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1.1k · Jan 2019 I'm not asleep"
Preeti Karnwal Jan 2019
you are the pleasure
and I am addicted
to your unrealistic presence
and so I'm not asleep

it's your melody
in the deep silence of night
that i get dragged to
but i can't find you

it's like a garden i wander in
you're like a scent i can't recognize
there are flowers I've seen before
but i can only feel you here

you're far away, it feels
but it feels you're near
it's a pain that i will never find you
but it's a pleasure that you're in my heart.
855 · Jan 2019
Preeti Karnwal Jan 2019
I'm different
Whatever I do,
Whatever I say,
Whatever I think,
It's different.
I'm not the sun, I'm not the moon,
I'm not the reflection in the lake.
I'm not the stem, I'm not the root,
I'm not the flower it bores with fate.
I'm different from the sky,
I'm different from the ground,
I'm different from the silence and
I'm different from the loud.
I'm different
In my works,
In my words,
In my actions,
It's all different.
585 · Aug 2019
Some Roses
Preeti Karnwal Aug 2019
i don't want to turn back and
erase all the thorns we planted
I want to get to the part when
I would be ready
to plant some roses
551 · Jan 2019
Preeti Karnwal Jan 2019
I'm happy today
when i close my eyes
I'm surrounded by darkness
but i'm happy despite that

I'm happy today
when i touch my skin
I can feel the presence of scars
but i'm happy that they aren't hidden

I'm happy today
I can look up at the weeping skies
but i can find happiness in the raindrops
as they fall down through my hair

I'm happy today
as i look down on the Earth
there are some unturned stones beneath my feet
but i'm paused for this moment

I'm happy today
as I think about the star that i cherish
it seems far away
but i'm happy that i can see it and i'll reach there one day

I'm happy today
Even if it gets painful
I'll be happy like I'm happy today
I'm happy that I'm happy again
527 · Feb 2019
Will I Fall?
Preeti Karnwal Feb 2019
506 · Aug 2019
A longer Slumber
Preeti Karnwal Aug 2019
I want to sleep
For a longer while
A bit longer than it usually is
But shorter than death
472 · May 2021
Never ending Confession
Preeti Karnwal May 2021
I keep wanting to write
About you
For you, I suppose

And keep it to myself
I keep being curious
Of what's it in your mind
Of what more I can write

About you
For you, I believe
I'll let you hear it
And keep it to yourself

I keep wanting to say,
"I missed you"
I keep wanting to hear
"I missed you too"

I keep wanting to visit
Your apartment at night
I keep wanting to let you hear
"I love you" in my voice

I'll read this confession
Some when, I suppose
Before that I'll keep wanting
To write about you a little more
472 · May 2022
Waiting for her
Preeti Karnwal May 2022
Undone by his hands,
her makeup.
She was tired.
Took her to the bathroom,
Brushed her teeth.
off to the bed,
riding on his back.
She refuses to walk,
or talk,
or think.
He waits.
She says she loves her mommy the most
But she knows,,
He's like a real mom
Depressed partner
401 · Feb 2019
I'm Afraid....
Preeti Karnwal Feb 2019
If I ask the silence to talk to me
Would it still be with me

If I ask my shadow to stay in light
Would it still stick by my side

If I ask the tears to be happy
To cry, would it still be that easy
389 · Sep 2021
Thirsty For Love
Preeti Karnwal Sep 2021
I realised,
been Loving
People, in poverty
Long time no see:!
328 · Feb 2019
Fake Another Smile
Preeti Karnwal Feb 2019
I can't fake another smile
it's hard to put my lips
in that position
they're stretched and
my wrinkles are hidden
not for sympathy,
not for attention
but i just can't fake another smile.
312 · Jan 2019
The True Love
Preeti Karnwal Jan 2019
Her heart was so warm
when she held me in her arms
her love was undefined
her care, infinite
she had no questions
she had no disbelief
I had no fear when she was next to me
the world seems colder
than when i was within her
for her love is a blooming flower
that never withers
she didn't leave me
when i was at my worst
she kept the faded me
and gave me new colors
her soul a deep ocean
to come through her,
I don't know if i deserve
no matter how many lines i write to her glory
it's never enough
Preeti Karnwal Feb 2019
I was so small and he was so big.
As he ran his hand through my hair
it was unfamiliar, like the hand of a devil

then he smiled at me,
the most cruel smile of his
it was feeble, though,
but I heard it

