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John Destalo Aug 2020
she takes a

of speed

my brain
is a neutron


the earth is
a dangerous


humans have
existed for

a breath

I am is the
first name

of god
John Destalo Jul 2020
it wasn’t what
they said

to her that
made her


she was
a true

and I

was jealous
of that

she didn’t

know how
rare she was

she believed
the best in

others and
of life

but I lived in

a different
John Destalo Jul 2020
tonight my mind
is running in place

in a desert
I am a boiling


there are no
words to express

or there is
nothing to feel

I am raw but I
want to be naked

exposed to my

I hear
the black bird

screech I watch
it descend

I want it to
enter me

I splay my arms
display my soul

I want it to rip out
all my elements

so I can start over
John Destalo Feb 2020
she scrubs her skin
sees a stain

that won’t leave
I don’t see it

but she still
doesn’t trust me

she thinks I
am too nice

to tell the truth

she hurts when
I touch her

I hurt when
she won’t

but I don’t tell her
John Destalo Dec 2018
is how I
want to feel


a screaming

reaching back
and grabbing
time by
the throat

no one has yet
cursed me
with potential

I cannot
be polished

I will never

so when you
describe me
to another

use the word

and feel
red meat

between your teeth
sliding past your tongue
and down your throat
John Destalo Jun 2020
the vulnerable

sweat &

leave stains
saying I

was here
they dare

not speak
the words

that they

but they

all that
you say

and don’t

they have

trained to

to space
and this

is a strength
that will

reveal itself
John Destalo Jun 2020
smoke and

in the

that never

anything to
distract you


inside me


John Destalo Jan 2021
read minds

we are human
we are not simple

to say our minds
are oceans

is to underestimate
its depths


to speak of
the speed of


is to miss
a lifetime

with each word
we say

if we could
read minds

even the

would seem
John Destalo Apr 2020
we are our
family’s rubble

they call us
double trouble

the dynamite twins
the cockroaches

only we survive
our path of destruction

people like to say
we mean well

it makes them
feel better

but we don’t
mean anything

people need form
and definition

not us

we like to keep
you busy

give you something
to put back together

to repair
to fix

a clue to follow
a puzzle to figure out

a mystery to understand
a problem to solve
John Destalo Jun 2020
when the fairy
tale ends

I follow her
into the woods

she was happy
as the moment

called for but
I knew she was

more than a role
and while this

ending could
be happy

I knew this
was not

the end

I knew she
had more

to say

so I followed
her into

the woods
John Destalo May 2020
she rests
on the earth

naked and

white skin
like snow

she closes
her eyes

holding her
hands across

her chest

her hair

into the
dry grass

her lips
part as

she whispers

she is a

Another instagram inspiration
John Destalo Oct 2020
she is grounded
what is left of
her little yellow
wings won’t lift her
I cry when I
see her run
across the sharp rocks
she jumps and each
time she lands
she cuts her toes
leaving droplets
of blood
that spread leaving
a trail of red
that she hopes no one
ever follows
John Destalo Jan 2019
She enters the bar after dark. I am immediately captured. Waves of electricity pull me near. She turns toward another and smiles.

I am an avalanche.

Her eyelids close when she speaks to him; one lash falls gently toward the night. It lands on my arm. I make a wish and blow. She turns to me and whispers, “Be careful what you wish for.”

Maybe I should have listened.

She dances by herself for a moment then disappears. The night is still young, but I am not. I search for her. The crowd is black and white; she is in color. It is easy to trace her steps.

When I approach her, a bullet grazes my ear. The lobe disappears. I can only hear her voice as she whispers to me,

“I hold the gun, I always hold the gun.”
Trying a little "film noir" in a poem :)
John Destalo Oct 2020
you always
preferred windows

to mirrors
they were more

reflective to you
the outside

spoke to you
in ways you

could never
speak to yourself
John Destalo Sep 2020
she soaked
in a claw

foot tub
head under

water bubbles
floating on

the surface

her hands
played in

the air
each finger

a dancer

it was her
way of


spoke a

like nature

each finger
a note
John Destalo Apr 2020
now I

let go
and let in

the soft

the warm

the spray
of silly

the deep
breath before

a secret

to a friend

the blankets
pulled over
my head

the cushion forts
the snow angels

the almost

naked dancing
in the dark
John Destalo Mar 2020
lost in the midst
of what might happen

or what is happening

hard to tell the
difference now

so many words
in mind and mouth

it’s all so confusing

I think maybe
we all need to pause

feel a deep breath
and forget

find a safe way to
release a little

piece of our anxiety
John Destalo Aug 2020
we ask why
not for

we do not
want more

you speak
words from


is in your

head but

all truth
is embodied

and never

so you can
not answer us

in any way
we can believe
John Destalo Mar 2019
god has a past

humans have memories
of more than themselves

they carry on legacies
bred into them

angels gather
into angles

creating sharp

to cut the
skin of humans
and corrupt
their smallest spaces

the humans bleed
and bleed
but no longer

we cry only
when we need

man is in an image

man is to god
as a star
is to man

dead lights
John Destalo Dec 2018
I wish the world was smaller
and I did not know so much.

