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35 · May 2020
John Destalo May 2020
I dreamt
I was soft

and could be changed
squeezed into molds

to be formed into
something else

something valued
something desired
something created

by the soft hands
of someone with

an imagination
35 · Jan 2019
John Destalo Jan 2019
I feel like I’m being
propelled through
space and time
like a young Einstein
lost and confused
trying on various theories
to see if they fit,
to explain the pain
and wanderings
of my lonely mind
who equals when
what about why
and then
I begin again
to speak
the lost words
that no one understands.
I broke my hands
writing down formulas
for what matters
to explain the feelings
of an atom, lost and
out of place
in time and space
35 · Mar 2020
teeth cleaning
John Destalo Mar 2020
we have stopped
our motion

only doing those
few little things

the absolutely

leaving all the
things we used

to do undone

and when we no
longer isolate

how many things
will linger

how many problems
will not get solved

in time

how many things
that would have been

small will now
grow larger
35 · Sep 2020
the end of conversation
John Destalo Sep 2020
the gentle man
has disappeared

there are no posters
looking for him

the neighborhood
is not holding

hands as they
comb through

the dark forest
there are no

flowers or signs
in his memory

he is not

or missed
by anyone

but he will be
when silence

and sanity return
35 · May 2020
John Destalo May 2020
shed like
a cat but

make it tears

leave them

so everyone
gets them

all over

so they find
them in

the strangest

and wonder
where they

came from
35 · Sep 2020
by Robert Bly
John Destalo Sep 2020
I just started
playing with

w o r d s

they were like
blocks and

my mind was

everything I
wrote was a
sloppy mess

then paging
through a book

I stumbled on
a poem named

f e r n s

it became my

teaching me
how to paint

with    w o r d s
35 · Aug 2020
electric lady
John Destalo Aug 2020
ferocity flows
through her

touch her
feel your

sparks ignite
tiny explosions

that tickle
your deepest parts

like your soul
is being


you can finally
relax and forget

and let yourself
go anywhere
35 · Jul 2020
John Destalo Jul 2020
we laugh when
the dark clouds


we do not melt
in the rain

we dance

naked like
the stars

water is magic
H 2 O

defines it but it
does not explain it

water seeds life
and heals bodies
34 · Jul 2020
John Destalo Jul 2020
it wasn’t what
they said

to her that
made her


she was
a true

and I

was jealous
of that

she didn’t

know how
rare she was

she believed
the best in

others and
of life

but I lived in

a different
34 · Sep 2020
John Destalo Sep 2020
power is

it should
always be


until it
can do

no harm
the people

who seek it
in its purest


are those
who seek

to do the
most harm

to the people
and the planet
34 · Feb 2020
picking scabs
John Destalo Feb 2020
lost without
my shadows

I can’t see
in the light

I need at
least a bit

of gray

things can’t
be clear

for very long

I will scrape
away the

shiny veneer
and look for

the oozing pus
I will discover

the secrets of
the beginning

so I can start
all over again
34 · Oct 2020
John Destalo Oct 2020
she dumps me
over the side

I fall deep

to where I
am without


to where the
ocean asks

me questions
wanting to

know where
I come from

I tell her
my story

she cries her
first tears

and gives me
all the oxygen

she has

so I can live
long enough

to love again
34 · May 2020
John Destalo May 2020
it is the
only way

to start
the day

begin with
the mind of

a beginner

has a shelf

life and

it is getting
smaller so

we need to
ask more


those who


especially if
they claim to

speak for us
34 · Sep 2020
John Destalo Sep 2020
she cut bangs

a straight line
a frame for

sharp nose
subtle skin

eyes that
never lie

lips that
never open

without reason

a body with
long branches

and deep roots
a mind tattooed

with history
everything in


I want her
to remember me
34 · Aug 2020
I never asked
John Destalo Aug 2020
each day that

each time we

I held my
real words

inside my

I felt like
a squirrel

I always passed
as a friend

when I really
wanted to be

a lover

I guess that
made me

a liar
34 · Sep 2020
the brave one
John Destalo Sep 2020
I was the sun god
the radiance
the dance of dust
they said don’t look
directly at me
I will burn your eyes
they said don’t name me
I will burn your soul
you were the brave one
never one to believe
the words of the ancients
you entered my realm naked
green eyes wide open
ready for whatever came
you looked right at me
called me love
and now you stand
next to me
and they tell the next
generation to never
look directly at them
34 · Aug 2020
defining humanity
John Destalo Aug 2020
life is honest
it has no layers

nothing to peel through
nothing to analyze

it just is

we create all our
confusion and chaos

and give it to each other
creating layers of


a virus
a dis-ease

we need all this mess
to be human

and so

once again I ask
you who is more

human than me
34 · Apr 2020
John Destalo Apr 2020
I think
before I sleep

trying to

my dreams
to give me

answers in
those mystical

night creatures

those lynchian

that have no
beginnings or


that make me
sweat and

wake up

feeling like
I learned


but not

what it was
34 · Jan 2019
John Destalo Jan 2019
it is just before it is my turn to speak.  my mind is the inside of an atom.  the inside of a hive.  the inside of drunk stomach. everything I want to say coming up at once.