As he came a little closer and
put his hand out from where they were supposed to be
inside me, there was an insecurity

Insecurity that I can't explain
I was a flower that had bloomed beautifully until that day
within his touch, I withered,
and my petals faded away

I could cry so I did, I could scream so I did, but
I couldn't protect myself
coz' he was so big and I was so small and crying didn't help

I've seen so many people with that cruel smile
but he was a different person
as I had grown a little, he left me with so much to bear.
249 · Mar 2019
Preeti Karnwal Mar 2019
The more I try to act childish
the more I grow,
I grow every second
but still, maturity to me
is like that moon
that the tides can never reach
240 · Jun 2021
To Me after a Long Time
Preeti Karnwal Jun 2021
To me after a long time
A season like this has come
Same feelings
Different time, different person
Always when it comes
Feels like the first time
Couldn't it really be the first?

To me after a long time
A season called you has come
Even if it's hard like a cold
Your hand is always warm
Again, the next day
To me like the sun
You shine

To me after a long time
A season called you has come
235 · Mar 2019
Preeti Karnwal Mar 2019
The curtain in the corner

The pattern on the curtain

The texture of the pattern

It says a lot about my pains.
223 · Nov 2018
The Deserted Island
Preeti Karnwal Nov 2018
I'm on this island,
miles of water in front of me,
but i see no way i can ease my thirst.
I see stones,
some of them are just lying there.
Some are waiting to be able to be drawn away with the wind.
This place with no creatures needs me.
I, with an empty heart need this deserted island.
I can see the moon's reflection in the water
but i can't feel it's presence in the sky.
The stars seem to be finding their own reflection in the water.
It seems like the air is telling lies
in my ears as it moves away.
but still i get carried away thinking about the truths i could find in the lies.
but it's just because i want to be here.
I want to drink the water in front of me.
I want to live here,
On this deserted island.
213 · Sep 2022
Preeti Karnwal Sep 2022
Even if we can't
be forever, let's do our
best for each other.
Haiku(barely) 17syllables
213 · Jul 2019
Lil' cloud
Preeti Karnwal Jul 2019
'M lil' cloud
drifting away as you see
stuck between
ground n sky
i keep my distance
free to weep
weep to give bliss
bliss to you
you who needed
to hide your tears
209 · May 2019
A Garden Full of Lies
Preeti Karnwal May 2019
You are a garden
beauty lies deep
but it lies too
you seem beautiful when i see you
you are beautiful in that fragrance
is this fragrance really yours,
is it the real you?
or is it something
you hide your scent in.
Beauty withers with a little touch
and so do lies.....
to be continued.....
208 · Sep 2020
Preeti Karnwal Sep 2020
I need a blanket
Would you give me yours?
I doubt that'll happen
'Cause you are too cold
Just short
Preeti Karnwal Jun 2021
Could not agree to
Pablo Neruda, Keeping Quiet
The afternoon silence
intensifies my sadness
even the bright sun
fails to cheer me up
Longing for spring
in summer
197 · Mar 2019
I'm in the Dark
Preeti Karnwal Mar 2019
And I realized
even non-living things
have their shadows
192 · Mar 2019
My Heart Is Fair
Preeti Karnwal Mar 2019
you don't deserve
my hate
coz' then u'll live in my heart
188 · Feb 2023
Preeti Karnwal Feb 2023
From the morning red
to the nightly blue
O how much yearning is left to do
My sun doesn't rise
and my moon is always new
My stars disappear one each day without you
Sleep becomes the road not taken
when the only heart-to-heart is at night
but it also becomes my last resort to counter the desolate times
Like Juliet of 21st century
waiting for Romeo to arrive
15 more days to fill the distance of 673 miles
188 · Mar 2019
Preeti Karnwal Mar 2019
thoughts play hide and seek with conclusions in my mind
it's being sleepless
pillow wet with little drops falling off my eyes
it's being sleepless
a silence so that my sister doesn't wake up but screaming inside
it's being sleepless
184 · Dec 2020
Aged Date
Preeti Karnwal Dec 2020
I don't remember
When I looked at you.
I remember you
Looking at me
When I woke up.
That's all I remember.
169 · Jul 2021
Preeti Karnwal Jul 2021
Could be the words of comfort
Could be the language of dislike
Could be the voice of envy
"the world is beautiful not kind"
157 · Feb 2019
Preeti Karnwal Feb 2019
The time is so cruel,
it is harsh,
yet so powerful
The most powerful
If you could not think
about the time that passed,
you would know, Time is,
so beautiful
I hear the time passing
and as it passes,
I hear all the things
I couldn't see
I know how beautiful the time is
coz' my memories are stuck
in the past
that my present will never be.
153 · Mar 2021
You Who Were Always Chained
Preeti Karnwal Mar 2021
You were always chained
For Longer than you can remember.
How desperate you must have been,
How cruel the world
might have been,
To you, who had seen only
Love in your mother's eyes.

