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John Destalo Oct 2020
I knew the sounds
had meaning

but I did not know
what they meant

their beauty was

in their sounds
and their spaces

but is it the beauty
of pleasure or pain

is it the beauty of love
or loneliness

I could not tell

I just knew I felt
something pure

and I had to
find a way

to say thank you
John Destalo Oct 2020
what I meant
was hidden

in between
the words I said

it was not

I don’t always
know what I mean

until I see
what I said

so please
don’t always

take me at
my word


I need to
learn about

myself before
I can share

it with you
John Destalo Oct 2020
remember those
two times I smiled

once in the morning
when we found

that sunflower
filled with seeds

once late at night
when we found

that wild field
filled with fireflies

mostly I feel
too many things

to feel anything

sometimes I feel
a lot of one thing

then I smile
John Destalo Oct 2020
shall I be dark
and spread
myself thin
so I cover
every inch
and almost
go unnoticed
a mist you
detect as
amiss but
that you
cannot name
so you get
used to my
and inhale me
in the morning
and let me
stay inside you
John Destalo Oct 2020
for a few years
I had a mom

I wish it was
a few years

John Destalo Oct 2020
my mind is
soft and simple

it leaks and

is easily lost
in details

approach it
with care

it scares easily
and may

attack when

but it means
no harm

it just doesn’t
want to be

harmed again
it has baby scars

that still
need to heal
John Destalo Oct 2020
if we are open

each day is
a new world

nothing is

everything is

waiting for
our experiments

to tease out
their little secrets

that make us
giggle with


if we are
not careful

we close our minds

so we only
see what

we saw
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