to its presence

if we taught
our bodies

to ignore it

like most
bullies maybe

it would just
go away
John Destalo Sep 2020
don’t hurt
my feelings

they are
so small

and fragile

they are
all I have

inside me
I don’t want

to be empty
so please

I am asking
John Destalo Jul 2020
find the loose
piece of string

pull on it please
untangle my brain

and when it stops
find the knots

and unravel them

please be careful
and take your time

I am worth it
John Destalo Sep 2020
when I asked
for your breath

it didn’t mean
I couldn’t breathe

but I saw how
easy it was for you

and I really meant

I forgot how
to exhale

in a way that

some of the pressure
I placed on myself

and you seemed
to have mastered

the process I
thought maybe

I could learn
from you
John Destalo Sep 2020
I think these are
the most important
words for this world

at the center of
every soul is

this seed
the need

to forgive
and be forgiven

please open it
and let it grow

let it spread
let it be a virus
let it be a ****

anything that spreads
easily into others

and across the world
John Destalo Sep 2020
in this dream
I am drifting

my body is light
floating above

everything with

nothing can pull
me down

there is no
such thing as


I have nowhere
and nothing

to be
John Destalo Aug 2020
a white rose
petal plucked

before it
was ready

discarded so easily

the gentle fall
without sound

floating on
a breeze

a soft landing
into restless sleep

so bright it was
going to be

who can hear
eternity when

it cries
John Destalo Sep 2020
power is

it should
always be


until it
can do

no harm
the people

who seek it
in its purest


are those
who seek

to do the
most harm

to the people
and the planet
John Destalo Jul 2020
the tongue of
a magician

entering your

teasing your
little neurons

free from
their connections

form a
crooked line

and follow

the tongue

it leads to
a new set

of beliefs
Inspired by a song by Coldplay
John Destalo Dec 2019
I see the future.
I create the future.

my mind is a knife. and.
the world is clay.

I hold the first tool.
I create the sound.

that sets world.
in motion.

I speak and it is.

my words pop!
faster than rain drops.
John Destalo Jan 2019
she is gangly. a thousand skinny legs extended. a thousand skinny
minds.  wrapping. entangling me. roots.  digging into the side of a
mountain. she is reaching.  grasping for me.  gasping birthing
breathing demons.  pain.  this mysterious force.
emanating.  has no place.  has no source.  it is the first.
disconnection.  it is memory.

without diagnosis. it does not exist. my head rattles.  the rocks
are loose again. colliding with my skull.  we are pulled apart.  our
interactions have no meaning.  I pop.

pop pink.  pop blue.  pop white.  she disappears.  and everything
floats.  I am bottomless. dancing in deep water.  moving in slow
motion. to nowhere. in particular.


a floor appears.  a ceiling.  four walls.  moving. closer and closer.  I
have a bottom. I have a top.  I have sides.  squeezing me.  I pop

pop 2x pink. pop 2x blue. pop 2x white. she dissolves.  in seconds.
no.  I dissolve. no.  everything that is not me dissolves.  I must be
sleeping in wonderful watery confusion. dreaming in wet white silky slides.


she returns.  more powerful. pure energy. one ******* god.
a thousand times a thousand legs. bee bees of light. crossing each
other. I am the midst.  squeezed. feeling the full extent.
of paaaaain. an explosion. no. an implosion. of the sun. so I pop more

pop 3x pink. pop 3x blue. pop 3x white…
John Destalo May 2020
the snake does
not love

what it squeezes

the bear does
not love

what it hugs

the man does
not love

what he possesses
John Destalo Jul 2020
after he leaves

when can we
rid ourselves

of his disgusting
dirt that

covers us all
we can’t help

but feel unclean
how long will

it take to
**** out

his poison
from our systems

he has infected
so much

is a virus

is a disease
John Destalo Mar 2019
it awakens
and spreads

a virus
finds the waves
in the air

and lets itself
be carried

into and out of

calls on the
darkest resources

sleeping in the
heart of human souls

fear and anger

are only dormant
they can never die

people are the carriers
and the source

a single person can be
a carrier

but never the source

power needs
and needs and

power is absolute
power needs

never grant it
hold it accountable

accountability is
the only antidote

that won’t let
the virus spread

that ends the

John Destalo Sep 2020
he stands
above you


his words
are strong

enough to
carry you

but you
are seeing

a cage not

the world is
new to you

and you
won’t take

his words
for it
John Destalo Mar 2019
In the tightness
of her womb
I could feel
my future.

