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66 · Jun 2020
John Destalo Jun 2020
speak a treatise
on belonging

I thought


the being
part of


birth is a

to escape

and peace
and every

day after
just continues

that path
a pattern

the longing
to return

at war with

the need
to move on
65 · Mar 2020
John Destalo Mar 2020
a condition
not a direction
John Destalo Feb 2019
I wake up hours before sunrise and stare at the silver stars
painted into the black ceiling of our bedroom.
They are now peeling, the falling sparkles  
covering my body;
creating a burning sensation
deep inside of me.

I have invested so much in space
exploration, computing the distance between life forms.
I notice our forms that once fit together
like Pangaea, are now drifting
between ever increasing expanses of blue.

Each night I play peek-a-***** into the abyss
alternately covering my eyes with the rapid movement of my mind;
skirting the topics of emptiness and happiness.

I sit on the edge, the outer edge, the very outer edge
of my bed
masquerading as the very outer edge of the universe
and I reach
for all that is larger than me, for all that is still
inside of me.

I stare into my hands, those tender uncalloused hands
that once held us together,
and watch as they float away.
65 · Apr 2020
John Destalo Apr 2020
we live as numbers
waiting to be counted

to become part of a

that tells us what to do

we do not want to be
a remainder

a leftover
a piece of pi

that no one can
65 · Sep 2020
John Destalo Sep 2020
the sound of

like big bang

the sound of

no space to


don’t wait
don’t hold back

crash smash
splish splash

silly or serious
the world is

your oyster
eat the pearl
65 · Feb 2020
John Destalo Feb 2020
she woke me
too soon

I am not ready
I do not

what is


the world
is different

and I don’t
fit into

my roles

the structure
is changing

and I don’t
know if I

belong or
if I have

a choice
65 · Apr 2019
the first time I felt
John Destalo Apr 2019
it is the way you

makes me

I whisper to you
my beautiful and
desperate words

born of life’s tiny scars

I whisper to you
my beautiful and
desperate words

wanting to cover you
in the finest silk

I whisper to you
my beautiful and
desperate words

wanting you to feel loved

I am my beautiful
and desperate words

longing to be held
longing to be remembered

by you
65 · Feb 2019
John Destalo Feb 2019
I carry him inside of me
the little one lost

he is small
but heavy

like a dark star
like a black hole

broken at birth
born into a broken egg
he has so many deep scars

the kind that never really heal
so even after all these years
they are still tender
to the touch

he never really learned
how to feel

or more accurately

he never really learned
how to make sense
of his feelings

I want to speak his words
express his feelings

he held them in
for so long

he tried to fit in
…sort of

but he was cursed from
the beginning

he was somehow

smart in a way
that made him
see more
hear more
feel more

so much that it
made him cry

so much that
he had to hide

so he didn’t cry
so much

even when he was small
he was larger
than the others

he was larger
in ways that made
him heavy

and no one could
explain him

they didn’t know
the theory that could
explain him

make him feel better
make him make sense
of himself

but I have learned
a theory to explain him

a theory of levels
a theory of sight
a theory of time

but now he is so far away

buried under layers of time
buried under layers of scars

I don’t think he can hear me

if he could maybe
he would lighten my load
65 · Apr 2019
John Destalo Apr 2019
I was raised
in a wild field

where colors clash
and everything grows

rain floods and
no one drowns

bees feed sting
and die

to be reborn every spring

weeds are beautiful
and grass is free

we live every day
we are alive

we are bounded only

by both stages
of the dandelion

bright sunshine
and silver dust

blowing free
in the wind

to land and
grow in another

wild field
my favorite flower is a ****
65 · Mar 2020
John Destalo Mar 2020
and I felt like
an empty shelf

people staring
at me

and then walking
by me

shaking their heads
wishing I was

someone else
where toilet paper once lived
65 · Aug 2020
like the sun
John Destalo Aug 2020
lavish me
in yellow

