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Tony Anderson Sep 2020
I want to start a revolution
To find a solution
To America’s Race problem


A canvas of colors
A painting of humanity

Why can we not celebrate of differences
Why must we look down on each other

Are we all not human
Why must we act ike wild beasts toward each other

Life would be boring
If we were all the same
Life would be bland

Each color
Each ethnic group
Each culture
Brings spices and flavors to our lives
This would is a melting ***

We need each other
No matter where you are from

Let us celebrate

Not hate
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
I cry for my sins
I cry for my mistakes
I don’t just cry for myself

I cry for the insanity of the world
I cry for senseless killing death and decay
The child hungry and scared
Living in the streets with no where to go

I cry for the abused
Those who get beat up
Beaten into a ****** lump
By those who were supposed to love them
By total strangers just looking for a good time

I cry for the corruption of others
And others
Who find it easier to do what is wrong
Just to make a quick buck

I cry for polititions
Who continually lie to the American public
Who constantly look out for their own interests
Instead of listening to the American people

I cry for our school children
Who time and time again can not get the education they need
To help them prepare for the future
To help lead successful lives

I cry for
Turf wars
Making the inner cities unsafe
Making  America unsafe

I cry for our military
And for lose who gave thier all
And sacrificed everything
So freedom could remain

I cry for those who can not cry themselves
I cry for those without a voice

So thier needs may be heard
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
Fly free
Free as the wind blows
No holding back
No slowing down
Just go

Lift off
And never tough down
Higher and higher
Into the sky

To places unknown
The mystery
The awesomeness
The wonder
Tony Anderson Sep 2020

You have no power over me
You have no strength left
You will loose

I know you think you’re in control
Trying to weaken me
Playing on all my fears and doubts

Shut the **** up
I’m tired of listening to you

You have no right treating me this way
You do not own me
You never will
So you might as well stop trying

Go ahead though and try if you want
It wont work
No matter the ploy
No matter the game plan you use
I still refuse

I said it before
I say it now


Tony Anderson Sep 2020
You stay a way from me
You have no right to do that

I though you loved me
You just wanted to play games
To tear off my clothes
To put me to shame

You blackened my eye
You cut my thigh
You made me cry

You beat me ******
You broke my bones
Then you stole from me
That which was my own

With every ******
You stole more and more
I could not fight back
You handcuffed me to a pipe in the floor

You put your snake inside me
It tore me apart
From that spot between my legs
All the way to my heart

You said if I ever spoke out
You’d come back and **** me
Then you’d **** everyone I loved

Now I lay here
Quietly sobbing
In a pool pf my own blood
Broken  and beaten

Ready to die
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
Clowns dance
Clowna tel jokes
Clowns do other silly things
All done to make us laugh
Behind the makeup
Behind the silly costume
They are real people
Real pain
Real fears
They cry
Real tears

So the next time you see a clown
Behind the makeup
They are real people
Just like you and me
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
I love you with my heart and soul
I love you with depths untold
Why do you run away
Chasing after guys who just want to play
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