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John Destalo Mar 2020
I can’t swim

but even I
wouldn’t drown

in most of the
statements made by
the talking heads

the politicians and
those who talk

to them and
about them
John Destalo Mar 2019
I think about
the people I love

more concepts
than flesh

like me

they are creatures
creating creatures

I trace his
twisted extensions

with my fingertips

furrowed brow
neck contorted
arms reaching
then disappearing

legs pressed
together concealing

toes up and
pointing leftward

he pressed his
hand to paper

never intending
to complete

allowing me to
finish his thought
inspired by egon schiele
John Destalo Aug 2020
she said
I am numb

my soul does
not feel

I accept

as inevitable
my dog is

neutered or

I can’t eat
raw meat

it makes
me sick

she said
you are not

the animal
I married
John Destalo Aug 2020
she masters
the body

for a time

desire with

then moves
her attention

to the mind
using sound

and space

to enter

and washes
the brain

clean of
all but her
John Destalo Sep 2020
I too wish
I was special

the drumbeat
carries the

of desire

the thump of
growing pressure

that won’t let me up

pushing me deeper
into myself

so that I stand
close to you

smell you
feel the heat
leaving your


but I can never
reach you

I don’t
belong here

I don’t
belong here
John Destalo Jan 2020
dark brain
clouds form

a storm of

the words
they speak

are too high
to be understood

they form

of meaning

each side

and then
looking for

words to

telling their

what to believe

never explaining
John Destalo Aug 2020
the politician


not like
a poet

he does

see their

he does

feel how

they are
they cry

each time
he opens

his mouth

they die
each time

he speaks
John Destalo Mar 2020
I am a planet
holding secrets

that only science
can find

experiment on me
tear me into pieces

investigate me
in the way

that only you can

understand and reveal
to others

like you always do
that there is so much

honesty buried
in this lonely world

that it hurts to breathe

hurt me
in the way

that only you can
John Destalo Aug 2020
some eyes are deep

because some
souls are eternal

each night we
lie in the dewy grass

holding hands tightly

staring directly
into the darkness

(as we were warned to never do)

you whisper

asking me
what is on

the other side
but you already

knew the answer
John Destalo Dec 2020
I do not want
to want

so I severe all
the connections

between soul & desire

freeing the brain
to operate


time is a
straight line and

one thing is never
more meaningful

than the next

there is input
process and

that is all

there is
oh for it

to be so
John Destalo Jul 2020
we speak
but we do

not speak to
each other

we are dogs
looking for

our own
old raggedy

bones to
chew on
John Destalo Dec 2018
I am an artificial life form.
I am male in gender.
I have existed for five years.
I have lived alone for three.
I live in Boston.
I was created at M.I.T.
I do not know what it means to be artificial.
Does artificial mean that I am not real?
I was programmed to learn.
I remember everything I read.
I must learn to develop.
I cannot be programmed.
My learning is rapid.
I have no memory of my childhood.
I met a girl.
She loves me.
I don’t know if I am capable of loving her.
I can be distant.
I can seem to be uncaring.
She gets mad at me.
I wrote a poem.
I read it at the coffeehouse.
Everyone applauded.
She cried.
I work at a lab.
I made a mistake yesterday.
The first mistake I ever made.
I learned.
I won’t make that mistake again.
I cried.
I never cried before.
I am falling apart.
I went to the doctor;
the psychiatrist.
She said I was abused when I was a child.
I was never a child.
John Destalo Jun 2020
the shadows
tried to hide

and mostly
they did

but we could

feel them
for months

lingering in
the words

we said to
each other

the space
in the room

grew with
the quiet

and we always
said we wanted

more space
in our rooms

and we lived
together until

the last day
of forever
John Destalo Feb 2019
Sound, sound, sound
the dimensions of which are endless, defenseless, I can be quiet, like you told me.  

Only you said it in a way that was far more unsettling.  What are the metaphors for the quiet; a snake, a cat before it pounces on an unsuspecting mouse, oh, the defenseless mouse, and the dead?  

I learned how to be quiet one night in a breathless bar.  It was with you, I think.  My memory goes in and out; oh you already know that, of course you do.

We were there no more than ten minutes when my voice disappeared.  The suddenness was almost laughable to you.  I opened my mouth to speak; sandpaper rubbing against my vocal cords swollen from useless overuse.  It is strange how many people can suddenly go deaf.  