and orange

don’t be

let it loose

wash away
my years

make me
feel young

I want to
shine again

I want to
be the sun

65 · Mar 2019
modern violins
John Destalo Mar 2019
faith screams

aching for

bodies are
of worship

sounds pushing
into each

wanting not
to destroy
but to dominate
each other

pain bleeds
like a pig

a sacrifice

and I realize

everything is
made of word

and word burns

and I realize
when I
stop feeling

I won’t
need word

to express
what I felt

but until then

I need to form
these disguises

and wear them
65 · Jul 2020
John Destalo Jul 2020
find the loose
piece of string

pull on it please
untangle my brain

and when it stops
find the knots

and unravel them

please be careful
and take your time

I am worth it
64 · Aug 2020
John Destalo Aug 2020
I remember
it was dark

the flame
of a candle

cast a


a path

to our secret

we dare
not breathe

we could
lose our

light or
give away

our secret
64 · Apr 2020
rolling stone
John Destalo Apr 2020
I sit on the top
of a hill

curl into a ball

you stand at the

all you have to
do is jump

all you have to do
is time your jump

and let me pass
under you

to stay safe

but you never do
and I roll into you

knocking you down
and we roll down

together laughing

I always thought
you had bad timing

but maybe I was wrong
64 · Nov 2018
John Destalo Nov 2018
Faith decays faster than it grows.

You weren’t with me at night when
I went to sleep
so how could I know you
would be with me when I awoke.

I never told you about my recurring dreams.

The one where I’m
standing on the stairs
as they turn to sand
and swallow me.

The one where I’m
drowning in a drinking fountain

reaching out for you
as you turn from me.

I never told you I was afraid
to leave my room.

I didn’t think you would remember

If I could never trust my father
how I could I ever believe in God.
John Destalo Sep 2020
when I meet
a mind

I want to enter
there is a

I detect

a labyrinth
a laboratory


doesn’t matter
the sense

it is all
a natural

a big bang

ushering in
a new universe
64 · May 2020
gentle in the dark
John Destalo May 2020
I feel gentle in the dark
the overhead light fades

my heart race is over

figments swing dance
shape shifting

like a dream

I feel gentle in the dark
everything is quiet

even the predators

don’t make a sound
as they pounce
64 · Jul 2020
John Destalo Jul 2020
a dancer

of becoming

and lifting

through the

towards the
promises of


the darkness
that covers


a star
64 · Jun 2020
John Destalo Jun 2020
like pieces of
broken glass

minds are

they cut your

and shred
your skin

you bleed and
you cry




meaning is
a solid and

a liquid

when I
spent too

much time

with my

they called
it suicide
64 · Sep 2020
the black cat
John Destalo Sep 2020
her angelic
demon eyes

see into the

anything that
moves is hers

with her claws
she scratches

her tag
leaving her

marks in the
deepest parts

of me

she is the true
soul of a cat

she dares me
to domesticate her

as she purrs
in my ear
64 · Apr 2020
John Destalo Apr 2020
the end
of words

at the end
of the night

I have not
looked up

its meaning

(I’m sure I
used to know)

it is so

it feels
like it is

in us from


perhaps it
is sexist

I don’t know

I’m sure
someone knows

even though
it is easy to

look up

I think I’ll just
leave it alone

I don’t need to know
63 · Dec 2018
in exile
John Destalo Dec 2018
On the road again.  Escaping my captor…life.  I am looking for space.  Always looking for space.  I just want to pause.  I just want to wait.  My soul is a child.  

I am reaching for something.  Something out there.  Something just a little too far from me.  
Something guarded by danger.  Danger I am too sacred to face.  My soul is a child.

I almost fall.  I am almost swept away.  By a thick, morning fog.  I am almost lost in an adventure.  I could have never planned.  I almost give in…to my captor.

But truth is truth.  And I am not lost.  And I am not found.  And I am surrounded by nothing.  Silence is my only lover. And my lover is a parasite.  And my lover is a tapeworm.