Her breaking heart
bleeding into me;

weighing me down.
John Destalo Oct 2020
shall I be dark
and spread
myself thin
so I cover
every inch
and almost
go unnoticed
a mist you
detect as
amiss but
that you
cannot name
so you get
used to my
and inhale me
in the morning
and let me
stay inside you
John Destalo Dec 2018
I am pretty,
like a sunflower

picked clean
by the ravens,

starving for attention.
They shriek when they see

I am naked,
but I will not wilt.

I will stand proud
and they will see

I am pretty
when I am naked

and starving
for attention.
John Destalo Jun 2020
her face was


god had a smoke
after he made


eyes made of



skin radiant
a polished stone

delicate &

no one would
touch her

afraid of

John Destalo Jul 2020
your bones
do not exist

limbs of
an insect

you speak

a language

too subtle
to hear

watching you
I am lost

watching you
I find

myself in
your movement

too subtle
to notice

loud enough
to feel

John Destalo May 2020
the purple



he created


of sound
and ***

the guitar

its devotion
to his hands

and we are
all raised

to another
plane of


he cannot
be replaced
John Destalo Jun 2020
in recovery
from faith

but still
haunted by

voices of
the others

left behind

the echoes
of lies

a cavern
where we

when we


there is
always a

pull to fall
back to the

same place
we started

our search
as if progress

is a circle
John Destalo Mar 2020
John Destalo Feb 2019
One man split into two, the halves greeted each other as if strangers.  “Hello, my name is Mind.”  “Good to meet you Mind, my name is Body.”  They were cordial but apprehensive as one who does not quite trust the other because of unfamiliarity.  They walked next to each but did not fit together as I would have suspected from two halves taken from one whole.  

I could hear her whisper, “Are you cured yet?”  I was still in a fog as she woke me from a very deep sleep to ask me that.  She was in a panic.  I could tell she had been crying for some time.  

I did not know who she was, I could only remember dreams, and nothing else from the life I must have led before.  The nonsense was the only thing that seemed to make sense.  

There must have been something wrong with me, or she wouldn’t have asked me that.  Was it body or mind I did not know? Did she think I was insane or dying?  

I answered, “Yes.”  I guess I am cured because I do not believe anything is wrong with me.
John Destalo Sep 2020
the sound of

like big bang

the sound of

no space to


don’t wait
don’t hold back

crash smash
splish splash

silly or serious
the world is

your oyster
eat the pearl
John Destalo Oct 2020
volcano breath
burst of energy

human bodies

feel the force

my ears

then my

make me feel

then make me

then make me

and know that

nothing is
John Destalo Nov 2020
I cut the strings

and slumped
in my seat

I had no strength
of my own

I didn’t even
know what

my own meant

but I was determined
to find out

with great effort
and many days

I lifted my head
opened my eyes

and saw what was
right in front of me

it was a start
John Destalo Jan 2020
the child
felt space

the emptiness

surrounded him

he did not
feel the past

inside of him

he was not

to what came

and the future
was formless

and dreams

silly string

he could not
attach himself

to them
John Destalo Jun 2020
I know the sound.  of a lonely highway.  
it is a hymn.  a longing for meaning.

a prayer answered.  mysteriously.
I walked that way before.  

scuffed my knees.  on broken glass.
a green beer bottle.  in the gutter.

I bled.  for my belief.
in something more.

I wear my soul.
on the outside.

reveal my stains.
a purple heart.

to everyone.
John Destalo Jan 2019
I feel like I’m being
propelled through
space and time
like a young Einstein
lost and confused
trying on various theories
to see if they fit,
to explain the pain
and wanderings
of my lonely mind
who equals when
what about why
and then
I begin again
to speak
the lost words
that no one understands.
I broke my hands
writing down formulas
for what matters
to explain the feelings
of an atom, lost and
out of place
in time and space
John Destalo Aug 2020
not knowing
its place

who asks why
he scolds her

saying you
should not be

concerned with

you are too
pretty for that
John Destalo Jun 2020
if I could hear
every sound

I would pick up
your whispers

and your sighs
and hold them

like beautiful
flowers ignoring

everything else
in nature

knowing nothing
else is beautiful

to me
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