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John Destalo Nov 2020
there is a rhythm
to my blues

I pace myself

it takes energy
to smile

and speak

and the light
can get too bright

to see
darkness can be

revealing and

is a thing
not just for bears

some of us are

we need to
spend some time

John Destalo Nov 2020
we lose our covers
each layer
that protects us
we are creatures
in the purest form
losing our violence
facing our fear
the only real fear
we are Voldemort
on the table
clinging to the last
of ourselves
with harry asking
anyone who dares to listen
what is that
even though he knows
everyone knows
when they see themselves
it is just hard
to be honest
John Destalo Nov 2020
I watch her dance

her movement
is singular
she trained
every cell to be
in synch
it is communication
in its purest form
internally and

I understand
something about

eternity when

I watch her dance
John Destalo Nov 2020
funny how you
disappear for so long

that I almost forget you
I almost forget

your possession of me
my obsession of you

and then something
strikes me


and I remember you

everything about
you and me

and I am once
again overcome

with you inside of me

dreading the pain
loving the comfort of

John Destalo Nov 2020
she said hold
my hand and jump
it only stings a little
fall with me
into another land
where everyone floats
and changes shapes
we can see whatever we want
trust me
there is no bottom
there is only forever and
we can discover it together
she always knew more than me
so I followed
John Destalo Oct 2020
there is this tree
something mystical
and magical
filled with
thick thorns
hanging off
the branches
are yellow
sun-like bulbs
looking so delightful
and delicious
creating the beginning
of a fairy tale
protecting the entrance
to another world
I dream that one day
I will brave
the thorns and
eat the fruit
to enter this
magical world
and live to tell
my tale
John Destalo Oct 2020
a community
of soft white

extensions of
the earth

gifts for
the eyes

and the nose
maybe the


a mixture of


who owns
the recipe

I don’t want
to know
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