Yet you never
Imagined yourself free
You just thought about your children
Running round the undiscriminated streets

Your lover who greeted you in tears
Your hand brushed with hers
And you hoped to see her again
No matter what misery tomorrow might bear

You must have been hoping
For your next life to unfold
While fighting to live in the present
Believing the duty to liberty is yours to hold

You, who were always chained
For longer than you can remember.
How desperate you must have been
To unleash the very next you.
You never wanted to show him the cruelty.
To him, you only wanted to remain
Love in his mother's eyes.
I'm sorry that I'm thankful after a very long time
153 · Dec 2019
Shortest desire
Preeti Karnwal Dec 2019
I listen to this song
until I get sick and tired of it,
I will listen to it again
to get myself addicted.
152 · Aug 2020
Preeti Karnwal Aug 2020
7 raindrops
Down from rainbow
in front of my eyes
Dance to my heartbeat
they land on me
I'll embrace them
as long as I can
Borahae bangtan
150 · May 2020
Preeti Karnwal May 2020
I keep relating my loneliness to love
To think that love makes me lonely
I guess... it becomes easier to sleep

To be lonely is to wait for someone
Someone...I don't know
Someone I can talk some thoughts to
which haunt me when I'm alone
Love does make people lonely
But are u in love everytime you're lonely?
150 · Apr 2020
Preeti Karnwal Apr 2020
It's so hard to keep one busy
Even though there's lot to do
I get it done
                     One by one
But there's still time left
Until nighttime comes
And I ignore the fact that I'm still incomplete
147 · Jul 2022
False Hopes
Preeti Karnwal Jul 2022
(False Hopes
"You can do it"
Chasing failure
Losing you)

Wash my face
And these thoughts
Sit back up
And study
Never thought I'd actually post this
146 · Feb 2021
Preeti Karnwal Feb 2021
I tried so hard to look pretty
But you whispered
"Beautiful" when I was asleep
146 · Jan 2019
Preeti Karnwal Jan 2019
134 · Aug 2022
When You Don't Know Love
Preeti Karnwal Aug 2022
Do you know love,
when it is in front of you?

Dressed in spring's color
opens her delicate hands
showers delicate cherry blossoms

Do you know love,
when it is in front of you?

Laughter that filles
The afternoon silence of summer,
radiance of your own

Do you know love,
when it is in front of you?

Beauty that resembles
That of the dead autumn leaves
She falls farther away from you

Do you know love,
when it is in front of you?

when all is blurry
her voice her face her scent
you remember the love you didn't know of.
Cringe now that I look back at it but worth it;)
116 · Jun 2021
To The Beautiful You
Preeti Karnwal Jun 2021
A sudden thought of going home one day,
The young people living in my memories,
They were no longer young
no longer like life
113 · Sep 2020
Preeti Karnwal Sep 2020
I have a desire because I'm lonely
I fear because I have a desire
112 · Oct 2020
Preeti Karnwal Oct 2020
"You" keep changing
I keep changing "You"
Preeti Karnwal Sep 2020
1st movement:
Delicate fingers, determined
Someone has been sad
So don't play,
don't play it today
It's her favorite
She might hear it tomorrow
When she's feeling better
"So don't play",
She asks him miserably
He plays till the end
Bitterly, five minutes and
Fourteen seconds
Of comfort, her agony
Disappearing with every note
Tears still held within
His delicate fingers lifted
From the piano
He held her,
letting them fall.

— The End —