And I am the tear that wells but never falls.
63 · Jan 2019
fitness to serve
John Destalo Jan 2019

truth is not a wall

it is not a permanent

it does not permanently block you out
it does not permanently block me in

it is freedom

and like words
it is ambiguous

it learns
and changes
and evolves
over time

as we learn
and change
and evolve
over time

the world is
not a cake
but it is layered

it needs to be broken
down into more elemental
pieces to be understood

and then built back up
into a new form
to make sense

and it needs people
who are capable
of understanding
to make sense of it


the man has many words
but not a lot of thoughts

and not much meaning
he doesn’t mean much

he is not layered
he is very small
in depth

the layered world
is too big for him

he cannot make sense
of all these layers

he does not understand
what is happening

he cannot process
all this information

but he is too scared
to admit it

so he avoids it
or worse he fights it

he destroys everything
above him

and most things
are above him

he has to try to
shrink the world

so that it makes
sense to him


many people
understand this
about him

they use words
like *****
or child
to describe him

and whatever word
they use

what they
are really saying is
that he is small and simple

that he is not capable
of understanding this layered world
which he is supposed to lead

and it is these people

who know firsthand
of his smallness
and say next to nothing
and do next to nothing

and even worse
support him

try to explain him
to others

to explain to others
what he means

to explain to others
how he makes sense

these are the people
who should feel shame


we all are who we are
we all do what we do

just as he

it is up to others to check us
to balance us

that is why our founding fathers
gave us a system

three separate but equal parts

it is up to us to use them
the way they were intended

it is up to use
to understand that parties
or whatever we call them

are beneath our systems

it is our systems
that are supposed to live long
after we die

just as they lived long
after the founders died


that is our legacy as Americans

that is why America is great
that is when America is great
63 · Mar 2019
gentle breeze
John Destalo Mar 2019
When you forgot my name
last night,
it reminded me of the impermanence
of existing,
and the perilous ******* of words,
spoken or unspoken.

Words appear and disappear
in an instant
some remain long enough
to create bonds or barriers
but always disappear.

Three of these little words can
create waves that in one
moment caress the toes and then
collapse the lungs of the most
vulnerable places deep, deep inside
making a simple breath

I saw my name last night
hanging in the air
amongst all the previous words
of the night
and as I reached to bring it back
it was carried away by a gentle
breeze out the open window to the
darkened sky.

This gave me the freedom to
crawl back into the shadows and

I could see all the words
that night
as they hung in the air
each one
trying to remain,
jockeying for position,
but always being replaced,
some words hanging longer than others.

Then I found myself floating amongst
those words,
trying to find one I could grab onto,
to make mine.

I languished in the air
as each new word appeared,
I was bathed in the warmth of their breath,
massaged by the whirlpool
of interaction,
each word melting into the others
until they were without beginning or end
until I was without beginning or end,
nudged by a gentle breeze
toward the open window
to a darkened sky.
63 · Apr 2019
make belief
John Destalo Apr 2019
the cut of loneliness
does not bleed

no matter how
many cuts

everything inside
is dry
and dead or dying

I am not the first
to feel

this way but
for your sake

I hope I am
the last

truth is slippery
not slimy

but some words are
not real

they are birthed
in the swamp

by soul *******

who make you

who make belief

like they are making
a midnight snack

taking a bite
and throwing away

the leftovers
63 · Dec 2018
distance in me
John Destalo Dec 2018
I do not know why

I live in space
and ask questions
of the sky

there is so much
distance in me

so many layers

so many unexplored
caves in these depths

I am a dark star


my soul is twisted
my body is sore

I am a broken angel
all fight no flight

and I hear about him

the one
above me

lighting up
the night
as if a sun

his soul is smooth
and as he speaks

the birds listen

trying to learn how
to make
that beautiful sound

but I cannot hear him
and even if I could

I do not think I
would understand
his words

even if he sings them
62 · Dec 2018
touch: a nerve
John Destalo Dec 2018
it hurts

the pressure
of conforming
my body

trying not to
be revealing

arms cross
my chest
hiding my


trying to plug
the leaks

of honesty

but I can’t
keep up with

the flowing
my mind

my thoughts
leaping ahead

over all the same
old constraints

to what
could be
62 · Nov 2020
John Destalo Nov 2020
she cupped
his tears

in her hand
as they fell

let the puddle
separate into


and watched
a pattern form

she traced it
as if it was

his lifeline
not knowing

that was what
he called her
62 · Jun 2020
John Destalo Jun 2020
I think of small
just a taste