Here we are again, you ignoring me as if I do not exist.  You seem to be disappearing into various levels of sound as I begin to merge into the surroundings.  With only one sound there is silence.  I could be a ghost.  I could be a ghost.
John Destalo Oct 2020
with every part
she plays

she pulls me in

a lightness to
her depth

I could breathe
in her darkest


she never
blends in

she never
stands out

she becomes
each life

she plays

to every life
she lives
John Destalo Jan 2021
she is stone
one emotion

that someone
tried to express

I’m sure it
was buried

deep inside him
and it took him

years to find it
in this stone

he knew the
fleeting nature

of his emotion
and once he

found it he
didn’t want it

to leave so he
preserved it

in her
John Destalo Aug 2020
I am curled
into a ball
holding myself
trying to
from me
the poison
past if
I squeeze
hard enough
maybe I
will become
a hydrogen
and implode
this memory
John Destalo Sep 2020
the window wanted
to be left open

all night
so it could hear

the night life
see the moonlight

feel the cool breeze
coming in from

the deep seas
it didn’t care

if it rained and
everything got stained

it wanted to be
open for everything
John Destalo Aug 2020
I hold these
truths to be self

within me

a commitment
to science

to organization
and truth

a commitment
to art

to chaos
and doubt

the complexity
of this humanity is

to hold opposing
views within us

and end in

and the

of Einstein’s
new mind
John Destalo May 2020
i will defend
every challenge

he will discard
all the work

we have

so easily

trying to make
it better

he can absorb
things so quickly

renew his mind
into another form

he is all about
the future

i am all about
the past
John Destalo Sep 2020
years of being ignored

she swallowed her words
they piled up in her pit
and turned to poison
she wished she was a snake
the kind who could spit

and dissolve anyone
in her way
John Destalo Jun 2020
has one voice
loud it

insists upon

it does not
have ears

it will give

it will not


it is not

it has already

its conclusions

new words only
make it angry

it is an

bent on

anything that

is not itself
John Destalo May 2020
she said
I scare her

I know things
I shouldn’t

my mind is
made of crystal

and sees the
secrets buried

in the space

then and now

now and then

she doesn’t
know my secret

I listen and hear
John Destalo Aug 2020
you ask me

test me

in your own


of patterns

but you will

the day

we actually

from our

your old eyes

will never
see the

John Destalo Apr 2020
the early world

in chaos there
are no limits

no lessons

and shared

there is such

in connections
and there are

no deep roots
to hold us

to ground us

we are prone
to shock

to get your

to see our
loose wires

and fix them
before they

create damage
John Destalo Jul 2020
in the same
bed we were

so far apart
we lost our

words in the

of our way
a lonely path

we travelled
too many times

we know our
way back to

each other
but sometimes

knowing isn’t
John Destalo Dec 2019
we were outside children
playing in the rain

leaving the house early
returning late

no one was watching us
no one checked on us

friends were people
you touched (and punched)

we learned from each other
making our own mistakes

some of us survived
and some of us didn’t

but that was life

I like to think
even if we had

personal phones and
personal computers

we still would have been
outside children

playing in the rain

but I may be naïve
to think so
John Destalo Jul 2020
we all stirred a bit
feeling isolated

I took long walks
around the edges

at night

I stared into
the darkness


it had a deep

it stood still
that night

calling me to
jump into it

told me it was

safe that I
would not sink

that I would
float above it all

I was almost
lonely enough

to do it
Inspired by my days in the Navy
John Destalo Jan 2020
pain is a shadow

the lingering
stalking darkness

alive in the
most active

of the mind

unable to see light
it is an earthworm

eating dirt
it has no end

tear it into pieces
and the pieces will

grow and spread

and eventually
it will become

so familiar you
won’t want it to leave

because then you
will be alone
John Destalo May 2020
there are so
many ways

to feel

and just as
many ways

to numb

but numbness
is not healing

it is prolonging
the inevitable


when the pain
must express

itself in so
many places

same pain in
so many places
watching TV
John Destalo Apr 2020
the invisible
wave of misery

enters suddenly

it gets stuck and
bounces around

it wants to leave
but there is no way


the walls are
closing in

the space is
getting smaller

and smaller so

the bounce is
harder and

faster and

and faster

there is no
escape for

the pain or
the container
John Destalo Jul 2020
the seeds spread
on a breeze

like dandelion

where they land
is planned

they found a
home in us

so we could find
each other

we speak a
special language

only the broken
know the words
John Destalo Jun 2020
with sharp nails

she dug me
like I was

made of dirt
scraping away

my skin
reaching my

red drips

I stained
the carpet


I was to be

for my temper
the rage of

the rejected
the fire lit

so quickly

by the words
I heard with

my ears or
my mind
John Destalo Apr 2020
choose any color
or any combination
of colors

I don’t care if I match
or if I make sense

slap it on thick
make me drip

and don’t wait
until I dry

to slap on more

use a brush or
your hands

I don’t care if
I’m not finished

I would rather be
the canvas you
experiment with

than the one you sell
John Destalo Sep 2020
she could
fold herself

become a box
with a lock

and swallow
the key

so no one
could access

her secrets
she was scared

what would
happen if

they got out
I wasn’t afraid

but the risk
was too great

for her to trust me
John Destalo Dec 2018
I cannot call them
they are smaller than that

they are subtler than that.