before me.  she is speaking about the body.  the feminine.  so many ways to the body. the feminine.  touch…***…birth…rebirth…and after me.

she will use her body to speak.  hair as long and alive as the rays of the sun.  fingers catching butterflies.  her voice inflected.  deep thoughts.  fluidity.

everyone has a way.  to express.  but it is not easy.  not like she and she makes it seem.
freedom is hard.  one foot doesn’t always follow another.  most times it doesn’t.  
we struggle to say.  what we feel.  the fear. of not connecting.

something blocks communication
even if the words escape
and even if I enunciate perfectly, clarity lives somewhere in the miles of air between us.

freedom is hard.  one word is never perfect.
34 · Aug 2020
random patterns
John Destalo Aug 2020
she takes a

of speed

my brain
is a neutron


the earth is
a dangerous


humans have
existed for

a breath

I am is the
first name

of god
33 · Aug 2020
the night you left
John Destalo Aug 2020
before you slept

I heard you
pray for peace

it was

a lifetime of
little pains

that led to this

the night god

your name
33 · Jan 2019
John Destalo Jan 2019
he has never met me
but I live in his world

this man of small deep spaces

he notices the gaps
that never end

what could be
what wants to be
what needs to be

and he works
always working
toward something

he makes me feel okay
to be unfinished

to age
to become old
and still be

to live
to be
to become

part of life’s
grand experiment
that never ends

to work on my own gaps
and be happy
33 · Apr 2020
John Destalo Apr 2020
I write in pieces
and parts

they are never
meant to be


complete but
not finished

they are meant
to be

components of
a larger story

which become
components of

a larger story


you get it

there is no end
to this story

we just tear it

apart and start
all over
33 · Aug 2020
the root of obsession
John Destalo Aug 2020
if you remember
scratched records

when they would skip

you might understand
my mind

falling into a groove
repeating sounds

and words
and feelings

only it’s not as
easy to notice

and there is no one
to move the needle
33 · Sep 2020
John Destalo Sep 2020
only her body
was small

everything else
impacted the


is the best

type of

I think her
voice is

an echo

living in

she will pass

through time
and be felt

just short
of forever
33 · Jun 2020
pretty is
John Destalo Jun 2020
her face was


god had a smoke
after he made


eyes made of



skin radiant
a polished stone

delicate &

no one would
touch her

afraid of

33 · Sep 2020
the deep
John Destalo Sep 2020
and on those

the waters grow
still and

there is no flow
all thoughts

become one
and they

don’t spread
they burrow

toward the

where the
dark creatures


I could drown
it would be

so easy
33 · Jul 2020
like the moon
John Destalo Jul 2020
entering the seed
to sleep

I want to be

like when
I was small

I want the
chance to

grow again

shed most

until I am
a sliver

of myself
like the moon
33 · Sep 2020
her secret
John Destalo Sep 2020
shaving the skin
of a lemon

creating zest
adding just a

hint of flavor
to my dull life

it is that easy
to please me
33 · Aug 2020
the cig
John Destalo Aug 2020
red lights
frame her


she leans

the wall

eyes closed
she inhales

deeply as
the ashes

grow beyond

is a snake


she smiles
feeling relieved
33 · Mar 2020
behind your ear
John Destalo Mar 2020
untamed and

each strand
a story

of the night

lost in a
secret garden

a cut rose
in your hair

a fragrance
that lingers

for years
32 · Aug 2020
the ancient ways
John Destalo Aug 2020
everything was near
or distant

everything was clear
or nonexistent

we shook hands
we hugged
we kissed

we waited for
our mail

electrons were
young and


I remember the
first day we

played pong
everything changed

that day
32 · Aug 2020
tell my secrets
John Destalo Aug 2020
speak my words

out loud
touch your lips

how do they
feel when they

leave you
are you gasping

for breath

is your mind

searching for space
speak my words

out loud

are you telling
your secrets
32 · Aug 2020
what cracks
John Destalo Aug 2020
an egg
on the edge