I long for empty spaces
and a sky with stars
that shine through this fog.

I don’t want to be a star;
I just want to be remembered fondly.

I remember fondly,
when I was young
and just having a job meant something.

Now that I am older
my job has to mean something

-well, it really doesn’t

yes it really does.
John Destalo Jan 2019
Saturday night in the city of gods everything is man-made
having been constructed, deconstructed and reconstructed;
even the gods are recycled on this planet.

The silicon ******* of dead women are sold as gold.  Plastic surgeons create walking, talking billboards who can no longer smile, for fear they may crack.

Uptown, lightening strikes the same spot once, twice, three times
and a star is reborn; neon lights up the sky again. Everyone else in the up part of town crowd into that same spot and wait for their turn.

Here in the down part of town, the others, drink to alleviate the weight of pain and each sentence ends with “I remember when” but they never do.

A prodigal mathematician with a pointy nose points to a bronze statuette dancing slowly and alone in the corner of the room and tells me that everything that ever was is signified in the rhythm of her Spanish hips.

Then he says, “I remember when.”

But I don’t think he does.
John Destalo Mar 2020
it is never good.  when only one voice speaks.  
it is worse.  when many voices speak.  
but they say the same thing.
John Destalo Dec 2018
she is a feather pillow
now I can rest

she laughs and
makes me light

lifts the veil from
everything I hide

and makes me light

but tonight she is
rolled up in a tear

a soft little ball
of water and salt

I turn myself
into a container

I let her fall
into me

I make sure
she is safe

because she is
my feather pillow

and she lets me rest
John Destalo Mar 2020
the next morning
I was walking
through a field
of wild flowers
the air alive with
natural perfumes
birds and bees
were feeding
my naked feet
felt no fear
there was no path
to follow or
to trace
and I wasn’t
looking for one
I was alive
and that
meant something
John Destalo Jan 2019
I like small words
because they can
mean so many things

I am a child
with a head


two flights above
everyone else
in the room

we speak the
same words

but we don’t mean
the same thing

so I stop speaking
my words

and speak their words
and it was there

in the house
of my first memory

that I learned
how to live alone

I like small words
because they can
mean so many things
John Destalo Jan 2019
I possess the urge to revelation inside of me,

a writer, naturally;
deciphering the secrets buried deep within the code
of the twenty-six;

the secrets of plasticity.

I try to observe the details of my imagination
in a landscape too dense for me to clearly see,
I can only feel my way around

the multiple dimensions
of darkness and light.

She said, “Imaginations aren’t dark.”
I said, “I wish I lived in your mind.”

She laughed,

but I’m not sure she knew quite why.
She was pretty, naturally.

Last night I wrote
the book that ends the book
that details the end of the modern world.

I think into existence
a white horse;
the end of all details.
John Destalo Dec 2018
night angel
with demon teeth

**** me
save me

make me

make me

ride the circle
make it fast

from life to
death to

life again

I am a fly
with a billion

I see futures
for everyone

there is more
than one future

there is no
straight path

to eternity
John Destalo Jan 2020
the rain was hard and sudden

feeling like broken sheets of glass
falling from the dark side of the sky

surrounding us like silver zombies
we could not escape our fate

the road filled and then flooded
and we collapsed under the weight

of yesterday

a highway of those ******* birds
descended upon us

different people give them
different names

we call them an omen

they cackle and dance
flying so close together

they seem as a black hole
swallowing the planet
John Destalo Nov 2020
there is a rhythm
to my blues

I pace myself

it takes energy
to smile

and speak

and the light
can get too bright

to see
darkness can be

revealing and

is a thing
not just for bears

some of us are

we need to
spend some time

John Destalo Feb 2019
the gathering
of angels

white robes

the wind sings

the light has
a voice

hands lift

and we all repeat

I feel the weight
pressing down on me

it feels like
a snake is
searching for my

I feel
tight inside
like my skin
is shrinking

like I am being
in plastic

they tell me salvation
is a moment

they tell me salvation
is a series of words

and I pray
the series of words
in silence

asking for

and after
we all smile
as if one mouth

wanting to be right
wanting to be liked
wanting to belong
John Destalo Nov 2020
I ask the river
to swallow me