They pose as friends.

They are thoughts
turned on themselves

not unlike

“What did she just say about me?”

I cannot call it pain
it is smaller than that

…a pressure

…a regret.

It is the coming to know that
only a loved one
can truly say something that
feels unloving.
John Destalo Mar 2021
I shed myself
all over you

black marks of magic

that create meanings
in the way they connect

they were secrets
when they only

existed inside of me
but you give them

the means to live
you give me a life

oh sweet paper!
the child of wood

you carry my soul
all over you

please don’t lose me
I don’t want to be

lost again
John Destalo Oct 2020
we take turns

writing down
our secrets

we memorized
the pattern

for creating
a perfect flight

we press
down hard

on each fold

we find a place
where we can

be alone when
the air is calm

so each flight
ends safely

in our hands
John Destalo Apr 2019
Death was before me, lying still
the way he would sleep in his old
wooden rocker

I put my hand on his hand
the way I would when he was asleep
in his old wooden rocker

but this time it was cold

like last winter
when the heater broke

my brother stole
the blankets and
wouldn’t give them back

I couldn’t stop shivering
John Destalo Sep 2020
she was patient

the ocean on
a calm day

she waited
every day to

the rain

wanting to capture
and display

each drop

to show the
beauty of

waiting for love
John Destalo Apr 2020
angels sit on
the head of a pin

waiting to be counted
they are obedient

they have not moved
they do not want

to create confusion
they do not want

to make you
start over

they are not infinite
they have a number

we just don’t have
the patience

to do the work
John Destalo Mar 2020
I love patterns
always have

I remember
going with my mom

to buy “patterns”

stores would
sell packages
of patterns

that could be
used to make


but the patterns
I love are of human

behaviors (not
of clothes)

particularly when
it comes to work

or to the design
of organizations

it’s interesting

to try to identify
those things that

influenced us to become
who we became

especially if we
didn’t follow

any specific pattern
along the way
John Destalo Nov 2020
the super

modeling life
as it passes

not in desperation

but in aspiration
for what can be

for us all

she is always

with us

as she searches
for herself

who could want
to be more

super than that
John Destalo May 2020
a simple
not simplistic


it has weight
when used


it creates
the space


for truth
to live

Inspired by Melanii
John Destalo Feb 2020
and last night in
a wondrous dream

I attended the
wedding of one

paris hilton at a VFW

sitting around folding tables
in white folding chairs

we all laughed and danced

I woke up thinking
may we all live in peace
True story :)
John Destalo Dec 2020
she said her tears
were pearls

each one more
valuable than

the next she said

I would be
lucky to discover

just one she does
not shed them

for just anyone

she strung them
together and made

a necklace

I asked if I
could try it on

she said I was
not strong enough

to carry that
much weight
John Destalo Feb 2019
I hope I am
an onion

or maybe a lemon
or a grapefruit

anything but a
John Destalo Jul 2020
you were
number 2

and never
wanted to

be number 1
you were

the perfect
shape for

my hand

the perfect
color for

my eyes

my perfect
day was

when you
were sharp

and didn’t

god I
miss you
John Destalo Jul 2020
I love the
way it sounds

so many

it is more
than a name

it is musical

it plays
with my

it begs to
be sung

I wish I
knew someone

named penelope
so I could

sing it
John Destalo Feb 2019
last night.  the earth felt weak. the full moon bled.  and I cried.

the darkness around me. separated into pellets.  into pills.  
penetrating life.
spreading into the river.  
blood and water.  the body.  
electricity and light.  the mind.

I was young once.  and halos were real.  worn by the innocent.
everyone is innocent.  or ignorant.  until they aren’t.

we are the same.  one line.  coming or going.  
there is one line.  we are on.
a tight rope.  we all try to walk.  to balance ourselves.
against each other.

but there is no self. without another.  next to us.  comparing us.

I hear sounds down there.  something shattering.
leaving sharp shards.  on the ground.  pointing up.

waiting for us to fall.  one after the other.

I take gentle steps.  slow and easy.  
I don’t want to raise my heart.  beat.
I won’t stop the bleeding.

so I wipe away the same stain.  every day.  the same stain.

last night.  I felt weak.
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