a drip of honey

a whiff of
a pleasing

odor a

that lingers
but does not

it leaves a


to follow

it is sweet
but it could

be more but
if it was more

it wouldn’t
be sweet
62 · Feb 2019
John Destalo Feb 2019
the dragon is
without anger

it breathes
as any living creature

exhaling flames
without direction

it is unaware that
it lives within
a larger purpose

like cleaning the
floor of a forest
of the dead things

the things that will
not leave on their own

like the dead things
within us that
create a clutter and

refuse to disappear

sometimes we need
a dragon within us

to breathe without
anger or purpose

taking from us
those dead things
we don’t know

still exist
62 · Apr 2019
at night and the city
John Destalo Apr 2019
wants to be bigger

a sprawling decadence

an underground
stream of liquid

a meandering
sweet poison

a circus
with freaks

pressing forward
creating a vein

melted sugar


the tongue

expanding taste
so it presses

against both sight
and sound

and suddenly the
three senses
become one

and I know things
I wasn’t supposed to
62 · Sep 2020
the fear of being seen
John Destalo Sep 2020
you see me
I can feel it

a disturbance

like a ****

creating a
new form

you see me
I can feel it

a desire

like a flower

wanting to
change me

making me
want to change
62 · Dec 2018
The Weak Ahead
John Destalo Dec 2018
Monday Morning:

The bed is light
I hear your
whisper before I wake.

Can I listen
for a moment
before you disappear?

I draw your outline
on the sheets
in black marker.

I light candles
and hold them tightly;
they burn the
tips of my fingers

I want to call you
and ask you to
wrap your lovely thighs
around this lonely world,

but pushing buttons
is too painful.
60 · Jun 2020
just a river
John Destalo Jun 2020
a father to a son
riding bikes by

the river

correcting his son
that it is not an


it is just
a river

and I wonder
if this will

reduce the son’s
wonder at this

important body
of water

will he think it
less important

rather than not
as large or not

as deep

as the father
probably meant it
True story - I overheard walking by the river today
John Destalo Mar 2019
it awakens
and spreads

a virus
finds the waves
in the air

and lets itself
be carried

into and out of

calls on the
darkest resources

sleeping in the
heart of human souls

fear and anger

are only dormant
they can never die

people are the carriers
and the source

a single person can be
a carrier

but never the source

power needs
and needs and

power is absolute
power needs

never grant it
hold it accountable

accountability is
the only antidote

that won’t let
the virus spread

that ends the

60 · Feb 2020
he is mean
John Destalo Feb 2020

using his words
as clubs

trying to beat
down his shadows

that keep popping up

he has so many

even the
can’t save him


he wants you
to call him

fearless leader
but he does not know

you cannot
lead from the rear

as an a**


who needs

people who
make a lot
of “mistakes”

and don’t
want to admit it


he is mean

and in the end
he will face

his biggest fear

that history
will tell him

he didn’t
mean a thing
60 · Nov 2018
taking the long way home
John Destalo Nov 2018
and I drove by
the place that
scared me

the house was gone
but the space
was still there
60 · Dec 2018
John Destalo Dec 2018
I stared up and into
the core of a planet
with chicken wire,
slowly spinning
hanging on a string
no one will ever see.

It was constructed chaotically
but also purposefully,
and fits perfectly in
this specific place
and at this specific time
and I wasn’t sure whether
this meant it was art
or science
or whether there was really
a difference

I touched it
and watched it
spin faster
changing its form
to conform to the
pressure I placed on it;
and even as it was
reorganizing itself internally
it remained a planet still.

I couldn’t take my eyes,
my mind off it
as I stared at it
I started to see
spread sporadically
throughout this planet
were pieces of wire
that did not connect
to anything

so I stood perfectly still
to watch them vibrate
and then I heard them
humming and chirping to each other
like a family
of scared little birds
hiding their secrets places
and I felt the pain
and the fear
in these little wires
and then
I heard them speak to me

And they told me
where there is movement
however slight
there is energy
and where there is energy
there is life

and where there is life
there is danger

and I felt the danger in my soul
and I was spinning and spinning
and out of control

and I felt the danger in my soul
and I felt that I was energy
and in that energy
I felt the artscientist in me
come to life
and I knew
in that moment
that I was life
however slight.
Inspired while experiencing an art exhibit at MOMA
60 · Mar 2019
John Destalo Mar 2019
In the tightness
of her womb
I could feel
my future.