but with this drought
it is in more pain

than me
it asks me for my help

asks me what have I done
to this world

says everything was fine
before me

I tear off my clothes
exposing myself to nature

I jump in and

sink a few feet
to the bottom

I start to cry
hoping every little bit

John Destalo Jun 2020
the sounds
you make

when you
fall from

the sky

when you
land on

the earth

you are
the scream

in my soul
the ache in

my brain
the kick

in my groin

I am


John Destalo Apr 2020
I sit on the top
of a hill

curl into a ball

you stand at the

all you have to
do is jump

all you have to do
is time your jump

and let me pass
under you

to stay safe

but you never do
and I roll into you

knocking you down
and we roll down

together laughing

I always thought
you had bad timing

but maybe I was wrong
John Destalo Apr 2020
lay down fresh
soil in a bed

plant a seed
and watch it


each drop is

it first presses
against soil

then emerges

as a slight form

up and out
ending as

colorful sweet
smelling petals

protected by
long dangerous


I lick a thorn
and make a wish
John Destalo Apr 2020
we connect
in a circle

dancing round
and round

hands locked tight
knuckles white

we sweat through
our skin

creating a new sin
John Destalo Feb 2020
I have always
had an uneasy

with you

knowing I
needed you

but not wanting
to know that

when I didn’t
have you

I wanted you

when I had you
I didn’t want you
John Destalo Apr 2020
I cannot
shed my

the ***** cells
are clinging
to me

they are
to become

but they
have decided
to remain

and build up
and weigh
me down

so I don’t
feel like


they are
to leave me

at least

so I can
feel clean

and be

instead of
lost in this

old mattress rut
John Destalo Jan 2020
she was young
without direction

her road
was not paved

each step
was rough
on her bare feet

and she slipped
so many times

cutting herself

leaving partly healed
scars all over

the lonesome
highway is

once it finds you
there are no off-ramps

only rest stops

it feasts on

leaving behind
the softest parts
John Destalo Aug 2020

I paint
a smile
a mask
it is
my gift
to you
to make
you laugh


I live
ends in
pieces of
when you laugh
John Destalo Mar 2020
we are guarded
this time

danger is invisible
free riding human skin

any human skin

no color
no age
no ***
no origin


we don’t even
know ourselves

will I hurt you
will you hurt me

so we are instructed
to remain at a

safe distance

but even at this

we can exchange
smiles of light

saying it isn’t
really that I

don’t trust you
I am just staying safe
John Destalo Jun 2020
there were
these creatures

in the woods
they would crawl

into my hands
I named them

and made them
a family

hoping they would
stay together

but whenever I
released them

they would scatter
I guess that’s just

the way things are
John Destalo May 2020
six feet.  apart.  
six feet.  under.  

we live in
what remains

of life

carrying two

as a measure
of ourselves

air hugs and

to everyone

I know you
from your eyes
John Destalo Apr 2020
I did not.  do it.  

I said I would.
but I didn’t.

don’t look at me.
that way.  again

please.  give me.
one more…
John Destalo May 2020
we are young
in a small place

sitting on a bank
you are looking

at me I am
staring far away

I ask you if
the tree floats

I say

I want to
leave this

place and

I want to

by water

you say

about roots
and how far

into the earth

they go I
don’t understand

I jump in and

you stay on
the bank

and wave
John Destalo Feb 2019
I moved north
hoping the leaves
would fall;

changing reasons
for living again.

I met a ******* a lark
laughing at the trees.

She said “I’ve been
searching for you
sand man.”

She really meant sad
but she was too happy
to say that word.

She said, “I will wait
for the weight to fall from
your shoulders.

You will be my shiny, red balloon
I can ride to the

I took off my overcoat.
John Destalo Jun 2020
obscure rhymes

on the tongue


they make
you think

and sometimes
they are

just fun
John Destalo Mar 2019
in life we
can lose things

important things

things that make us

things that make
us whole

in life we
can lose things

important things

so we cannot
speak our voice

so we cannot
see our true selves

so we cannot
hear the cries
of others

in life
we must grow
back these

important things

these things
that make us


we must grow back
our ears

so we can
save the birds
John Destalo Apr 2020
I am a shadow
I am a crow

you create
my nights

when longing
for you

is my occupation
my eyes close

but I do not dream
I obsess

strangling any
other thought

that enters me so

there is one thing
left in this world
John Destalo Jul 2020
she smokes naked
at night

believes the rain

is not real
likes when the

sky is dark
wants to be

struck by lightning
believes it is

eternal inspiration

she laughs when
I say sorry

and forgives me
when I sleep

she is a scavenger
living off the

dearly discarded
John Destalo Sep 2020
there are places
we never echo

our words do
not carry

the clouds
do not move

and the wind is
not present

the earth is
happy to hold

our secrets
it is ancient

it has heard

in every language

it is the safest
place to scream
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