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Tony Anderson Sep 2020
Can we talk
I mean really talk
If your phone rings
Will you ignore it
Will I be put on hold while you answer it

Can we talk
If the phone rings
Will you ignore it
Must I say everything in a hurry
To try and get it all in

Do I even matter
Or do I have to slit my wrist
Letting my blood flow like a mighty river
Will you listen
Will you listen then

I know I don’t talk much
Every so often
I have things I need to discuss

I have fears
I hurt
I need to know someone is there

Can I lay down my life’s problems
Can I open up
And share what is on my mind

Can we talk
Am I just wasting my breathe
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
I am the kind of person who
When you throw me to the wolves
I’ll return leading the pack

I am the kind of person who
When sent to fight the enemy
Will return with his enemy’s head held high
Screaming a victory chant

I am the kind of person who
You can’t shut down
You can’t shut up
No matter how hard you try

I am the kind of person
With no filters
What you see

Is what you get
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
Depression is an acid
That slowly
Eats away
Your heart and soul

Depression is a void
From which
There is no escape

You lose interest in things that used to bring you such joy
You fade away from the people you love and care about

Depression is a piece of fly paper
Once it sticks to you
You can never get it off

Depression is a killer
Sneaking up behind you
To stab you in the back

You no longer see in color all is gray
You no longer feel true joy just an empty facade

Depression is a hole in your heart
An emptiness
A vacant spot
An icy tomb
To never be warm

Depression is putting a smile on your face
When all you want to do is die
Cast off leave the world behind

You smile so the world doesn’t see the pain
You smile so the world doesn’t see the fear

Depression is being sad and not knowing why
A constant rain cloud above you
No light just gloom

Depression is always fearing the worst will happen
Depression is a car spinning out of control
Depression is a tornado inside destroying your life
Depression is voices from your past that even afters years
They still haunt you
Tearing you down bit by bit

Depression is never seeing yourself as good enough
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
Some guy in your past hurt you
Now you hate every member of the male gender

I really don’t care
But please

Don’t judge this man
I have and never will do anything against you
Stop treating me like i some form of acid
Here to slowly eat you away

I mean you no harm
I never did
I never will

I know some guy in your past hurt you in a bad way
Not all men are like that
And frankly
I am getting tired of the accusing looks

The your judgemental views
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
I am proud of who I am
I am proud of what I’ve accomplished

No the road has not been easy
No I do not like the person I was


All that mess
All that pain
All that suffering
All the joy
Friends lost
Friends gained
Every aspect of my life

Has made me who I am

I am proud of that
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
Naked I stand before the world
Not a physical nakedness
But emotional

Every hurt
All my pain
The river and ocean of tears
All layed bare for the world to see

My life’s journey
My joys
My struggels
My faults
My failures

All on display
For the woeld to see
All on display
For the world to judge

Every scab
Every cut
Every scare

A testimony of life
Life lived
Life rejected
Life learned
Life regained

I stand befor the world
Not physical nakedness

But emotional
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
I stand and speak my mind
But I am told to
Sit down and shut up
I speak for those who can not
Again I am told to
Sit down and shut up

There are people out there
I will not ignore them
As so many haver

They cry out to me
I have answered them
Now I cry out on their behalf

I have seen their tears
I have heard their children cry in hunger
Because their parents can not feed them
I have seen these people wear the same clothes day after day
Because they have nothing to change into

You tell me to sit down and shut up

Not until these people have shelter
Not until these people have food to eat
Not until these people have clean clothes to wear

I will not sit down
I will not shut up
These people need a voice

And I am it
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