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40 · Apr 2020
John Destalo Apr 2020
I cannot
shed my

the ***** cells
are clinging
to me

they are
to become

but they
have decided
to remain

and build up
and weigh
me down

so I don’t
feel like


they are
to leave me

at least

so I can
feel clean

and be

instead of
lost in this

old mattress rut
40 · Jul 2020
John Destalo Jul 2020
slightly above
the earth

I dance
I must be


than air

I lost

the fading

of losing
you to him

it doesn’t
hurt as much

and pain
has more

weight than
we realize

I am footloose
but not yet

fancy free
but I will

get there
40 · Feb 2020
John Destalo Feb 2020
the smart girl laughs

only when it matters
only when it means


then I know I am funny
she gets it

but still I never get her

what does a guy
have to do
40 · Sep 2020
like youth
John Destalo Sep 2020
plug me in
I want to

feel a force

through me

I want to be
fully charged

I want to be

into the machines
I want to be

the power that
energizes the

world to change
40 · Oct 2020
words and their meanings
John Destalo Oct 2020
what I meant
was hidden

in between
the words I said

it was not

I don’t always
know what I mean

until I see
what I said

so please
don’t always

take me at
my word


I need to
learn about

myself before
I can share

it with you
40 · Jul 2020
John Destalo Jul 2020
at the end
the words

had no form
they were bullets


without direction
sprayed everywhere

there was no real

other than to
inflict pain

on each other
like a spaghetti

there were

no victims here
just a couple

of anti-heroes
staring each

other down
40 · Aug 2020
is there space for space
John Destalo Aug 2020
if all we said
we said
leaving nothing
would we
understand each
other more or less
is there space
for space
between us
does space give
us more meaning
to play with
each other or
more space to
play with others
39 · May 2020
John Destalo May 2020
there are so
many ways

to feel

and just as
many ways

to numb

but numbness
is not healing

it is prolonging
the inevitable


when the pain
must express

itself in so
many places

same pain in
so many places
watching TV
39 · Oct 2020
red rocks
John Destalo Oct 2020
she is grounded
what is left of
her little yellow
wings won’t lift her
I cry when I
see her run
across the sharp rocks
she jumps and each
time she lands
she cuts her toes
leaving droplets
of blood
that spread leaving
a trail of red
that she hopes no one
ever follows
39 · Feb 2020
John Destalo Feb 2020
and last night in
a wondrous dream

I attended the
wedding of one

paris hilton at a VFW

sitting around folding tables
in white folding chairs

we all laughed and danced

I woke up thinking
may we all live in peace
True story :)
39 · Feb 2019
the flat world
John Destalo Feb 2019
I am alone
in this world
without depth

everything is a smooth rock
skidding along the surface

one, two, three times
creating small circles
that disappear quickly

having no sustained effect on anyone

I am alone
in this world
without connection

everything is a sudden pulse
spreading into the universe

one, two, three billion pulses
pinging against each other
then going off to another

having no sustained effect on anyone
39 · Dec 2020
John Destalo Dec 2020
everything she
touches becomes

the standard
against which

life is compared

her thoughts
must be made

of stardust

she drips talent
and I want to

catch a few drops
to drink or

rub on my skin or
inject into my veins

however one

transfers talent
between souls
39 · Sep 2020
John Destalo Sep 2020
bees buZz
in your ears

the moan of
the moment

the ecstasy
of honey


feel the pain
and poison

of all my

when you
try to steal

my heart
and run away
39 · Jun 2020
John Destalo Jun 2020
can a rock
be smooth

and raw

I feel her
voice like

it belongs
in me

every edge
meant to

cut me

every line
meant to

heal me
her story

is short
but her

power is

she makes
me want

every time

I hear her
Listening to Janis J and loving it
39 · Aug 2020
come and go
John Destalo Aug 2020
found myself in
a dream

lost myself in
a thought
38 · Dec 2019
John Destalo Dec 2019
I left it
38 · Oct 2020
the secret is
John Destalo Oct 2020
it has a pattern
it repeats behaviors

everything does

it is their weakness
it is our weakness

that’s why it can
attack us

it learns our

by replicating
itself rapidly

we can’t do
that physically

that’s why we
invented science

we can experiment
and share knowledge

in essence we can
replicate and share

our minds and
together as

humans attack
our common

38 · Feb 2019
peel me
John Destalo Feb 2019
I hope I am
an onion

or maybe a lemon
or a grapefruit

anything but a
38 · Oct 2020
the life of science
John Destalo Oct 2020
your secrets
are not buried

beneath rubble
they are right

there for anyone
to see

anyone with the
right eyes in

their mind

to see what is
right in front

of them
38 · Apr 2020
the gap
John Destalo Apr 2020
there are these people who see.  more than others.  they are blessed.  to know more.  they go.  deeper and wider.  in space and time.  to see.  and they feel.  every moment.   as if it is new.

there are these people who see.  more than others.  they are cursed.  to be alone.  not completely.  just partially.  so some part.  of themselves.  can never be shared.  