Her breaking heart
bleeding into me;

weighing me down.
60 · Dec 2018
John Destalo Dec 2018
She listens to
the chit-chattering

little voices
vibrating inside
her small spaces

speaking at
60-70- then 80 beats
per second

the voices
become noises then sounds
and the sounds morph into
a song only she can sing.

I can hear her
in the next room
singing to someone.

- A hymn.

I lift her in my arms
and I can feel her tremble
inside me
like a tambourine
like the birth of a religion.
59 · Apr 2020
John Destalo Apr 2020
I don’t want to sleep
the night is not

long enough

street lights are
not sunlight and

I can see in the dark

slim limbs
I walk in the quiet

wide eyes
I see your future

sharp teeth
I make you

and I pray
to no one

before I sleep
you have not a soul

to keep
In isolation, watching my favorite, a Buffy marathon on Hulu
59 · Jul 2020
dear gustav
John Destalo Jul 2020
you paint
beyond your

place and

reaching into
souls you will

never meet
making us see

more than ourselves
more in ourselves

is that what
it means to

be eternal
59 · Mar 2020
each night
John Destalo Mar 2020
I see you pray.  
your legs are bent.
your head is bowed.  
your eyes are closed.  
your hands are clasped.
your words are invisible.  
your faith is real.
59 · Feb 2020
John Destalo Feb 2020
a moment passed.  an emotion felt.  photographs aren’t memories.  memories aren’t experiences.  angels aren’t humans.  and she is not an angel.

she is young.  but she has lived.  through more.  than me.

we are travelling.  up north.  in an old white van.  my eyes are closed.   her head is slanted.  resting on me.  she whispers.  she sings.  that song to me.  the old church song.  about salvation.  

she is thinking.  about something.  I am feeling.  her thoughts.  and maybe.  for a moment.  we are one.
59 · Feb 2020
into the dragon
John Destalo Feb 2020
captured by a mouth
with no teeth

we are not chewed
we do not bleed

we are swallowed

like a pill
like a cure

we are the

for what ails you

they wait for
us to reach

what they call
the bottom

but they are from
another generation

they do not

there is a bottom that
cannot be reached

so we float forever
in the

dragon’s breath
burning away

what ails you
and become artists

making life with
our own colors
59 · Apr 2019
the new(news)
John Destalo Apr 2019
shallow water
drains so quickly

and my mind
is almost empty

holding only those
last little drips

that never seem
to completely drain

the official record
is scratched

the needle always
finds the place

that skips and

finding nothing
new and
calling it news

most opinions
aren’t new

and they certainly
aren’t news
59 · Jan 2019
John Destalo Jan 2019
They questioned me again yesterday.  
They always question me.  

They think bright lights are the path to the truth.  If they left me in darkness the truth might be revealed.  

I don’t think they will ever understand.  

I talk to them as if I am talking to a child.  Their questions are those of a child.  I give them answers only a child will understand.  

They make progress each day.  It is slow, but progress nonetheless.  

I ask them questions, they get angry.  They don’t understand that questions can be answers.  They think violence is control.  

What do they know of an eruption?  
Only the sun understands me.
58 · Dec 2018
John Destalo Dec 2018

she is no one
she is someone

all of she is one

one of she is


I try to understand her
through her words

I try to understand
through her words

she is not just her to me
she is me to me

something about me to me

I try to understand me
through her words


she speaks but
she does not speak to me

she speaks into a circle
where everything

eventually comes
back to her


she has a mind that

she has a heart that

she has a soul
that overdies

she has nine lives
that never change


I want to be a word
something that can be defined

something that has a meaning
58 · Dec 2018
mom spelled backwards
John Destalo Dec 2018
I was not there
when you were dying

I was there when you died
I missed so much

I said so little
I am so lost
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