cannot float
it falls

we fall
the abyss

is not as far
as we think

we think
we are high

but we are
rolling down

the hill
toward the

edge we
cannot float

like an egg
32 · Aug 2020
she was a bird
John Destalo Aug 2020
couldn’t sit still

made many nests
out of the discarded

was startled
by the sudden

and scared of
being held

created sounds
so pure

they made me cry

I could watch her
listen to her
name her

that’s all she
let me do
32 · Oct 2020
the haunting
John Destalo Oct 2020
I am haunted
by shadows

the lost dreams
a little boy

held inside
no one heard

his soft voice
so he buried

them in his
deepest parts

where they lost
their connections

rotted and
turned dark
32 · Oct 2020
John Destalo Oct 2020
I have this mind

it is too heavy
to float

I sink in thought
and drown in

theories or dreams

weaving equations
or explanations

depending if I
fancy numbers

or words

sometimes my mind
is so heavy

I can’t get out
of bed for days
32 · Sep 2020
the young
John Destalo Sep 2020
she is so young

that she believes
the stars when

they shine

she has not
seen many

dark nights so
each one

seems new
each one is

a lesson
she learns

because that
is what the

young do
32 · Sep 2020
John Destalo Sep 2020
she was patient

the ocean on
a calm day

she waited
every day to

the rain

wanting to capture
and display

each drop

to show the
beauty of

waiting for love
32 · Oct 2020
in your mind
John Destalo Oct 2020
you assume me
into existence

in your mind
I am

not a human

a judgment
in your mind

I lose all my

my right to
be wrong

admit it
and grow

in your mind
I am a statue

an abstraction
a theory

this time
I’m happy

I don’t actually
live in your mind
32 · Jan 2020
John Destalo Jan 2020
I caught you

the room
was mystical

diseased spirits

it was never

or still

everyone moved
but got nowhere

the girl
with no bones

collapsed on
the floor

no one helped

so she slept

the people in

danced in the

making sure

not to touch
each other

the babies in
the bellies

tried to remain
in place
they checked on us
but never checked

us in so

we all waited
past dawn and

while time passed

the dates on
our bracelets

never changed
A hospital waiting room experience
32 · Aug 2020
crave me
John Destalo Aug 2020
taste in the
deepest place

at the source
the impulse

that spreads
into every cell

there is no

there is no
desire to resist

more than in you
I am part of you

deeper than
blood and breath

I am inside

the program that
controls blood

and breath

there is no you
there is no me

there is only us
John Destalo Jul 2020
we cross boundaries
and love our neighbors

as ourselves

intermingling ideas
like spider webs

stronger because
we are connected

he could never
understand this

his book was
written as a child

his brain and heart
were frozen

and never grew
larger than himself

even the grinch
learned how to grow
32 · Jun 2020
John Destalo Jun 2020
has one voice
loud it

insists upon

it does not
have ears

it will give

it will not


it is not

it has already

its conclusions

new words only
make it angry

it is an

bent on

anything that

is not itself
31 · May 2020
love and a ring
John Destalo May 2020
love is young
and fast

sugar ray’s
punch in

the gut
knocks wind


you can’t

you can’t

you don’t
want to fall

but your
legs give


and before
you know it

you are
counted out

and she is
declared the

31 · Dec 2019
make me happy
John Destalo Dec 2019
I want you
to swallow me


let me live but
make me disappear

feed off me slowly
so I don’t notice

give me a book
with many words

so I can play

let me hear your
body growl

when you are
hungry for me

so I can sing

let me dissolve

and absorb me
so I never die
31 · Mar 2020
John Destalo Mar 2020
old stories
are always

and history
comes to life

in her mystical
too wide eyes

crystal *****

the strange beauty
has no color and
cannot be named

although someone tried

to capture her
in a name to

make her final

but she is too
many people

too incomplete to be
called anything
31 · Sep 2020
the seed of hate
John Destalo Sep 2020
he ate hate
it could not
be digested
it was a seed
of a ****
that sprouted
and grew
and spread
into his soul
so he could
not be separated
from it
it had no
specific need
other than to
spread itself
so he spewed
its seed to others
and they ate hate
it could not
be digested
31 · Jan 2020
of this day
John Destalo Jan 2020
dark brain
clouds form

a storm of

the words
they speak

are too high
to be understood

they form

of meaning

each side

and then
looking for

words to

telling their

what to believe

never explaining
31 · Apr 2020
fire woman
John Destalo Apr 2020
she lights
fires in

simple men

we don’t ask
for much

just a touch
of sin

we can be
your afterthought

just make us
feel real

the moment

you light
the spark
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