not that they won’t share it.  but it can’t be shared.  it can’t be expressed.  by them.  in a way.  that can be.  understood.  by others.

but they try.  they will spend. their lives trying.  to bridge the gap.  in whatever form.  they have.  to express themselves.
38 · Dec 2019
love is fragile
John Destalo Dec 2019
and if in a dream

I thought the
worst of you

would it be real

and when I woke
and you were there
next to me

and we smiled
at each other

wishing each other
a good morning

would it be real

can the end begin
in a dream

creating a nagging

that grows

pecking at the
back of your
brain like a


we never seem to learn
how fragile love can be

where something as silly
as a dream or a whisper

can spread a dis-ease
38 · Jun 2020
John Destalo Jun 2020
they were mine
in my time

a gimmick

but not to me
in my time

I was too
young to

know what
that meant

they made
me laugh

they made
me sing

that was
enough for


I was a
38 · Nov 2020
I call you anxiety
John Destalo Nov 2020
funny how you
disappear for so long

that I almost forget you
I almost forget

your possession of me
my obsession of you

and then something
strikes me


and I remember you

everything about
you and me

and I am once
again overcome

with you inside of me

dreading the pain
loving the comfort of

38 · Aug 2020
at night I cry
John Destalo Aug 2020
your words
have teeth

and each time
you speak

a piece of
me disappears

into you

I cannot
leave you

it would
feel like

leaving myself
37 · Aug 2020
she like me: modern life
John Destalo Aug 2020
I find her
like me

and alone


and naked

in the

dirt road

waiting for

that will never

to run
over her

wanting to

her last
37 · Sep 2020
the one true
John Destalo Sep 2020
that night we
started a religion


the thoughts
we shared

we wrote
everything down

in our minds
putting nothing

to paper

we did not want

each night
our lives

would become

until we became

the one true
37 · Dec 2019
genes (and other curses)
John Destalo Dec 2019
yesterday was another day.  or maybe the same day.  because it wasn’t really different. than today.  does time stop for some of us?

sharp pens make deep holes.  ink flows.  through some of us.  we see things.  and we need.  to turn vision.  into words.  to share.

or to exorcise.  our souls.  we are selfish.  all of us.  at some level.  survival demands it.

2. shed your skin.  show your sins.  show your naked soul.  to someone.  anyone.

I cried today.  watching a scene.  from an old movie.  I have seen it many times.  it always makes me cry.  I watch it anyway.

she tries to hold in everything.  the little girl in the movie.  she loves her damaged daddy. so much.  then he dies.  

and she doesn’t cry.  until she does.  then I cry.  always.

3. maybe it is for.  my damaged daddy.  I cry.  or maybe it is for myself.  having to hold it in.  

if a boy cries in the forest.  or in the street.  or in his room.  and no one hears it…

yesterday was another day. or maybe the same day.  for some of us.
37 · Mar 2019
religious musings
John Destalo Mar 2019
god has a past

humans have memories
of more than themselves

they carry on legacies
bred into them

angels gather
into angles

creating sharp

to cut the
skin of humans
and corrupt
their smallest spaces

the humans bleed
and bleed
but no longer

we cry only
when we need

man is in an image

man is to god
as a star
is to man

dead lights
37 · Sep 2020
John Destalo Sep 2020
she soaked
in a claw

foot tub
head under

water bubbles
floating on

the surface

her hands
played in

the air
each finger

a dancer

it was her
way of


spoke a

like nature

each finger
a note
37 · Sep 2020
hope less
John Destalo Sep 2020
I blow the
lights out but

I do not make
a wish

I want to

in darkness

I want to
feel the

of hollow

the moment
before hope

when the string
is pulled

and the chute
doesn’t open

and I don’t
say a prayer
37 · Jun 2020
cry baby
John Destalo Jun 2020
long before
me she

settled for you

so when I
arrived I

already didn’t

to anyone
37 · Oct 2020
John Destalo Oct 2020
white bird
so sensitive
to sound
I do not
want to
scare you
I want to
be near
you so
I can
tell you
I am you
in my own
I cannot fly
to get away
but I can
of living free
like you
37 · Oct 2020
John Destalo Oct 2020
shall I be dark
and spread
myself thin
so I cover
every inch
and almost
go unnoticed
a mist you
detect as
amiss but
that you
cannot name
so you get
used to my
and inhale me
in the morning
and let me
stay inside you
37 · Sep 2020
John Destalo Sep 2020
I am a bug
caught in

a spider web
of beauty

I know where
it exists

I know why
it exists

I know
my future

if I go there

I land there

I give in to
my capture


is futile
36 · Jul 2020
cowboy junkies
John Destalo Jul 2020
at first she
sang in a church

the sound she
created was

of a prayer

a wanting for
something more

but she was
a creator herself

and her voice
was leading a

revolution for
the longing

like me to
listen to her

and pray
Another one of my favorite bands; their first album was absolute brilliance
36 · Jun 2020
santa loves fanta
John Destalo Jun 2020
obscure rhymes

on the tongue


they make
you think

and sometimes
they are

just fun
36 · Aug 2020
religion ends (for us)
John Destalo Aug 2020
we ask why
not for

we do not
want more

you speak
words from


is in your

head but

all truth
is embodied

and never

so you can
not answer us

in any way
we can believe
36 · Jan 2020
John Destalo Jan 2020
and they write
of monsters

taking our
pain and

making it

creating the

that terrorize us

separating us
from ourselves

telling us
we are not

because of
how we feel

but what is
more human

than pain…

the memory
of our pain

we must live
with everyday

the misshapen
creatures who

share our bodies
and make us

36 · Oct 2020
John Destalo Oct 2020
all cells are alive
the first night

goose bumps
and heart thumps

bones ache
the earth quakes

time suspends itself
on a loop

all sounds blend
when bodies bend

the dictionary

is filled with
empty pages

there is no desire
to explain anything
36 · Oct 2020
John Destalo Oct 2020
some temptation
tugs at my soul
something I desire
reaches all my senses
I move toward it
without hesitation
want and need are one
risk and reward
will not be calculated
I am abandon
I am captured
the sultry spider whispers
sweet nothings
into my ear
I feel an urge
to escape
I feel an urge
to give in
every part of me
is twisted
and ready to explode
35 · May 2020
John Destalo May 2020
I dreamt
I was soft

and could be changed
squeezed into molds

to be formed into
something else

something valued
something desired
something created

by the soft hands
of someone with

an imagination
35 · Dec 2019
John Destalo Dec 2019
I am confused

my words are
a mumble

a mass or a mess

hysteria or


the good soldiers
of my mind are AWOL

nothing is lining up
my mind is a rave

I am looking for
some thing, any thing

but the meaning that
creates a thing

lives in the shadows

the meaning that
creates a thing

lives in the
space between

and today

I can’t even
define light
and dark

nothing is that clear


I am without
that mysterious force

that creates things
and holds things together

that bends the will
for good or for ill

I am confused

35 · Aug 2020
electric lady
John Destalo Aug 2020
ferocity flows
through her

touch her
feel your

sparks ignite
tiny explosions

that tickle
your deepest parts

like your soul
is being


you can finally
relax and forget

and let yourself
go anywhere
35 · Sep 2020
by Robert Bly
John Destalo Sep 2020
I just started
playing with

w o r d s

they were like
blocks and

my mind was

everything I
wrote was a
sloppy mess

then paging
through a book

I stumbled on
a poem named

f e r n s

it became my

teaching me
how to paint

with    w o r d s
35 · Feb 2020
the rise (and fall?)
John Destalo Feb 2020
it is so bad
I don’t even want

to take sides anymore
I don’t want to

believe in any
of them and

I never really have

I want to believe
in our system

that it will be
bigger than any

one human

every human is
biased and
potentially corrupt

(the truth about us
humans cannot be

but maybe together
we can create

something that
checks our

most base instincts
(to self-preservation)

and maybe
it can last

and that is the

basis of our

to help us check
each other and


but check is
an action

and if it does
not occur

(if people don’t
perform their roles)

then why does
it matter

what was
all of this


has the grand

failed in the end
35 · Aug 2020
forever forest
John Destalo Aug 2020
if I let go
I will sink
I am too heavy to float
my head is dense
like a forever forest
that never faces fall
everything that enters
mixes with everything
already there
I cannot sleep
my dreams are too intense
layers upon layers
secret passages
dead ends
I can barely find my way out
and eventually
I may not want to
what happens then
who will ever find me
in my forever forest
35 · Sep 2020
John Destalo Sep 2020
I vaguely remember
this little girl

when I was a little boy
I think she was my

first friend

I don’t remember
what she looked like

I don’t remember
what I looked like

I remember her name
I remember the sadness
we felt

when she moved away

I remember the whispers
in the next room

when her dad died

in a garage
the gas running

funny the things we
remember and the
things we don’t

funny or sad
35 · May 2020
John Destalo May 2020
shed like
a cat but

make it tears

leave them

so everyone
gets them

all over

so they find
them in

the strangest

and wonder
where they

came from
35 · Jan 2019
John Destalo Jan 2019
I feel like I’m being
propelled through
space and time
like a young Einstein
lost and confused
trying on various theories
to see if they fit,
to explain the pain
and wanderings
of my lonely mind
who equals when
what about why
and then
I begin again
to speak
the lost words
that no one understands.
I broke my hands
writing down formulas
for what matters
to explain the feelings
of an atom, lost and
out of place
in time and space
John Destalo Mar 2020
you will regret it

I do not look
like much

cheap haircut
and sneakers

thick glasses

skinny legs
kind of awkward

almost clumsy

but I am hungry
I will outwork

anyone that plays
against me

I don’t tire and
I don’t care if
I bleed

or you bleed

and honestly
I’m faster than I look

believe me

my team will be the best
because I was picked last
Just playing with a memory from the courts long ago
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